John Groombridge, son of Thomas Groombridge and Alice Groombridge
c 1535
23rd Nov 1562
At St. Mary's Church in the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
Private Groombridge contribution
Speldhurst Parish Registers
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
Speldhurst Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
c 1567
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Speldhurst, Kent
IGI - Family Search
c 1627
Groombridge Documents

Paraphrase of the Will of John Grombridge

John Grombridg the testator gives " fyfftie shillings of lawful English money" to the poor of Speldhurst which is to be distributed in two phases:
1) "twenty shilling pcell thereof before the five and twenty day of march next ensueing after the Date hereof whether I shalle before departed this life or not"
2) "thirtie shillings … other one the day of my burial or within one year after my decease".

John Grombridg states that he has given by an indenture of "the ffyste day of September in the seventeenth year of our late sovereign Lord King James" [1 September 1620] " after my decease all that my capitall messuage or tenement called Ffarneham together with all houses Barnes buildings closes gardens orchards lands pastures feedinge(?) woods and underwoods unto the said messuage or tenement belonging or appertaining … in Speldhurst" as well as " all other the lands tenements and all herititaments whatsoever of me the said John Grombridg….in Speldhurst".

Stephen Godden and his wife, Mary, John Grombridg's daughter, are then responsible for executing the will.

The document goes on to state that if Stephen Godden and his wife, Mary, fail to carry out the payment of the legacies listed, the "person or persons to regain any such sums … or legacies … shall enter unto the said messuage or tenement and open the premises and take the issues and profitss thereof unto his, her and their owne". use. The same applies to the "heirs and assignes" and "the damages and costs" which "any of them shall sustaine".

So John Grombridg appoints Stephen Godden and his wife Mary, "their heirs or assignes" to execute his will from "the now dwelling howse of me the said John Grombridg called Ffarneham … in Speldhurst".

First of all John MAYNARD and Richard MAYNARD "sonnes of my sonne in law Richard Maynard deceased" are to be paid "threescore pounds of lawful English money equally to be divided betwixt them", in three phases :twenty pounds within one year of the testatorĀ“s death, another twenty within two years, and the last twenty pounds within three years of John Grombridg's decease.

Richard must first clear "all debts, duties and demande whatsoever" before he can receive his legacy. If Richard refuses to give "the seal" concerning any debts, Stephen and Mary "shall detaine and keep his the said Richards legacy….until such tyme as he shall willingly do the same."

"Item unto William Maynard and Ann Maynard children of my said son in law Richard Maynard twenty pounds of like lawful money equally to be divyded betwixt them and to be paid unto them within fower years next after my decease"

"Item unto Ann now the wife of John Ffynche twenty pounds of like lawful money within three years after my decease"

"Item unto Ann my daughter Joannas daughter now the wife of Thomas Medhurst ten pounds of like lawful money within five years next after my decease"

"Item unto John Sharpe son of my said daughter Mary fortie shillings of like lawfull money within five years next after my decease"

"Item unto Richard Medhurst and Mary Medhurst children of my daughter Ann Medhurst deceased their executors or assignes their executors or assignes thirty and five pounds of like lawful money to be paied unto them in manner and forme following That is to say eighteen pounds pcell thereof within one year next after my decease and eighteen pounds pcell thereof within three years next after my decease.

Mercy and Joane Medhurst, the remaining sisters, are also to be paid 35 pounds between them, 18 pounds within two years of the testator's death and eighteen pounds "residue" within four years.

The document states that John Grombridg gave a "bill obligatory or bond" for the sum of 30 pounds to "Ann my daughter and her late husband Reginald Medhurst….before them marryayd". This bond must be delivered to Stephen and Mary Godden to be cancelled. If this does not occur, Richard and his sister Mary are to be given only 5 pounds of the first part of their legacy, and Mercy and Joane likewise. the rest being retained by Stephen and Mary Godden.

Ann Medhurst has married Richard Wells and she is to be given 12 pounds within four years of John Grombridg's decease.

His daughter Alice and her husband Thomas Bonner should receive "ffowerscore pounds" within four years of the testator's death: 30 pounds the first year, 20 pounds the second and third years and the "residue" 10 pounds the fourth year.

Two daughters of Alice Bonner - Elizabeth and Mary- are to receive 5 pounds each within 4 years of J.G.'s decease. Elizabeth is the widow of Thomas Grombridg, and Mary's married name is Jorvine(?).

Thomas Keyley,another of J.G.'s sons-in-law is left "threescore" pounds to be paid within 3 years at 20 pounds a year.

John Relfe is married to J.G.'s daughter Dorcas and they are to receive "ffowerscore pounds" within 4 years at 20 pounds a year.

The Keyley grandchildren - Thomas, Katherine, Ann, Mercy -, and Matthew Sharpe, son of Mary Grombridge, are left twenty shillings each to be paid within 5 years.

Two "godsonnes" - John Relfe and John Bonner - are to receive "forty shillings a year of like lawful money within five years next after my decease".

Another son-in-law, John Powle, widower of J.G.'s daughter Joane, is to be paid 20 pounds in 5 years at 4 pounds a year. If John Powle should die before the money can be paid to him, it must go in equal parts to Joane's children.

Mercy, one of Joane's daughters, has married Edward Medhurst, and she is to be paid 15 pounds within 5 years.

Before Edward Medhurst can receive his wife Mercy's legacy, he must repay a loan of 18 pounds that he owes to Stephen Godden. Thomas Keyley must also pay any debts he has incurred.

The witnesses of the will are Edward Weston, Robert Saxby and Richard Curde.

The ancestral pedigree of John Groombridge
 Thomas Groombridgem: c 1530Alice 
 b: c 1510  b: c 1510 
John  Thomas  Robert Margaret Johanna Ellinor Alice Richard
b: c 1535  b: c 1545  b: c 1545 b: c 1545 b: c 1545 b: c 1545 b: c 1545 b: c 1550
   Andrew William                
   b: c 1540 b: c 1545                
Parental record
 John Groombridgem: 23rd Nov 1562 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, KentJohana Tyherst 
 b: c 1535  b: c 1540 
Ellen  Anne  Katherine  John  Mary  Mercy  Susan  Mary
b: 1563 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: Sep 1563 St. Mary's Church
d: Oct 1563 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: 8th Oct 1563 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
  b: 1565 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 17th Feb 1566 St. Mary's Church
  b: c 1567  b: 1569 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 1st Nov 1569 St. Mary's Church
  b: 1572 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: Nov 1572 St. Mary's Church
d: Before 1580
  b: 1574 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 1st Aug 1574 St. Mary's Church
  b: 1577 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 21st Apr 1577 St. Mary's Church
d: Oct 1577 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: 13th Oct 1577 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
  b: 1580 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 5th Mar 1580 St. Mary's Church
 Margaret  Joane  Alice Dorcas Elizabeth  Thomas Agnis   
 b: 1563/64 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 20th Feb 1563/64 St. Mary's Church
d: Aug 1626 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: 19th Aug 1626 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
  b: 1566 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 8th Nov 1566 St. Mary's Church
d: 1634 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: Jun 1634 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
  b: 1568 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 2nd May 1568 St. Mary's Church
 b: 1570 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 17th Dec 1570 St. Mary's Church
 b: 1573 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 31st May 1573 St. Mary's Church
d: Jun 1573 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: 3rd Jul 1573 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
  b: 1576 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 15th Jul 1576 St. Mary's Church
d: Oct 1576 Speldhurst, Kent
bur: 22nd Oct 1576 St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent
 b: 1578 Speldhurst, Kent
ch: 7th Aug 1578 St. Mary's Church
Family record

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