The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Ancestry report for Ephraim Groves, gardener, son of Jeremiah Groves and Sarah Groves [Anscombe]
Generation No. 1
1. Ephraim Groves, gardener was the son of (2) Jeremiah Groves and (3) Sarah Groves [Anscombe]. He was born 1843 at Pembury, Kent; died 1904 at Tonbridge, Kent
He married (1) Frances Fry on c 1862. She was born Apr to June 1844 at Tonbridge, Kent; died 1879 at Tonbridge, Kent. They had the following children:
iEmma who was born July to Sep 1864 Tonbridge, Kent
iiSarah who was born Oct to Dec 1865 Tonbridge, Kent
iiiEdward Ephraim who was born Oct to Dec 1866 Tonbridge, Kent
ivHenrietta who was born Apr to June 1868 Tonbridge, Kent
He married (2) Elizabeth Bell Cook on 10th Jul 1871 at Leatherhead, Surrey. She was born 1848 at Leatherhead, Surrey. They had the following children:
iHenry Denton who was born 1873 Pembury, Kent
iiArthur who was born 1874 Pembury, Kent
iiiAlice who was born 1876 Tonbridge, Kent
ivGeorge who was born 1877 Tonbridge, Kent
vWilliam who was born 1879 Tonbridge, Kent
viAda who was born Nov 1880 Tonbridge, Kent
viiHerbert who was born 1884 Tonbridge, Kent
viiiAlbert who was born 1886 Pembury, Kent
ixJohnnie who was born 1888 Tonbridge, Kent
xWalter who was born 1889 Tonbridge, Kent
xiMinnie who was born 12th Sep 1890 Tonbridge, Kent; died 8th Jul 1971 Australia
Generation No. 2
2. Jeremiah Groves He was born 1808 at Pembury, Kent
He married Sarah Anscombe on c 1835. She was born 1813 at Pembury, Kent; christened 27th Jun 1813 at St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent, parents Samuel & Magdalene Anscomb. They had the following children:
iStephen who was born 1839 Pembury, Kent; christened 4th Aug 1839 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent; buried 19th Dec 1841 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent
iiSamuel who was born 1840 Pembury, Kent; christened 16th Nov 1840 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent
iiiEphraim who was born 1843 Pembury, Kent; died 1904 Tonbridge, Kent
ivCaroline who was born 1846 Pembury, Kent; christened 3rd May 1846 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent
3. Sarah Groves [Anscombe] She was born 1813 at Pembury, Kent; christened 27th Jun 1813 at St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent, parents Samuel & Magdalene Anscomb
She married Jeremiah Groves on c 1835. He was born 1808 at Pembury, Kent. They had the following children:
iStephen who was born 1839 Pembury, Kent; christened 4th Aug 1839 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent; buried 19th Dec 1841 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent
iiSamuel who was born 1840 Pembury, Kent; christened 16th Nov 1840 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent
iiiEphraim who was born 1843 Pembury, Kent; died 1904 Tonbridge, Kent
ivCaroline who was born 1846 Pembury, Kent; christened 3rd May 1846 St. Peter's Church, Pembury, Kent

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British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
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Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

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