The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Site Content
Site Contributions
Site Notes
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Database version 14.05 - November2023
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
Corrections, additions and links in many areas
Barfoot family records from Gill Chesney-Green
Barrow/Abarough family records and wills from Geoff Barrow

Database version 14.04 - February 2023

Database version 14.04 - February 2023
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
An Index to the Places of Chiddingstone between 1200 and 1851 by Lionel Cole
Corrections, additions and links in Burwash & Hadlow areas
Wenham family records from Lynne Bliss
Rabbit family records from Gordon W Brown
An Index to the Places of Chiddingstone between 1200 and 1851 by Lionel Cole
Corrections, additions and links in Burwash & Hadlow areas
Wenham family records from Lynne Bliss
Rabbit family records from Gordon W Brown

Database version 14.03 - August 2022
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
Corrections, additions and links in Horsmonden & Goudhurst area
Chilman and Keeys family records from Chris Rickards
Hodge and Pattenden family records from Nicole Evans
Springett family records from Beverly Roth and Christine Encrenaz
McGoun family records from Philip McGoun
King family records from Mary Anne Clark

Database version 14.02 - April 2022
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
Barrow family records by Geoff Barrow
Coe, A'Downe & Latter family records and wills by Geoff Barber

Database version 14.01 - December 2021
Web site
Supported by Sussex Family History Group
Bridger family records by Simon Bridger
Fry family records by Alan Fry
Barrow family records by Geoff Barrow
Streeter family records by Perry Streeter

Database version 14.00 - September 2021

Database verion 13 07 - June 2021
Page family records by Phil Page
Leonard family records by Nicola Worrall
Latter family records by Ryan Weller
Harman family records by Fran Scanlan
Marchant family records by David Leadingham
Harman family records by William Harman

Database verion 13 06 - January 2021
Wallis family records by Elizabeth Barton
Family records by Jeff Woodhams
Couchman family records by Anne Carr
Tester family records by Don Longhurst
Rebbeck family records by Chris Jenkins
Martin and Marchant family records by James Sanderson
Hartfield family records by Martin Hartfield
Reeve family records by Gaye Reeve
Leeves family records by Carol Burman
Hallett family records by Dianne Bowles
Harman family records by Holly Harman
393,490 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books

Database verion 13 05 - 1st February 2020
Mancer and related family records by Jeff Woodhams
Paine family records by Jeff Woodmans
Upfield family records by Jeff Woodhams
Coates family records by Ross Vicars
Paine/Payne family records by Bob Fears
Parish records
Head family records
Upfield family records
Glimpses of Rural Life in Sussex during the last hundred years by Alice Catharine Day
393,326 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books

Database version 13.04 - 1st July 2019
Barrow family records by Geoff Barrow
Cogger family records by Steve Cogger
Woodhams, Cornford and Manser family records by Jeff Woodhams
Children family records by Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith
Rice family records by Stephen Rice
Pavey and Mapham family records by Steve Jenkin
Page-Mitchell records by Paul Page-Mitchell
Day family records by Rosie Ansell
Parish records
Pratt family records
Cogger family records
Hendley/Henly family records
Children family records
392,678 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 247 books

Database version 13.03 - 2nd January 2019
Barrow family records by Geoff Barrow
Barton, Shelley and Iden family records by Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith
Bourner family records by Cathy Bourner
Parish records
Barton family records
Marchant family records
Page/Paige family records
Pratt family records
Rotherfield 1839 Tithe map and apportionments
392,678 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 247 books

Database version 13.02 - 16th September 2018
Britt family records by Chris Catt
Tester family records by Don Longhurst
Parish records
Adams family records
Akehurst family records
Allcorn family records
Ashdown family records
Mann family records
Turner family records
390,905 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 247 books

Database version 13.01 - 21st May 2018
Crocker family records by John Crocker
Parish records
Bassett family records
Budgen family records
Killick family records
Tester family records
Taylor family records
Wickens family records
An Index to the People of Hever between 1735 and 1785 by Lionel Cole
391,245 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 246 books

Database version 12.04 - 10th January 2018
1911 census for Crowborough, Groombridge, Rotherfield and Withyham
Fenner family records by Paul Clarke
Bashford family records by Michael Bashford
Lovell family records from Pam Mercier
Parish records
Verrall family records
Dadswell family records
Martin family records
Dival/Duval family records
Wallis family records
382,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 246 books

Database version 12.03 - 1st September 2017
Langridge family records by Heather Greene
Newington family records by Marie Marchese
Ashby family records by Pam Heather
Boorman family records by David Boorman
Saunders family records by Roger White
Hobbs and Neve family records by Derek Prevett
Bridgeland family records by Rob Weller
Edwards family records by Davina Wilcock
Parish records
Forward parish records
Saunders parish records
The History of Crowborough War Memorial Hospital by W. H. Hill
Fowle family of Riverhall by William R. Green
379,932 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 244 books

Database version 12.02 - 4th Jan 2017
Parish records
Tasker parish records
Relf/Ralph parish records
Groombridge parish records
Miles/Mills/Millis/Myles/Mighells parish records
Skinner family records by Chris South
Willie/Willard family records by Byron Tory
Mancer/Manser/Bellingham family records by Alison Gilewski
Muggeridge family records by Pam Muggeridge
Crowhust and Matthews family records by Colin Luxford
Divall family records by Graham Crawford
379,102 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 12.01 - 6th June 2016
Hall family records by Judith Hall
Gallard family records by Zachariah King
Dadswell, Vinall and Sands family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Le May family records by A. Hedger
Parish records
Gallard parish records
Vinall parish records
Sands parish records
Mancer parish records
Mepham parish records
Sellens parish records
378,316 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 11.04 - 20th January 2016
Hollands family records by Denise Sorensen
Ribbens family records by Susan
Shoebridge family records by Julie
Latter and Pelvin family records by Winsome Griffin
Fry family records by John Constance
Parish records
Hollands parish records
Parker parish records
Sales parish records
376,323 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 11.03 - 15th October 2015
Family records by Peter Card
Coulstock and Everest family records by Leslie Sawyer
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Dadswell family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Frost family records by Michael Hubbard
Trotter family records by Brian Bouchard
376,021 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 11.02 - 1st July 2015
Baker family records by Donald Baker
Stapley family records by Cliff Venier
Sawyer(s) family records by Leslie Owen Sawyer
Edwards family records by Graham Edwards
Parish records
Mackellow/Manktellow family parish records
Coulstock family parish records
36 pictures
375,865 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 11.01 - 28th March 2015
Le May family records by Tony Le May
Callow, Miles and Wickens family records by Rosie Ansell
Wood family records by Dennis Fyfe
Pucknell family records by John Billings
Parish records
Fenner family parish records
Hall family parish records
Callow family parish records
Jarrett family parish records
Latter family parish records
Westerham Parish Registers by Lionel Cole
374,918 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,272 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 242 books

