The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Descendant's report for Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]
Generation No. 1
  1. Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders] She was born 1780 to 1785 at Sussex
  She married James Funnell, farmer on 11th Apr 1803 at St. Mary the Virgin Parish Church, Hailsham, Sussex. He was born 1783 at Chiddingly, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAnn who was born 1806 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiFanny who was born 1810 at Chiddingly, Sussex
2 iiiReuben who was born 22nd Mar 1812 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  ivJames who was born 16th Dec 1813 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 18th May 1814 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
  vMary Ann who was born 17th Aug 1815 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 2nd Apr 1816 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, daughter of James & Elizabeth Funnell
3 viMark who was born 17th Apr 1817 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 10th Jun 1817 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
4 viiNaomi who was born 1819 at Chiddingly, Sussex
5 viiiTrayton who was born 3rd May 1821 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 3rd Jul 1821 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
6 ixAlfred who was born 1st May 1823 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 14th Jun 1823 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
  xEbenezer who was born 1828 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  xiElizabeth who was born 1829 at Chiddingly, Sussex
Generation No. 2
  2. Reuben Funnell, farm labourer was the son of James Funnell, farmer and Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]. He was born 22nd Mar 1812 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  He married (1) Elizabeth Dalloway on 11th Jan 1834 at Chiddingly Parish Church, Chiddingly, Sussex. She was born 1813; died Jun 1845 at Chiddingly, Sussex, aged 32 years; buried 21st Jun 1845 at Chiddingly Parish Church, Chiddingly, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iSarah Ann who was born 22nd Feb 1838 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiRuth who was born 20th Oct 1840 at Chiddingly, Sussex; died 24th Feb 1843 Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiiJames who was born 1845 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  He married (2) Sally Manser on Jan to Mar 1849, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1849 Q1 Vol 7 Page 433. She was born 1823 at Westham, Sussex
  3. Mark Funnell, farmer was the son of James Funnell, farmer and Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]. He was born 17th Apr 1817 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 10th Jun 1817 at Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
  He married Winifred Saunders on Jan to Mar 1839, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1839 Q1 Vol 7 Page 407. She was born 1819 at Heathfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iSarah who was born 1841 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiDavid who was born 1843 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiiRuth who was born 1844 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  ivMark who was born 1846 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  vMary who was born 1848 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  viEbenezer who was born 1850 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  viiCharlotte who was born 1852 at Chiddingly, Sussex
7 viiiIsaac who was born 1854 at Hellingly, Sussex
  4. Naomi Guy [Funnell] was the daughter of James Funnell, farmer and Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]. She was born 1819 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  She married Odey Guy, master blacksmith on 7th Feb 1838 at St Michael's Parish Church, South Malling, Sussex, registered at Lewes District, Sussex, ref: 1838 Q1 Vol 7 Page 383, witnesses Mark Funnell & Winnifred Saunders. He was born 1813 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 3rd May 1813 at Chiddingly Parish Church, Chiddingly, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iJames who was born 1840 at Hellingly, Sussex
8 iiIsaac who was born 1842 at Hellingly, Sussex
  iiiRuth who was born 1852 at Hellingly, Sussex
  5. Trayton Funnell, carpenter and farmer was the son of James Funnell, farmer and Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]. He was born 3rd May 1821 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 3rd Jul 1821 at Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
