James Bridger, son of John Bridger and Mary Bridger [Burges]
In the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
25th Apr 1740
At St. Denys Church in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
4th Apr 1744
James Bridger, having survived his grandfather, died at a very early age a bachelor and intestate whereupon his hereditaments [Moses otherwise Bassetts] descended and came to his 2 sisters Mary Bridger and Martha Turk And upon the decease of Mary Bridger her half part descended and came to her only surviving son Edward Paige. And Martha Turk in her last will and testament dated 14th October 1809 and proved at Lewes 27th January 1812 did give and devise her half part of [Moses otherwise Bassetts] unto her nephew Edward Paige
14th Apr 1744
Pullein's Rotherfield
Extract from James Burges Will:
"To my grandson James Bridger, son of my daughter Mary, wife of John Bridger, that messuage, barn and lands called Moses otherwise Bassetts containing by estimation twenty six acres in Rotherfield now in occupation of William Page, except the field called Adams for ever. And if he die then to my granddaughter Mary Bridger her heirs and assigns for ever ...
Proved 1744.

The ancestral pedigree of James Bridger
 John Bridgerm: 27th Nov 1735 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, SussexMary Burges 
 b: c 1715  b: 1707 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 20th Jun 1707 St. Denys Church
 Mary John James Mary Jane Martha
 b: 1736 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 24th Jul 1736 St. Denys Church
d: 20th May 1747 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: After 20th May 1747 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1737 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 24th Feb 1737 St. Denys Church
d: 18th May 1747 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: After 18th May 1747 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1740 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 25th Apr 1740 St. Denys Church
 b: 1746 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 29th Aug 1746 St. Denys Church
 b: 1751 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 25th Jun 1751 St. Denys Church
d: 2nd Nov 1811 Rotherfield, Sussex
Parental record

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