Database version 10.08 - 2nd January 2015
Barrow and Puxty family records by Jim Smith
Fry family records by Ronald Newbould
Dadswell family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Shoebridge family records by Peter Card
Simmons family records by Steve McCready
Smither family records by Eileen Blythe
Parish records
Puxty family parish records
Luck family parish records
Shoebridge family parish records
Weston family parish records
Ashby family parish records
136 pictures, photographs and postcards by Jim Smith
Westerham Wills - 1444 to 1849
373,962 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,272 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 241 books

Database version 10.07 - 1st November 2014
Ranger family records by Ronald Newbould
Streeter family records by Perry Streeter
Parish records
Jenner family parish records
Killick family parish records
Langridge family parish records
Lavender family parish records
Field and Hedgerow being the last essays of Richard Jefferies published by his widow in 1897
The Works of Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst by Reginald W. Sackville-West published in 1859
Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey by the Rev. Arthur Hussey, M.A. in 1852
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1587 to 1593
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1593 to 1607
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1616 to 1631
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1631 to 1674
Dewlands Manor Rolls - 1583 to 1711
Westerham Manor Rolls - 1428 to 1787
372,868 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 240 books

Database version 10.06 - 23rd August 2014
Web site
Significant improvement to the presentation and speed of retrieval for documents held on the Weald database
Canfield photographs and records by Tom Canfield
Streeter and Saville family records by Denis Fyfe
Plane family records by Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith
Ellis family records by David Halliday
Molineux family records by Kathleen Hillborn
Stiller and Still/Stile family records by Peter Card
Pilbeam and Peckham family records by Don Howell
Markwick family records by Ronald Newbould
Danielle's Family Tree Project
Smithers family records by Keith Vaughan
Scarbrough family records by Roy Mathieson
Parish records
Morris family parish records
Streeter family parish records
Plane family parish records
Molineux family parish records
Izzard family parish records
Jarvis family parish records
Markwick family parish records
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1444 to 1458
Court Rolls of the Manor of Rotherfield - 1557 to 1560
An Index to the People of Hever 1785-1820 by Lionel Cole
An Illustrated Guide to Crowborough by Boys Firmin published 1890
371,515 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 231 books

Database version 10.05 - 1st May 2014
1861 and 1871 Census for Mayfield
Sharpe family records by Don Lloyd and Paul Collins
Daw family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Ashby and Taylor family records by Trevor Ashby
Dadswell family records by Celia Painter
Edwards family records by Graham Edwards
Barber family records by Geoffrey Barber
Waite family records by Geoffrey Barber
Parish records
Daw family parish records
Rogers family parish records
Barber family parish records
Waite family parish records
The Parish of Benenden by Rev. Francis Haslewood published in 1889
370,382 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 227 books

Database version 10.04 - 8th March 2014
Chilman family records by Chris Rickards
Goacher family records by Kathie
Waghorn family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Fever and Towner family records by Heather Johnson
Parish records
Barrow family parish records
Bellingham family parish records
Brooker family parish records
Funnell family parish records
Turk family parish records
Fever family parish records
The Diary of Alfred Chilman (1826-1902) transcribed by Chris Rickards
370,214 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 226 books

Database version 10.03 - 3rd January 2014
Cosham, Duplock, Hartfield and Hallett family records by Gillian Purdy
Clout family records by Don Lloyd in conjunction with Kenneth Webb, Herbert Browning, Bryan Spice and Vicky Beer
Burgess and Osborne family records by Judi
Leeves family records by Gillian Purdy
Parish records
Heasman family parish records
Clout family parish records
Cornwell/Cornwall family parish records
Homewood/Holmwood family parish records
Harmer family parish records
Couchman family parish records
Leeves family parish records
Hollamby family parish records
Maskell family parish records
Hook family parish records
Battle Abbey Under 39 Kings by Lilian Boys Behrens published in 1937
363,058 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 225 books

Database version 10.02 - 8th October 2013
1861 and 1871 Census for Rotherfield and Crowborough
1861 and 1871 Census for Frant and part of Tunbridge Wells
Baker family records by Bill Carter
Ashdown family records by Geoffrey Barber
Bassett family records by Linda Gloss
Thomas Webster, R.A. records by Mick Henry
Ashdwown family records by Leonard Ashdown
Adams family records by Lynn Williams
Adams family records by June Boyce
Clarke family records by Gerry Green
Bellingham and Dadswell family records by Christina Brittain
Heasman family records by Alan Pereira
Parish records
Nash family parish records
Pattenden family parish records
Gray family records by Don Lloyd in conjunction with Kenneth Webb, Herbert Browning, Bryan Spice and Vicky Beer
Bones family parish records
Gurr family parish records
20 further pictures
A Survey of Properties in Hever 1735-1851
362,343 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,136 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 224 books

Database version 10.01 - 20th June 2013
1851Census for Chiddingly, Heathfield, Hellingly, Lamberhurst, Laughton and Warbleton
Novis family records by Trish Brading
Dadswell family records by Kathleen Hilborn
Budgen family records by Brian Budgen
Buxted manor records by Bill Attwell
Parish records
Haffenden family parish records
Kidder family parish records
Humphrey family parish records
Oxley family parish records
Ashdown family parish records
Richard Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells
355,052 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,116 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 223 books

Database version 10.00 - 8th April 2013
Web site
Maintenance review
Wickens family records by John Wickens
Baker family records by Margaret Brook
Chewter family records by Joanne Lahie
Mitchell and Mighell family records by Rachel Kerr
Grover family records by John Albert Grover
Family photographs by Tim Down
Saville family records and photographs by Dennis Fyfe
Harding, Elliot, Pilbeam and Watson family records by Pat Cox
Tydeman family records by Colin Gooch
Lavender and Vidler family records by Jerry Lavender
Eade family records by Peter Jeffery
Hobden family records by Barbie Dunlop
Parish records
Goldsmith family parish records
Harding family parish records
Pilbeam family parish records
Piper family parish records
Lavender family parish records
Vidler family parish records
Brook family parish records
Hebden and Hobden family records
Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst
Alfred F.W. Burton
18 further pictures
336,313 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,116 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 223 books

Database version 9.06 - 16th January 2013
Penfold family records by Trevor Penfold
Field family records by Tracy O'Leary
Parish records
Hallett family parish records
Harmer and Harman family parish records
Heath family parish registers
Heathfield family parish records
Hider family parish registers
Edenbridge People by Lionel Cole
Edenbridge Places by Lionel Cole
Hever People by Lionel Cole
Chiddingstone People by Lionel Cole
A History of Cranbrook by Peter Allen
335,260 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,098 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 223 books