  He married (1) Mary Fielder on Jan to Mar 1843, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1843 Q1 Vol 7 Page 365. She was born 1823 at Waldron, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iEmma who was born 1844 at Hellingly, Sussex
9 iiJulia who was born 1845 at Chiddingly, Sussex
10 iiiCharlotte who was born Apr to June 1846 at Chiddingly, Sussex, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1846 Q2 Vol 7 Page 389
  ivMary who was born 1849 at Chiddingly, Sussex
11 vDaniel who was born 1850 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  viMiriam who was born 1853 at East Hoathly, Sussex
12 viiJoseph who was born 1857 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  viiiEsther who was born 1859 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  ixJohn who was born 1862 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  He married (2) Mirian Haiselden on July to Sep 1877, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2b Page 187. She was born 1829 at Waldron, Sussex
  6. Alfred Funnell, shoemaker was the son of James Funnell, farmer and Elizabeth Funnell [Saunders]. He was born 1st May 1823 at Chiddingly, Sussex; christened 14th Jun 1823 at Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex, son of James & Elizabeth Funnell
  He married (1) Salome Pollard on Jan to Mar 1842, registered at Lewes District, Sussex, ref: 1842 Q1 Vol 7 Page 474. She was born 1819 at Chalvington, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iSimeon who was born 1843 at Hellingly, Sussex
13 iiCornelious who was born 1844 at Hellingly, Sussex
  iiiSiloma A. who was born 1846 at Hellingly, Sussex
  ivEphraim who was born 1847 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  vNahomi who was born 1849 at Chiddingly, Sussex
14 viJob who was born 1850 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  viiThomas who was born 1852 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  He married (2) Elizabeth Woodgate on Jan to Mar 1860, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1860 Q1 Vol 2b Page 77. She was born 1837 at Heathfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAlfred who was born 1861 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiEmily who was born 1863 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  iiiRuth who was born 1866 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  ivNaomia who was born 1867 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  vPatience who was born 1874 at Hellingly, Sussex
Generation No. 3
  7. Isaac Funnell, under gardener was the son of Mark Funnell, farmer and Winifred Funnell [Saunders]. He was born 1854 at Hellingly, Sussex
  He married Hannah Gower on Oct to Dec 1874, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1874 Q4 Vol 2b Page 159. She was born 1852 at Chiddingly, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAlma D. G. who was born Sep 1880 at Hailsham, Sussex
  8. Isaac Guy was the son of Odey Guy, master blacksmith and Naomi Guy [Funnell]. He was born 1842 at Hellingly, Sussex
  He married Orpah Burton on 20th Jun 1865 at St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Hellingly, Sussex, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1865 Q2 Vol 2b Page 103, witnesses Edwin Samuel Pitcher, Mary Newton & Ruth Guy. She was born Jan to Mar 1839 at Hellingly, Sussex, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1839 Q1 Vol 7 Page 307
  9. Julia Berry [Funnell] was the daughter of Trayton Funnell, carpenter and farmer and Mary Funnell [Fielder]. She was born 1845 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  She married Albert Berry, farm labourer on 6th Mar 1876 at St. Thomas à Becket's Church, Framfield, Sussex, witnesses Trayton Funnell & Elizabeth Gasston. He was born 1847 at Framfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
15 iHerbert John who was born 7th May 1877 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  iiEdith Mary who was born 1880 at Framfield, Sussex
  iiiInfant who was born Feb 1881 at Framfield, Sussex
  10. Charlotte Potten [Funnell] was the daughter of Trayton Funnell, carpenter and farmer and Mary Funnell [Fielder]. She was born Apr to June 1846 at Chiddingly, Sussex, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1846 Q2 Vol 7 Page 389
  She married John Potten, seedsman and florist on 23rd Jun 1870 at East Hoathly Parish Church, East Hoathly, Sussex, witnesses Trayton & Julie Funnell. He was born Apr to June 1847 at Cranbrook, Kent, registered at Cranbrook District, Kent, ref: 1847 Q2 Vol 5 Page 69. They had the following children:
