Jenny Lulham, daughter of John Lullum and Elizabeth Lullum [Brook]
6th Jun 1784
In the Parish of Falmer, Sussex
IGI - Family Search
27th Jun 1784
In the Parish of Falmer, Sussex
IGI - Family Search

The ancestral pedigree of Jenny Lulham
 John Lullumm: 17th Jul 1766 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, SussexElizabeth Brook 
 b: c 1745  b: c 1745 
Thomas  Ann  Fanny John James Mary Ann Jenny Isaac
b: c Sep 1766 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 19th Oct 1766
  b: 1771 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 7th Apr 1771
  b: 1776 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 29th Dec 1776
 b: 1778 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 6th Dec 1778
 b: 9th Aug 1780 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 10th Sep 1780
 b: 8th Jun 1782 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 7th Jul 1782
 b: 6th Jun 1784 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 27th Jun 1784
 b: 10th May 1786 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 28th May 1786
 Benjamin Francis      
 b: 1769 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 29th Jan 1769
 b: 1773 Falmer, Sussex
ch: 11th Jul 1773
Parental record

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