Database version 9.05 - 1st December 2012
Wilmshurst family records by Richard Dawson
Hinton family records by Peter Hinton
Barrow, Brook, Marchant and Rogers family records by Matt Stribley
Fry and Russell family records by Susan Heys
Livesey family records by Gary Kendall
Weeks and Roser family records by Sally Durlac
Croucher and Watson family records by Robin Croucher
Cranbrook churchyard by Jane Awford
Bromley family records by Rob Goodwin
Parish records
Morphew parish records
Grover parish records
Farmer & Fermor parish records
Guy parish records
The Story of St. Mary's Church, Battle by The Very Rev. W. W. Youard, M.A., Dean and Vicar
Battel Abbey by the Rev. Edward Turner
The Chronicle of Battel Abbey from 1066 to 1176 by Mark Antony Lower
334,530 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,098 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 218 books

Database version 9.04 - 21st September 2012
Web site
Implementation of improved presentation of documents
Tournay family records by Chris King
Eldridge family records by David Taylor
Harman family records by Josslyn Harman
Roberson family records by Tony Harrison
Holmewood family records by Alan Holmewood
Parish records
Mercer parish records
9 prints of Herstmonceux castle and 14 further photographs
32 pictures of Battle
The History of the Parish of Hailsham, The Abbey of Otham and The Priory of Michelham by L.F. Salzmann
Some Account Account of Michelham Priory in Arlington by Rev. George Miles Cooper
Extended implementation of Highways & Byways in Sussex by E V Lucas
Extended listing for Kelly's 1882 Directory of Sussex
The Castle of Herstmonceux and its Lords by Edmund Venables
334,076 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,098 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 215 books

Database version 9.03 - 11th June 2012
1881 census for Arlington, Chiddingly, Hailsham, Heathfield, Hellingly, Herstmonceux, Hooe, Laughton, Ninfield, Warbleton and Wartling
Mannering family records by Barry Billington
Mitchell family records by Kerry Frost
Bayley family records by Shelagh Diplock
Harman family records by Alan Harman
Avery, Jarrett, and Sands family records by Stephen Rice
Moon family records by John Tassell
Parish records
Allcorn parish records
Burr parish records
331,993 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,043 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 214 books

Database version 9.02 - 23rd April 2012
Streeter family records by Hilary Streeter
Parris family records by David Hanlon
Andrews family records by Betty Gamble
Ashby family records by Mike Murphy
Edwards family records by Cory Zech
Parish records
Adams parish records
Akehurst parish records
Streeter parish records
John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield
Newick, Laughton and Robertsbridge pictures by Michael Gilbert
318,235 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 3,043 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 214 books

Database version 9.01 - 11th February 2012
Web site
Transfer to a new web server and uprate of web site to XHTML
Baker family records by Florian Doyle
Henry Ades' & David Wright's records
Morris family records by Brian Morris
Brooker family records by Jennifer McLintock
Westerham photographs by Roy Wolfe
Vicesimus Knox, D.D.
316,612 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 3,038 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 214 books

Database version 9.00 - 3rd December 2011
Web site
Improved cross-referencing of published pedigrees
Ashby and Lutchford records by Shirley Walsh
Pratt family records by Allan Mornement
Brooker family records by Keith Taylor
Wickenden family records by Barbara Wickenden Peterson
Clapson family records by David Gordon Brown
Profile of Spencer Baker (1879-1917) by W.D. Lovell
Rabson family records by Gillian Purdy
Callow family records by Heather Johnson
Killick and Langridge received from the family of Henry Town (1894 - 1964) of Leeds, first husband of Margaret Irene Joan Killick (1905 - 1989)
Delves family records by Susan Sschibli
Parish records
Letchford/Lutchford parish records
Leonard/Lennard parish records
Clapson parish records
Callow parish records
Delves parish records
Siegfried Sassoon
Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Kent by William Berry
Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex by William Berry
315,171 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 3,036 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 214 books

Database version 8.07 - 5th September 2011
1851 Census for Worth, Three Bridges, Crawley Down and Crawley
Barton family records by Rita Butler
Barton family records by Julie Lloyd
Sippitts family records by David Coupe
Ellis family records by Pat Ellis
Smith family records by John Elverson
Ticehurst family records by Gillian Purdy
Trodd family records by Maggie Smith
Enderby family records by Keith Dawson
Parish records
Streatfeild/Streatfield parish records
Samuel Hieronymus Grimm
Edward II Plea Rolls relating to Bayham Abbey by Rev. George Miles Cooper
Early History of Rotherield Church by J.H. Round
The Manor of Cuckfield from the 14th to the 19th Centuries by Rev. Canon J.H. Cooper
Monumental Inscriptions from the Church of Horsted Keynes by Granville Leveson Gower
Ightham Mote House and Church by J. Oldrid Scott
Note on former owners of Ightham Mote House by Rev. C.E. Woodruff
Anecdotes of the Hasted family
313,756 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 3,036 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 214 books

Database version 8.06 - 3rd July 2011
Completion of the 1891 census for Tonbridge and Hildenborough (Districts 1 to 12) and the Union Workhouse
Ashdown family records by Denise Sorensen
Sanders family records by Nicola Robinson
Sutton family records by John Elverson
Jones family records by Stephen Rice
Bryan family records by Robert Bryan
Fathers and Wheeler family records
Parish records
Wilmshurst parish records
Boyd Alexander
8 family photographs by Daniel Collard
86 engravings, paintings, drawings and photographs
Boyd Alexander's Last Journey with a Memoir by Herbert Alexander
Extracts from the Journal and Account Book of the Rev. Giles Moore by Robert Willis Blencowe
The Small Cross-legged Effigy at Horsted Keynes by Weston Styleman Walford
Historical and Architectural Notices of Mayfield Palace by Henry Rosehurst Hoare, Esq
Historical and Architectural Notices of the Iron Works of the County of Sussex by Mark Antony Lower
On the Church at Worth by W.S. Walford
The Chantry of Brambletye, and Sedition in Sussex, temp. Elizabeth, 1579 by William Durrant Cooper
The Premonstratensian Abbey of Bayham - Its Origin and History by Rev. George Miles Cooper
Bodiam and its Lords by Mark Antony Lower
Echingham Church by William Slater
Smuggling in Sussex by William Durrant Cooper
Wakehurst, Slaugham and Gravetye by W.H. Blaauw
Red Book by Humphrey Repton
Parochial Records of Horsted Parva by Mark Antony Lower
Burwash by Charles Francis Trower
Memoirs of the Gale Family by Robert Willis Blencowe
309,136 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 3,036 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 207 books

Database version 8.05 - 12th May 2011
1891 census for Tonbridge (Districts 1 to 9)
Robert Furley
Thomas Downes Wilmot Dearn
William Tarbutt
An Historical, Topographical and Descriptive Account of the Weald of Kent published in 1814
295,277 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,944 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 191 books

