James Latter, son of Edward Latter, miller of Pepper Mill, Lamberhurst and Mary Latter [Botten]
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
7th Sep 1706
At St. Alban's Church in the Parish of Frant, Sussex; son of Edward Latter and Mary Latter
Frant Parish Registers
3rd Jun 1729
At St. Alban's Church in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Marriage Registers
21st Apr 1749
In the Parish of Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex; aged 43 years
Shirley Walsh's research
after 21st Apr 1749
At St Mary's Parish Church in the Parish of Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
Shirley Walsh's research

died 21 April 1749
Aged 43 years
Susanna SALES
died 22 Aug 1786
3 sons, 6 daughters.

19th Apr 1749
In the name of God Amen
I James Latter Senior of the parish of ffant als ffrant in the County of Sussex yeoman being weak in body but of sound Mind Memory and Understanding thanks be given to Almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in Writing in manner and form following viz
first I bequeath my soul to Almighty God that gave it me trusting in the Merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour for remission of my Sins and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried by my Executrix hereinafter named and as to the wordly Goods it hath pleased the Lord to bestow upon me to give and bequeath in manner following Imprimis
I give to Susannah Latter my loving Wife all my houses Lands Buildings whatsoever or whosoever lying in the Counties of Kent and Sussex with all my Bills Bonds Debts and Demands with all my Stock Esay Corn husbandry including all my household Goods both Linnen and Woolen and all my ready Money she paying my debts funeral Expenses the time of her natural Life and after the decease of Susannah Latter my loving Wife my Will and Mind is that what there shall be left of all my houses Lands Buildings Stock Esay Corn Bills Bonds and Demands with all the ready Money to be divided between my Children that shall be then living that is to say my Sons John Latter James Latter and Edward Latter to have as … more as my Daughters Mary Latter Susannah Latter Ann Latter Elizabeth Latter Phebe Latter Lydia Latter revoking all former Wills declaring this to be my last Will and Testament signed sealed this nineteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred forty nine and in the twenty second year of our Sovereign Lord George the second living defender of the ffaith
James Latter his mark Signed Sealed in the presence of Henry Hostar John Hilder John Foster
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
1732 to 1739
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
named in will
1732 to 1739
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
named in will
1732 to 1739
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
named in will
4th Feb 1747
Birth of a daughter
In the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Winsome Griffin's research

The ancestral pedigree of James Latter
 John Latterm: 9th Nov 1630 St. Alban's Church, Frant, SussexJoan Alchin 
 b: c 1610  b: c 1610 
John  Richard Edward Elizabeth Thomas Abraham Edmond John
b: 1632 Frant, Sussex
ch: 30th Sep 1632 St. Alban's Church
  b: 1634/35 Frant, Sussex
ch: 18th Jan 1634/35 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1636/37 Frant, Sussex
ch: 15th Jan 1636/37 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1639 Frant, Sussex
ch: 10th Nov 1639 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1641/42 Frant, Sussex
ch: 20th Feb 1641/42 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1644 Frant, Sussex
ch: 4th Aug 1644 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1649 Frant, Sussex
ch: 16th Sep 1649 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1654 Town Row, Frant, Sussex
ch: 16th Sep 1649 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1632 Frant, Sussex
ch: 4th Nov 1632 St. Alban's Church
Grandfather record
 Richard Latterm: 27th Apr 1652 St. Peter and St. Paul Parish Church, Wadhurst, SussexAnn Horneblow 
 b: 1634/35 Frant, Sussex
ch: 18th Jan 1634/35 St. Alban's Church
  b: c 1630 
 Richard Elizabeth William Charilie Edward
 b: 1653 Bayham, Frant, Sussex
ch: 22nd May 1653 St. Peter and St. Paul Parish Church, Wadhurst, Sussex
 b: 1655 Frant, Sussex
ch: 17th Jun 1655 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1657 Frant, Sussex
ch: 17th May 1657 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1660 Frant, Sussex
ch: 26th Dec 1660 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1663 Frant, Sussex
ch: 11th Oct 1663 St. Alban's Church
d: 19th Nov 1726
bur: After 19th Nov 1726 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
Grandfather record
 Edward Latter
miller of Pepper Mill, Lamberhurst
m: 24th Nov 1689 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and SussexMary Botten
 b: 1663 Frant, Sussex
ch: 11th Oct 1663 St. Alban's Church
d: 19th Nov 1726
bur: After 19th Nov 1726 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
  b: c 1665
d: 19th May 1739
bur: After 19th May 1739 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
 William Edward John Richard Mary James
 b: 1690 Frant, Sussex
ch: 12th Oct 1690 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1692 Frant, Sussex
ch: 18th Dec 1692 St. Alban's Church
d: 22nd Feb 1743 Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
bur: After 22nd Feb 1743 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
 b: c 1695 b: 1695/96 Frant, Sussex
ch: 22nd Jan 1695/96 St. Alban's Church
d: Oct 1734 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 8th Oct 1734 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1702 Frant, Sussex
ch: 25th Dec 1702 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1706 Frant, Sussex
ch: 7th Sep 1706 St. Alban's Church
d: 21st Apr 1749 Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
bur: After 21st Apr 1749 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
Parental record
 James Latter
miller of Bartley Mill, Frant
m: 3rd Jun 1729 St. Alban's Church, Frant, SussexSusanna Beacker1st marriage
 b: 1706 Frant, Sussex
ch: 7th Sep 1706 St. Alban's Church
d: 21st Apr 1749 Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
bur: After 21st Apr 1749 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
  b: 1708 Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
ch: 30th Nov 1708 St Mary's Parish Church
Mary  Ann Elizabeth Phebe John James Edward Lydia
b: 1730 Frant, Sussex
ch: 14th May 1730 St. Alban's Church
  b: 1732 to 1739 Frant, Sussex b: 1732 to 1739 Frant, Sussex b: 1732 to 1739 Frant, Sussex b: 1740 Frant, Sussex
ch: 14th May 1740 St. Alban's Church
d: Before 10th Aug 1787
 b: 1741 Frant, Sussex
ch: 26th Dec 1741 St. Alban's Church
d: 14th Jun 1782 Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
bur: After 14th Jun 1782 St Mary's Parish Church, Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex
 b: 1744 Frant, Sussex
ch: 30th Nov 1744 St. Alban's Church
 b: 4th Feb 1747 Frant, Sussex
ch: 4th Feb 1747/48 St. Alban's Church
d: 9th Oct 1843 North, Aylesford, Kent
bur: 15th Oct 1843 Boxley, Kent
   b: 1731 Frant, Sussex
ch: 8th Dec 1731 St. Alban's Church
Family record

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