16 iEbenezer who was born Apr to June 1871 at East Hoathly, Sussex, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1871 Q2 Vol 2B Page 99
17 iiSarah who was born July to Sep 1873 at Cranbrook, Kent, registered at Cranbrook District, Kent, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2A Page 617
  iiiWilliam Traylon who was born 1876 at Cranbrook, Kent
  ivCharlotte Alma who was born 1879 at Cranbrook, Kent
  11. Daniel Funnell was the son of Trayton Funnell, carpenter and farmer and Mary Funnell [Fielder]. He was born 1850 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  He married Louisa Esther Parrett on Jan to Mar 1876, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1876 Q1 Vol 2b Page 153. She was born 1856 at Middlesex. They had the following children:
  iEbenezer who was born 1877 at Framfield, Sussex
  iiEmily Alice who was born 1879 at Framfield, Sussex
  iiiErnest Arthur who was born Apr 1880 at Framfield, Sussex
  12. Joseph Funnell, baker was the son of Trayton Funnell, carpenter and farmer and Mary Funnell [Fielder]. He was born 1857 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  He married Miriam Agnes Hills on Jan to Mar 1879, registered at St. George in the East District, London, ref: 1879 Q1 Vol 1c Page 586. She was born 1860 at Framfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iErnest J who was born 1880 at Brighton, Sussex
  iiWilliam S who was born 1882 at Lewes, Sussex
  iiiMiriam M who was born 1885 at Eastbourne, Sussex
  ivAmelia E who was born 1890 at Maresfield, Sussex
  13. Cornelious Funnell, labourer in corn stores was the son of Alfred Funnell, shoemaker and Salome Funnell [Pollard]. He was born 1844 at Hellingly, Sussex
  He married Charlotte Turner on Apr to June 1868, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1868 Q2 Vol 2b Page 199. She was born 1845 at Heathfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iKate who was born 1871 at Heathfield, Sussex
  iiHerbert L. who was born 1874 at Hailsham, Sussex
  iiiEdith who was born 1877 at Hailsham, Sussex
  14. Job Funnell, farm labourer was the son of Alfred Funnell, shoemaker and Salome Funnell [Pollard]. He was born 1850 at Chiddingly, Sussex
  He married Mary Jenner on Apr to June 1871, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1871 Q2 Vol 2b Page 129. She was born c 1850. They had the following children:
  iJames Alfred who was born 1872 at Hellingly, Sussex; christened 6th Jul 1873 St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Hellingly, Sussex, son of Job (labourer) & Mary Funnell
  iiJoseph William who was born 1873 at Hellingly, Sussex; christened 6th Jul 1873 St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Hellingly, Sussex, son of Job (labourer) & Mary Funnell
  iiiThomas Edward who was born 1875 at Hellingly, Sussex; christened 18th Jun 1876 St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Hellingly, Sussex, son of Job (labourer) & Mary Funnell
  ivEbenezer Henry who was born 1876 at Hellingly, Sussex; christened 18th Jun 1876 St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Hellingly, Sussex, son of Job (labourer) & Mary Funnell
  vSamson who was born 1879 at Hellingly, Sussex
  viMary who was born May 1880 at Hellingly, Sussex
Generation No. 4
  15. Herbert John Berry was the son of Albert Berry, farm labourer and Julia Berry [Funnell]. He was born 7th May 1877 at East Hoathly, Sussex
  He married Elizabeth Emily Ellis on Apr to June 1909 at Uckfield, Sussex, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1909 Q2 Vol 2B Page 323. She was born 15th Apr 1875 at Laughton, Sussex
  16. Ebenezer Potten was the son of John Potten, seedsman and florist and Charlotte Potten [Funnell]. He was born Apr to June 1871 at East Hoathly, Sussex, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1871 Q2 Vol 2B Page 99
  He married Grace Elizabeth Wood on 6th Nov 1899 at Ss Peter & Paul Church, Teston, Kent, witnesses Thomas & Edith Sarah Wood. She was born 1869 at Teston, Kent; christened 5th Dec 1869 at Ss Peter & Paul Church, Teston, Kent, parents Thomas & Ann Wood
  17. Sarah Ford [Potten] was the daughter of John Potten, seedsman and florist and Charlotte Potten [Funnell]. She was born July to Sep 1873 at Cranbrook, Kent, registered at Cranbrook District, Kent, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2A Page 617
  She married David Richard Ford on Oct to Dec 1898 at Uckfield, Sussex, registered at Uckfield District, Sussex, ref: 1898 Q4 Vol 2B Page 322. He was born 1875 at Isfield, Sussex

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