Database version 8.04 - 7th February 2011
Fermor family records by Peter Drogan
Delves family records by Susan Schibli
Alcorn family records by Stephen & Marilyn St Clair
Ashdown family records by Leann Carroll
Alfred Romary
William Lambarde
53 additional images
A Perambulation of Kent conteining the Description, Hystorie and Customes of that Shire, written in the Year 1570 by William Lambarde and published in 1826
A History of The Weald of Kent with an outline of the Early History of the County, Volume I., by Robert Furley and published in 1871
A History of The Weald of Kent with an outline of the Early History of the County, Volume II., by Robert Furley and published in 1874
295,277 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,944 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 190 books

Database version 8.03 - 5th December 2010
Hoath family records by Derrick Hoath
Photograph of Booker & Filtness Grocers in Crowborough by Daniel Filtness
Langridge family records by Dean Langridge
Chapman, Golding, Gurr and Kingsland by Keith Ord
Budgen family records by Carol Bridgland
Jackson family records by Judy Valentine
Fry family records by Caroline Fry
Haffenden family records by Gillian Purdy
Wickenden family records by Susan Schibli
Family records by David Mcleod
Card family records by Peter Card
118 additional images
294,627 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,891 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 187 books

Database version 8.02 - 4th August 2010
Web site
Major upgrade to the Documents section of the web site
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Brooker family records by Phillipa Brooker
Edwards family records by Jennifer Edwards
Hartfield family records by Gillian Purdy
Burgess family records by Gary Burgess
Grove family records by John Grove
Wheatley family records by James Whealey
Coomber family records by Alan Clarke
Histed family records by Tom Vanderhoof
Atherall family records by Peter Underwood
Ellis family records by Keith Powell
Field family records by Judy Valentine
Turner family records by Kathleen Allen
Parish records
Golding/Golden & Ellis parish records
294,820 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,773 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 187 books

Database version 8.01 - 22nd June 2010
Smith family records by Jenny Vince
Shaw family records by Brian Jasper
Kingswood family records by Tim Smeaton
Osborn family records by Dene Gill
Robert Righton Gream by Suzannah Foad
Watson family records by Gordon Watson
Jewhurst and Brooker family records by Clive O'Hennessy
Fieldwick family records by Jill Vincent
Ashby family records by Shirley Walsh
Farrant family records by Rita How
Neave & Hook family records
Goldsmith family records by Susan Leng
Birch family records by Linda Brown
Fell family records by George Thompson
Denman family records by Nora McGee
Trill family records by Deborah Rendall
Ashdown, Holland and White family records by Denise Sorensen
Bridgland family records by Carol Bridgland
Smith and Allen family records by Matt Ball
Budgen family records by David Warncken
Burfoot family records by Arthur Turk
Oliver family records by Barry Oliver
Rev. Charles Nassau Sutton, Rector of Withyham
Historical Notes of Withyham, Hartfield and Ashdown Forest together with the History of the Sackville Family by Rev. C.N. Sutton published in 1902
Extracts from the Maidstone Journal by Lionel Cole
294,241 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,773 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 187 books

Database version 8.00 - 3rd March 2010
1891 census for East Grinstead
Fry family records by Alan Fry
Fry family records by Reg Fry
Skinner family records by Lin Farnes
Wickens family records by John Wickens
Gray/Grey family records by K. Webb/Henry Hawkhurst
Harvey family records by Lauri DeSantis Sages
Hooper family records by Elizabeth Bridges
Parish records
Jeffery Parish records
Gray Parish records
Shaw Parish records
Alexander Dence
Arthur Gray
Simon Lynche
44 early photographs including a Kidd's Hill Photograph by Joyce Flower
Schools Inquiry Commission - Vol XI South East Division published in 1868
An Historical Account of Dence's School & Schoolmasters by William Tarbutt published in 1865
The Great Rebellion in Kent of 1381 by W.E. Flaherty published in 1860
Sequel to the Great Rebellion in Kent by W.E. Flaherty published in 1861
The Church of St. Laurence, Hawkhurst by The Rev. H.A. Jeffreys published in 1874
Some Timber-framed Houses in the Kentish Weald by H.S. Cowper, F.S.A. in 1911
Early History of Cranbrook School by Leland L. Duncan published in 1923
292,069 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,773 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 186 books

Database version 7.06 - 2nd January 2010
Bromley family records by Garry Dodds
Richardson family records by Teresa Hull
Baker and Humphrey family records by Terry Humphrey
Miller family records by Rosalind Vere
Highlands family records by David Ward
Bonner and Fisher family records by Barry Fisher
Seal and Greenaway family records by Barbara Old
Quittenden family records by James Quittenden
Wadhurst photographs by Brian and Cynthia Bell
Hobbs family records by Nicholas Edward Hobbs
Parish records
Le May family records
Frederick Daniel Hardy - Cranbrook Colony
George Hardy - Cranbrook Colony
Alexander Edwin Mulready - Cranbrook Colony
John Callcott Horsley - Cranbrook Colony
Thomas Webster - Cranbrook Colony
George Bernard O'Neill - Cranbrook Colony
Sir John Baker of Sissinghurst
Rudyard Kipling
15 early engravings
119 paintings and etchings by the Cranbrook Colony artists
29 photographs of Cranbrook
The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent - Volume VII by Edward Hasted published in 1798
Descriptive Sketches of Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley Estate by John Britton published in 1832
How the 19th c. Cranbrook Colony were influenced in style and subject matter by the 17th c. Dutch Genre Masters by Hamish Lemmens published in 1995
A Glimpse at Cranbrook by W. Stanley Martin published in 1896
Notes on the Life of Sir John Baker of Sissinghurst by Rev. F.V. Baker published in 1926
286,658 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,729 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 179 books

Database version 7.05 - 22nd October 2009
Larnach family records by Bronwen Field-Ramey
Baldwin family records by Gillian Wright (nee Baldwin)
Clark family records by Maureen Hague
Ashby family records by Shirley Walsh
Claude Buchanan Tugwell by Angela O'Sullivan
Corke family records by Patrick Wallace
Piper family records by Laurie Piper
Pring family records by Pauline Dix
1881 census for Cranbrook, Goudhurst, Hawkhurst and Lamberhurst
8 pictures contributed by Bill Chewter
Printed Maps of Sussex, 1575-1900, by D. Kingsley
Highways and Byways in Kent published in 1914
281,063 people; 8,500 places; 613 maps; 2,566 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 175 books

