The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Ancestry report for Eveline R. Ovenden, daughter of Aaron Ovenden, papermaker and Sarah Ovenden [Scrase]
Generation No. 1
1. Eveline R. Ovenden was the daughter of (2) Aaron Ovenden, papermaker and (3) Sarah Ovenden [Scrase]. She was born 1876 at Penshurst, Kent
Generation No. 2
2. Aaron Ovenden, papermaker was the son of (4) Matthias Ovenden, papermaker and (5) Ruth Ovenden [Collins]. He was born Apr to June 1851 at Speldhurst, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1851 Q2 Vol 5 Page 537; died Oct to Dec 1918 at Tonbridge, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1918 Q4 Vol 2A Page 1961
He married Sarah Scrase on July to Sep 1873 at Sevenoaks, Kent, registered at Sevenoaks District, Kent, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2A Page 775. She was born 1855 at Fordcombe, Kent; christened 25th Nov 1855 at Fd.Church, Fordcombe, Kent. They had the following children:
iMaria who was born 1874 Penshurst, Kent
iiEveline R. who was born 1876 Penshurst, Kent
iiiMelina who was born 1878 Penshurst, Kent
ivFlorence L. who was born 1880 Penshurst, Kent
3. Sarah Ovenden [Scrase] was the daughter of (6) Thomas Scrase, blacksmith and wheelwright and (7) Caroline Scrase [Pearson]. She was born 1855 at Fordcombe, Kent; christened 25th Nov 1855 at Fd.Church, Fordcombe, Kent
She married Aaron Ovenden, papermaker on July to Sep 1873 at Sevenoaks, Kent, registered at Sevenoaks District, Kent, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2A Page 775. He was born Apr to June 1851 at Speldhurst, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1851 Q2 Vol 5 Page 537; died Oct to Dec 1918 at Tonbridge, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1918 Q4 Vol 2A Page 1961. They had the following children:
iMaria who was born 1874 Penshurst, Kent
iiEveline R. who was born 1876 Penshurst, Kent
iiiMelina who was born 1878 Penshurst, Kent
ivFlorence L. who was born 1880 Penshurst, Kent
Generation No. 3
4. Matthias Ovenden, papermaker He was born 16th Apr 1826 at Penshurst, Kent; christened 2nd Jul 1826 at St. Martin of Tours, Ashurst, Kent, parents James & Philadelphia Ovenden
He married Ruth Collins on 16th Jun 1850 at Trinity Church, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. She was born 7th Jul 1826 at Ashurst, Kent; christened 22nd Oct 1826 at St. Martin of Tours, Ashurst, Kent, parents William & Mary Collins. They had the following children:
iAaron who was born Apr to June 1851 Speldhurst, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1851 Q2 Vol 5 Page 537; died Oct to Dec 1918 Tonbridge, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1918 Q4 Vol 2A Page 1961
iiDaniel who was born 1858 Penshurst, Kent
5. Ruth Ovenden [Collins] She was born 7th Jul 1826 at Ashurst, Kent; christened 22nd Oct 1826 at St. Martin of Tours, Ashurst, Kent, parents William & Mary Collins
She married Matthias Ovenden, papermaker on 16th Jun 1850 at Trinity Church, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. He was born 16th Apr 1826 at Penshurst, Kent; christened 2nd Jul 1826 at St. Martin of Tours, Ashurst, Kent, parents James & Philadelphia Ovenden. They had the following children:
iAaron who was born Apr to June 1851 Speldhurst, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1851 Q2 Vol 5 Page 537; died Oct to Dec 1918 Tonbridge, Kent, registered at Tonbridge District, Kent, ref: 1918 Q4 Vol 2A Page 1961
iiDaniel who was born 1858 Penshurst, Kent
6. Thomas Scrase, blacksmith and wheelwright He was born 1826 at Sedlescombe, Sussex; christened 12th Feb 1826 at St. Nicholas Parish Church, Sedlescombe, Sussex, parents John & Sophia Scrace
He married Caroline Pearson on 31st Mar 1850 at St. Mary's Church, Maidstone, Kent. She was born 1823 at Brenchley, Kent; christened 23rd Sep 1823 at All Saints Church, Brenchley, Kent. They had the following children:
iJohn Tingley who was born July to Sep 1851 Penshurst, Kent
iiSarah who was born 1855 Fordcombe, Kent; christened 25th Nov 1855 Fd.Church, Fordcombe, Kent
iiiThomas who was born 1860 Penshurst, Kent
ivEllen who was born 1864 Penshurst, Kent
vMary J. who was born 1866 Penshurst, Kent
7. Caroline Scrase [Pearson] She was born 1823 at Brenchley, Kent; christened 23rd Sep 1823 at All Saints Church, Brenchley, Kent
She married Thomas Scrase, blacksmith and wheelwright on 31st Mar 1850 at St. Mary's Church, Maidstone, Kent. He was born 1826 at Sedlescombe, Sussex; christened 12th Feb 1826 at St. Nicholas Parish Church, Sedlescombe, Sussex, parents John & Sophia Scrace. They had the following children:
iJohn Tingley who was born July to Sep 1851 Penshurst, Kent
iiSarah who was born 1855 Fordcombe, Kent; christened 25th Nov 1855 Fd.Church, Fordcombe, Kent
iiiThomas who was born 1860 Penshurst, Kent
ivEllen who was born 1864 Penshurst, Kent
vMary J. who was born 1866 Penshurst, Kent

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