The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
In 1332 Edward III levied a universal tax to pay for wars against the Irish and the Scots and the list of the amounts paid by the Maghefeld [Mayfield] and Wadehurst [Wadhurst] landowners is still in existence.Source: Bell-Irving
Adam de Rysdene
Agnes atte Watere
Alan le Wayte
Alan Sage
Alexander de Arlegh
Alice de Eversfeld
Alice de Tokyngersh
Christian Pulcher
Elizota de Hothlegh
Elya atte Melle
Gilbert atte Lymene
Gilbert Coggere
Gilbert Curtays
Gilbert de Eversfeld
Gilbert Huchon
Hamon de Stonlegh
Henry DodeslondDodeslond [now Dudsland]
Isabel Virgile
Isabel Virgyle
James atte Venele
James de MouleshaleMouleshale [now Mousehall]
John atte Welle
John Cade
John Cade
John Chyllye
John Colyn
John de Betesfeld
John de Isted
John de MuleshaleMuleshale [now Mousehall]
John de Nywenham
John de Waneburn
John de Yerdherst
John Gilberd
John le Cat
John le Frye
John le Hert
John le Hourt
John Martyn
John Pilcher
John Ponte
John Pulcher
John Wilkyn
Julia Serymond
Laurence atte Erowe
Laurence atte Wode
Laurence de Courtehope
Laurence de HorleghHorlegh [now Horleigh Green]
Laurence de Wanebourn
Laurence le Bont
Laurence Saunere
Margery Swetyng
Matilda de Aillardenne
Matilda Mapelhurst
Matthew Cade
Nicholas le MistMist [now Mist Cottages]
Peter le Beche
Peter le Tayllur
Peter Oderne
Reginald de Beteryndenne
Relict Chomcele
Relict Colet
Relict John atte Pelle
Relict Steld
Richard atte Frythe
Richard atte Halle
Richard Burdon
Richard le Cade
Richard le Reg
Richard Oderne
Richard Phyrlock
Robert Cade
Robert Carpenter
Robert de Berklegh
Robert de Sapertone
Robert de Yerdhurst
Robert Halpeny
Robert Hamon
Robert junior Berklegh
Robert le Coche
Robert Setter
Roger de Beregg
Roger Gregory
Simon de Isted
Simon Wevere
Simon Wolfan
Stephen Downgate
Thomas atte Red
Thomas Brown
Thomas Pryncle
Walter Cokerel
William Beghildebrugg
William Cade
William de Bayndenne
William de Beregy
William de Crouherst
William de Leveselegh
William Denays
William Deneman
William Henry
William le Bousse
William le Hert
William le Kent
William le Red
William Lepard
William Lyghtfote
William Palmer
William Walays
Zabar Sutor

The Weald is at  Database version 14.05 which has ongoing updates to the 395,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books loaded in the previous version

British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

of the