Database version 7.04 - 11th August 2009
Novis family records by Catherine James
Boarer family records by Helen Smith
Rumens family records by David Rumens
Tugwell family records by Angela O'Sullivan
Tester family records by Susan Savoie
Hallett family records by Claire Sidney Wilmot
Tulett family records by Christopher J. Wakeling
Parish records
Wigmore parish records
William Hallett, Mayor of Brighton
288,251 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,566 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 173 books

Database version 7.03 - 9th June 2009
Web site
New web site server
Hoadley family records by Yvonne Postles
Chewter family records by Bill Chewter
Cole family records by Lionel Cole
Chesson family records by Arthur Turk
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Everest and Payne family records by David Everest
Joy family records by Michael Coulson
Noakes and Vigor family records by Martin Noakes
Fenner and Cox family records by Margaret Hudson
Brooker and Turness family records by Dave Lobb
Rumens family records by David John Rumens
Parish records
Chesson parish records
Hoadley parish records
Rummens parish records
Piddlesden parish records
Vigor parish records
5 further pictures
The Tunbridge Wells Guide by J. Sprange published in 1797
Sussex Martyrs by Mark Anthony Lower published in 1851
The Sidneys of Penshurst by Philip Sidney published in 1901
Edenbridge Parish Registers transcribed by Lionel Cole
287,066 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,566 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 173 books

Database version 7.02 - 14th April 2009
Weller family records by Brad Card
Austen family records by Ronald Dunning
Lt Comm George James Pacey by Hans Houterman
Jeffery, Moon and Barnes family records by Allen Barnes
Minnie Louise Haskins by John Hackworth
Doust family records by Jane Dover
Framfield Parish records by Martyn Gore
Upgrade to Jim Akhurst's records
Lidlow, DeLacey and Billington records by Barry Billington
Still family records by Arthur Turk
Weston family records by John Kenton-Page
Parish records
Weller parish records
Minnie Louise Haskins
Sir Andrew Judde
108 further pictures
Proceedings in the County of Kent, 1642-1646 by Richard Almack published in 1854
The History of Tonbridge School by Septimus Rivington published in 1869
The Register of Tonbridge School from 1820 to 1886 by W. O. Hughes-Hughes published in 1886
285,190 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,561 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 169 books

Database version 7.01 - 11th March 2009
Brooker family records by Kathleen Brooker Wagner
Lewry family records by Denise Lewry
Martin family records by Bob Martin
Harding family records by Jane Joslin
Groves family records by Linda
Fielder family records by Brian Jasper
Apps family records by Brian Dobson
Weeks family records by Marcus Weekes
Woodhams family records by David Bell
Bolton family records by Malcolm Bolton
Parish records
Newington family parish records
Vine parish records
Harding parish records
Weeks family records
Charles Newington
11 postcards and photographs of Westerham contributed by George P. Brown
63 further pictures
Ticehurst - The Story of a Sussex Parish by Leonard J. Hodson and Julia A. Odell (1925)
Old Sevenoaks by Frank Richards (1901)
280,472 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,453 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 166 books

Database version 6.17 - 2nd January 2009
Tester family records by Yvonne Postles
Piper family records by Laurie Piper
Akhurst family records by Jim Akhurst
Frant burial records by Shirley Walsh
Morgan family records by Peter Jones
Pannell family records by Neil Poole
Durrant family records by Marillyn Koops
Ware/Weare family records by Lesley Yates
Parish records
Baldwin parish records
Moon parish records
280,644 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,155 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 164 books

Database version 6.16 - 22nd November 2008
Latter family records by Shirley Walsh
Hall family records by Yvonne Postles
Fry family records by Alan Fry
Woodhams family records by John Hastings-Garrett
Beeching family records by Jack Beeching
Eastwood and Gray family records by Ken Webb
Crowhurst family records by Ray Dean
Divall family records by John Divall
Springett family records by Paul Springett
Pocknell family records by Elaine Russell
Relf family records by Colin Relf
Bates family records by Jeff Hazeltine
1841 Ticehurst Census
1851 Ticehurst Census
1881 Ticehurst Census
1891 Ticehurst Census
277,581 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,155 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 164 books

Database version 6.15 - 22nd October 2008
Latter family records by Shirley Walsh
Brooker family records by June P. Tye
Huggett family records by Diane Lyng
Simmons family records by Peter Godwin
Obbard family records by Davina Wilcock
Martin family records by Maureen Cullinane
Miles family records by Deborah Lorraine Ashcroft
Snatt family records by Michael Snatt
Eade family records by Chris Eade
Card family records by Sue Schofield
Bridger and Collins family records by Simon Bridger
Austin family records by Christine McOwen
Price family records by Bradley Philip Price
Brooker family records by Kathleen Brooker Wagner
Parish records
Mepham parish records
Eade parish records
1891 Hartfield Census
1891 Cowden Census
75 further photographs, engravings and pictures
St Peter's Church, Hever by Dennis Foster (Rector 1945-57)
Cowden - The Records of a Wealden Parish by Guy Ewing
265,879 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,155 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 164 books

Database version 6.14 - 1st September 2008
Web site
Property database realignment
Family records of Jeff Hazeltine
Family records of Jim Akhurst
Pett family records by Elizabeth Arkell
Baldwin family records by Paul Baldwin
Bassett and Tuppenney family records by John Roberts
Field family records by Jill Wilby
Pannell and Baker family records by Sonya Hart
Budgen family records by Malcolm Myers
Smith and Cleary family records by Alfonso Smith
Taylor family records by Jenni Marchant
Cornford family records by Sandra Cornford
Ashby family records by Peggy Ashby
Wickham family records by Jane Overthrow
Osborn family records by Dene Gill
Parish records
Pett parish records
263,194 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,080 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 162 books

Database version 6.13 - 15th July 2008
Mepham, Quickenden and Steer family records by Jeff Hazeltine
Groombridge family records by Elizabeth Burton
Lushington family records
Stacey family records by Linda Stacey
Muddle and Gorringe records by Carolyn Sullivan
Lulham family records by Carol Shepherd
Hilder family records by Ted Hilder
Parish records
Lulham parish records
Sackville records updated from Charles J. Phillips' History of the Sackville Family
1891 Withyham Census
112 further photographs, engravings and pictures
The Crowborough Warren Estate by Pamela Combes
256,693 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 2,080 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 162 books

Database version 6.12 - 11th June 2008
Web site
Performance and maintenance improvements
Beaney and Parsons family records by Gillian Sanderson
Roberts and Pentecost family records by Peter & Alison Day
Corke family records by Pamela Corke
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Goldsmith family records by Carol Davies
Fry family records by Nina Teeder
Goodwin family records by Rosie James
Taylor, Arkcoll and Moon records by Yvonne Postles
Springett and Bromley family records by Thomas Cooker
Orchard family records by John Orchard
Crawford family records by a private contributor
Nutley pictures by Charlie Stevenson
Hilder family records by Charles Cruttenden
Harman records by Hannah Brown
Kirby family records by Julie Gange
Florence Emily Carlyle by Linda Sherlock
Fairbrother family records by Stephanie Fairbrother
Parish records
Bromley/Brumley, Crouch, Hilder, Relf and Weston parish records
253,901 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,968 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 161 books

Database version 6.11 - 10th April 2008
Groombridge, Pollington and Russell family records by David Taylor
Gloag family records by Laura Gloag
Colls family records by Ian (Benjamin) Colls
Saxby family records by Brian Jones
Page Mitchell family records by Paul Page-Mitchell
Ashdown family records by Graham Wilmshurst
Eastman family records by Ken Webb
Gander, Roberts, Pentecost and Day family records by Peter & Alison Day
Faulkner and Delves family records by G. A. Peacock
Parish records
Pollington parish records
Twiner parish records
Weeding parish records
Eastwood parish records
The 1841, 1851, 1881 and 1891 Census records for Burwash
Louisa Martindale
253,144 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,968 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 161 books

Database version 6.10 - 3rd March 2008
Akhurst family records by Jim Akhurst
Child family records by Roy Baker
Jarvis family records by Ian McNeil
Allcorn and Hayward family records by John Coppen
Turk family and Sandals records by Arthur Turk
Murton family records by Clare Murton
Fry family records by Eleanor Anderson
Harman family records by Jo-An Partridge
Brooman family records by David Hoare
Ball family records by Michael Ellis
Spittal family records by Doreen McIsaac
Field family records by Si Todd
Luck family records by Alastair Lees
Goodhugh family records by Catherine
Parish records
Turk Parish Records
Spittal/Spittle Parish Records
The continuation of the implementation of the 1891 Census
Hever, Kent
Buxted, Sussex
Brenchley, Its Church and Ancient Houses by J. F. Wadmore in 1880
Rev. John Philip Gell
Vita Sackville-West
Field Marshall Jeffrey Amherst
244,774 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,968 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 161 books

Database version 6.09 - 3rd January 2008
Combridge family records by Alan Boswell
Groombridge records by Elizabeth Bridges
Fry family records by Alan Fry
Smith family records by Samantha Crump
Mardel family records by Jill Whiteford
Parish records
Combridge Parish Records
The continuation of the implementation of the 1891 Census
Edenbridge, Kent
80 further photographs, engravings and pictures
A History of Lingfield
Tunbridge Toys by William Makepeace Thackeray
Clifford's Guide of Tunbridge Wells
William Makepeace Thackeray
252,171 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,968 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 160 books

Database version 6.08 - 1st December 2007
Alderson family records by Lou Woods
Rebbeck records by Elizabeth Bridges
Groombridge family records by Mary Hubbert
Cornwell family records by Gerald Cornwell
Austin family records by Sue Stewart
Hunnisett family records by Mary Jenner
Duplock and Goldsmith family records by Carol Davies
Robinson family records by Valerie Morse
English, Knight and Mugridge family records by Roy Boydell
Allcorn family records by John Coppen
Parish records
Rebbeck Parish Records
4 further photographs, engravings and pictures
Society at Tunbridge Wells in the 18th century by Lewis Melville
Brenchley, East Peckham, Horsmonden, Hunton, Ightham, Lamberhurst, Mereworth, Nettlested, Shipborne, Stansted, Teston, Watringbury, West Farleigh, West Peckham, Wrotham and Yalding from Hasted's History of Kent Vol V
Kelly's Directory of 1882 for Kent
249,486 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,888 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 157 books

Database version 6.07 - 1st November 2007
Chewter family records by Brian Chewter
Wheatley and Joyes family records by Roy Boydell & John Joyes
Groombridge and other family records by Mary Hubbert and Elzabeth Bridges
Streeter family records by Elizabeth Bridges
Burgess and Fry records at Frant by Elizabeth Bridges
Wadhurst parish records by Elizabeth Bridges
Catt and Wickens family records by Mary Hubbert
Waldron Parish Records and Bishops Transcripts by Sue Wheeler and Carole Smith
Thomas and Pucknell family records by Gloria Browne
Fry family records by Alan Fry
Wernham family records by Christine Crosby
Ovenden family records by Janine Jackson
Turk family records by Arthur Turk
Parish records
Austen Parish Records
Warehorne, Kent 1841 Census contributed by Sharon Fuller
Jane Austen - novelist
248,909 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,884 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 155 books

Database version 6.06 - 3rd October 2007
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Jarvis family records by Dawn Sel
Woodhams family records by Angel
Mighall family records by Ian Rooke
Gurr family records by Rick Gurr
Pollard family records by Georgina Jacobs
Baitup, Harman, Parker, Butler and other records by Stephen Baitup
Corke and May family records by Colin Ward
James and Decimus Burton by The Hastings Museum
Cronk family records by Geoffrey Frogley
Tonbridge Parish records by Elizabeth Bridges
Parish records
Budgen Parish Records
106 further photographs, engravings and pictures
Richard Budgen - cartographer
246,836 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,884 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 155 books

Database version 6.05 - 5th September 2007
Wadhurst and Frant Parish records by Elizabeth Bridges
Jarvis family records by Dawn Sell
Roser family records by Sandra
Woodhams family records by Brian Bradley
Gumbrell family records by Tracy Scott
Pacham and Markwick family records by Ian Richardson
Box family records by Mrs J. Cosham
Doust and Batchelor family records by Pam Rowden
Rule/Ruewell family records by Lesley Turner
Munnings family records by Josh Munnings
Wheatley family records by Beryl Offley
Groombridge family records by Mary Hubbert
Mighall family records by Ian Rooke
Parish records
Wheatley Parish Records
Doust Parish Records
161 further photographs, engravings and pictures
The continuation of the implementation of the 1891 Census
Mayfield, Sussex
Lieutenant-Colonel John By - Military engineer and builder of the Rideau Canal
245,323 people; 8,395 places; 613 maps; 1,778 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 155 books

Database version 6.04 - 22nd July 2007
Hook records by Alan Jessup
Sales records by Chris and Kathy Wallwork
Dicker records by John Dicker
Harbrow/Harborough family records by Allen Harbrow
7000 Akehurst family records by Jim Akhurst
Groombridge family records and Wills by Elizabeth Bridges
Wadhurst and Mayfield Parish records by Elizabeth Bridges
Grover family records by Christine Bianco
C.B. Fry by Val Dunphy
Edwards family records by Jack Beeching
Smith family records by Mick Reed
Capon family records by Nick Capon
Langridge family records by Jill Evans
Bridger family records by Colin Daniels
Allcorn and Gabriel family records by Don Smith
Oliver family records by Malcolm Hemingway
Woodhams family records by Brian Bradley
Gumbrell and Woodhams family records by Tracy Scott
The commencement of the implementation of the 1891 Census
Rotherfield and Crowborough, Sussex
Westerham, Kent
The Mystery of Edward Realf by Sheila Smith
Richard Realf - Poet, Orator, Journalist, Workman by Sheila Smith
Colbran's New Guide for Tunbridge Wells published in 1840
Decimus Burton - architect
Charles Burgess Fry - cricketer
241,364 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,617 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 155 books

Database version 6.03 - 28th May 2007
Langridge and Borer records by Jill Weeks
Dibley records by Sandra Dibley
Sales records by Simon Todd
Major General Matthew Charles Dixon by Jeanette Grant
Oram records by Carole Jackson
Parks records by Julia McElhinney
Woodhams records by Samantha Marshall
Piper records by John Piper
Lee records by Carole Jackson
Stevens records by Don Smith
Bailey and Towner records by Tessa Towner
Burnham records by Anne-Louise Halliday
Peacock records by Jane MacKinven
Hook records by Gwen Martin
Dadswell records by Myra Nicholls
Watson records by Gordon Watson
Parish records
Dibley Parish Records
Piper Parish Records
Images of Castles in Kent by Andrew Rowland
225,689 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,617 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 152 books

Database version 6.02 - 19th April 2007
Web site
New Database search capability
Brooker records by Phillipa Brooker
Card family records by Susan Winch
Morley family records by Diane Lyng
Baker family records by Jill Weeks
The Erskines of Swithland by Canon Horton
Simmons family records by Alan Daly
Avery family records by Dominic Avery
Watson family records by Paul Watson
12,000 family records by Alun Rees
Homewood records by David Homewood
The Life and Times of Benjamin Slight (1800-1889) by Keith Bulley
The History of Tunbridge Wells by Thomas Benge Burr published in 1766
Completion of Pelton's Illustrated Guide to Tunbridge Wells published in 1883
224,230 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,617 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 151 books

Database version 6.01 - 6th March 2007
Brooker, Dumsday, Knight and Saxby records by Roy Boydell
Killick records by Dorothy Witherspoon
Scott and Denyer resords by Angela Di Santo
Bryant and Sargent records by Tom Freitas
Spencer records by Tim Spencer
Heasman records by Ned Heasman
Frant and Speldhurst parish records by Elizabeth Bridges
Tyler family records by Alwynne Mackie
Roney records by Penny Akers
Reed and Robinson records by Gloria Rees
Peacock family records by Jan MacKinven
Bishop family records by Mike Bishop
Duplock and Mitchell records by Judith Mitchell
Brooker records by Lindsey Dedden
Holder and Wheatley records by Diane Lyng
Allcorn and Pratt family records by Jim Weatherall
Starr family records by Eira Makepeace
Richard Realf records by Sheila Smith
Parish records
Hoath Parish Records
Stapley Parish Records
193 further photographs, engravings and pictures
Old Cottages and Farmhouses in Kent and Sussex by W. Galsworthy Davie and E. Guy Dawber and published in 1900
211,194 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,617 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 149 books

Database version 5.06 - 18th January 2007
Web site
Major software upgrade of the database combined with a software release
Hobbs family records by Colin Hobbs
Parish records
Killick and Hobbs Parish Records
Notes and Recollections of Alterations and Changes in Hartfield since my Childhood by George Jenner in c 1870 - provided by Mary Jenner
208,947 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,424 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 148 books

Database version 5.05 - 3rd January 2007
Cooper, Wren and Betchley family records by Diane Lyng
Scott family records by Angela Di Santo
Everest and Payne family records by David Everest
Groombridge, Woody and other family records by Elizabeth Bridges
Hardwick and Tanner records by Diane Cole
Killick records by Madeleine Bing
Bish and Ralph records by Sharon Redmond
Ewins/Uwins/Packham records by Susan Freestone
Parish records
Field, Field-Buss, Hardwick, Heasman, Killick, Leveson-Gower, Spencer and Tanner Parish Records
Ancient Parochial Account Book of Cowden by Rev Edward Turner
Cowden Church by J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A. & Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
The Rectory of Cowden by Leland L. Duncan
Edenbridge Church by J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A. & Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
Notes on Three Ancient Houses in the Parish of Cowden by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
Notes on Edenbridge by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
Inventory of Church Goods at Edenbridge by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
Churchwardens' Accounts, Edenbridge by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
Extracts from the Parish Registers of Edenbridge by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A.
William Groombridge - artist
Stephen Groombridge - astronomer
Letitia Byrne - engraver
Wilfrid Ball - painter
Granville Leveson-Gower - antiquarian
208,429 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,424 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 147 books

Database version 5.04 - 22nd November 2006
Mighall family records by John Crossman
Taylor family records by Margaret Toms
Wood, Wenham, Simmonds, Dunk and Elliot family records by Judy Venables
Page family records by Shirley Lucas
Welfare family records by Barbara Halsell
Groombridge family records by Elizabeth Bridges
Tribe family records by Judy Tribe
Adams family records by Karen de Silva
Parish records
Pocknel Parish Records
Killick Parish Records
The addition of 71 further pictures
Tunbridge Wells and its Neighbourhood by Paul Amsinck and engraved by Letitia Byrne; published in 1810
205,992 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,422 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 138 books

Database version 5.03 - 18th October 2006
Rev Thomas Frederick Rudston Read by John Kirk
Hooker family records by Jane & Arthur Saunders
Avery family records by Flora Rookes
Balcomb family records by Richard Ashby
Ashby family records by Shirley Walsh
Hooker family records by Eric Sheather
Ingerfield family records by John Eastwood
Divall and Robinson family records by Phil Robinson
Miles family records by Lee Miles
Groombridge family records by Judy Venables
Brooker family records by Lindsey Dedden
Hall family records by Judy Hall
Jenner family records by Diane Lyng
Gurr and Ridley family records by R.S. Gurr
Parish records
Hooker Parish Records
Quittenden/Quickenden Parish Records
Ridley Parish Records
205,398 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,351 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 137 books

Database version 5.02 - 4th September 2006
Frant registers by Elizabeth Bridges
Taylor family records by Mark Taylor
Rogers family records by Lisa de Garston
Parish records
Goreham Parish Records
Beeching Parish Records
Baker Parish Records
Card Parish Records
Curd Parish Records
Groombridge Parish Records
Rogers Parish Records
The addition of 208 further pictures
Country Houses of Kent by Arthur Oswald published in 1933
The Manor of Duddleswell by Colin J. Hobbs published in 2004

Database version 5.01 - 11th July 2006
Completion of the incorporation of the 1841 Census data for Mayfield and Frant into the main web site database
Denman family records by Anne Mingay
Peckham family records by Barrie Peckham
Withyham registers by Elizabeth Bridges
Fry family records by Deborah Neilson
Avery family records by David Hill
Akehurst family records by Jenny McKechnie
Avis and Mockford family records by John Gambrill
Hemsley family records by Derek Cooper
Pitchford family records by Rod Wise
Parish records
Wenham Parish Records
Gabriel Parish Records
The addition of 81 further pictures
The Tonbridge of Yesterday by Arthur H. Neve published in 1933
201,262 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,351 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 137 books

Database version 5.00 - 2nd June 2006
Web site
Major software upgrade of the database combined with a software release

Database version 4.03 - 9th May 2006
Family and other records from Jean Aldridge, Barry Andrews, Steve Bicknell, Elizabeth Bridges, Brad Card, John Commins, Anji Cushman, Simon Harriyott, Suzanne Edwards, David Everest, Judy Hall, Jon Johnson, Diane Lyng, Colene Munro, Elizabeth Sands, Patricia Simpson and Barbara Tucker
Parish records
Cushman Parish Records
202,836 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,270 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 136 books

Database version 4.02 - 14th April 2006
Family and other records from Ivy Stead, Brad Card and Judy Hall
Parish records
Histed and Hudson Parish Records plus major additions to Boarer and Crittal Parish Records
201,841 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,270 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 136 books

Database version 4.00 - 9th January 2006
Implementation of towns and villages across the Weald of Kent including Edenbridge, Hever, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Westerham
The addition of 126 further pictures
Hasted's History of Kent (Volumes 3 and 5) as applicable to the Weald of Kent published in 1797 and 1798
Somers-Cocks' Edenbridge published in 1912
Rooker's Church of St Nicholas, Sevenoaks published in 1910
Eastman's Historic Hever published in 1905
192,744 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,270 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 121 books

Database version 3.11 - 12th December 2005
Web site
System maintenance release
191,769 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,144 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 117 books

Database version 3.10 - 18th November 2005
Family records from David Everest and Brian Carpenter
Parish records
Implementation of the Everest pedigree
191,769 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,144 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 117 books

Database version 3.09 - 1st Novemver 2005
Family records from Elaine Russell and Elizabeth Bridges
Kent records
The implementation of 1881 Census records for Tonbridge, Hildenborough, Hadlow, Tudeley and Capel
191,016 people; 7,375 places; 613 maps; 1,144 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 117 books

Database versiom 3.08 - 5th October 2005
Family records from Susan Davis, John Piper, Fred Harman, Gill Watkins and Elizabeth Bridges
Kent records
The implementation of 1881 Census records for Sevenoaks, Westerham, Sundridge, Otford, Halsted, Chevening and Brasted
The addition of a further 80 pictures
Hever Castle and Queen Anne Boleyn published 1833
138,317 people; 4,718 places; 613 maps; 1,144 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 117 books

Database version 3.07 - 26th August 2005
Ashby and other family records by Judith Parr
Walters family records by Fred Harman
Kent records
The first implementation of records for Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Ightham, Penshurst and Speldhurst
The addition of a further 153 pictures
The completion of the integration of the 1841 Census for Buxted, East Hoathly, Framfield, Isfield, Uckfield and Waldron.
120,575 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 1,064 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 116 books

Database version 3.06 - 26th July 2005
The inclusion of the painter Florence Emily Carlyle as taken from "Against All Odds" by Joan Murray who has kindly agreed to let her work on Carlyle to be incorporated into the site
Catt family records by Tony Cairns
Humphrey family records by Margaret Ward
Humphrey and Welfare family records by Lesley Buswell
The History of the Waldron Workhouse and Grove Cottages by Michael and Margaret Wilson
Pullinger family records by Alison Elliott
Parish records
Catt and Humphrey parish records added
The addition of the 1841 Census for Buxted, East Hoathly, Framfield, Isfield, Uckfield and Waldron. This is the first implementation of these records which will be cross referred with the rest of the database over the next two months
121,514 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 911 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 116 books

Database version 3.05 - 1st June 2005
The implementation of William Augustus Raper's 5 notebooks produced in the 1870s as part of the Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882.
This contribution has been made by Professor Brian Short whose book on this subject - The Ashdown Forest Dispute - was produced by The Sussex Record Society in 1997.
Addition of 39 further photographs, paintings and engravings.
113,586 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 911 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 116 books

Database version 3.04 - 10th May 2005
The final implementation of the 1841 Census for Crowborough, East Grinstead, Fletching, Forest Row, Hartfield, Rotherfield and Withyham and the incorporation into the database of records has been completed.
1881 census data has been represented in a version more directly related to the original.
Parish records
Luck, Noakes and Wickens parish records added
Killick and Wickens records by Elizabeth Bridges
Turner records by Melanie Beard
Luck and Noakes records by Richard Patterson
112,720 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 872 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 111 books

Database version 3.03 -21st April 2005
The implementation of the 1841 Census for Crowborough, East Grinstead, Fletching, Forest Row, Hartfield, Rotherfield and Withyham into the database of records.  The second phase of merging of these records with those from other Census data and Parish records has been completed and will be completed over the next few weeks.
Parish records
Price and Killick parish records added
Articles from:
  • The Mirror from 1827 on Brambletye House
  • The Mirror from 1828 on Tunbridge Wells
  • The Lost Mills of East Grinstead
  • Tunbridglographia
  • East Grinstead's Architecture

Addition of 117 further photographs, paintings and engravings
113,473 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 872 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 111 books

Database version 3.02 - 31st March 2005
The implementation of the 1841 Census for Crowborough, East Grinstead, Fletching, Forest Row, Hartfield, Rotherfield and Withyham into the database of records.  The first phase of merging of these records with those from other Census data and Parish records has been completed and will be continued over the next few weeks.
Parish records
Miles parish records added
Miles family records by Joy Chittenden
114,479 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 755 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 108 books

Database version 3.01 - 23rd March 2005
The implementation of the first phase of incorporating the 1841 Census. This version sees the addition of Crowborough, East Grinstead, Fletching, Forest Row, Hartfield, Rotherfield and Withyham to the database of records. The merging of these records with those from other Census data and Parish records will be implemented over the next few weeks.
Further census data for the rest of the Parishes will also be added month by month
114,298 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 755 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 108 books

Database version 3.00 - 7th March 2005
Sandel/Sendal and other related family records by Celia Strachan
Fry family records by Celia de Caen
Completion of major maintenance of all surnames with much improved cross referencing
Parish records
Sandel/Sendel records added
The addition of 70 further pictures, photographs and engravings
e-mail address
Change of e-mail address to
107,294 people; 4,220 places; 613 maps; 755 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 108 books

Contents of the Weald Database Version 1.0 to 1.22
Contents of the Weald Database Version 2.0 to 2.12

The Weald is at  Database version 14.05 which has ongoing updates to the 395,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books loaded in the previous version

British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

of the