The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Descendant's report for Thomas Hepden, son of John Hepden, shoemaker and Jane Hepden [Wenham]
Generation No. 1
  1. Thomas Hepden was the son of John Hepden, shoemaker and Jane Hepden [Wenham]. He was born 1548 at Burwash, Sussex; died Aug 1610 at Burwash, Sussex; buried 21st Aug 1610 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  He married Mary Harmer on 11th Jun 1575 at , Archdeaconry of Lewes Marriage Licence. She was born c 1558; died Dec 1612 at Burwash, Sussex, wife of Thomas; buried 9th Dec 1612 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iJohan who was born 1576 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 1st Nov 1576 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  iiMary who was born 1578 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 8th Aug 1578 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  iiiJohn who was born 1580 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 4th Sep 1580 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Aug 1581 Burwash, Sussex; buried 16th Aug 1581 Burwash, Sussex
2 ivThomas who was born 1583 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 19th May 1583 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
3 vMartha who was born 1585/86 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 27th Feb 1585/86 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
4 viConstance who was born 1587 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 27th Mar 1587 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Aug 1647 Burwash, Sussex, wife of William; buried 30th Aug 1647 Burwash, Sussex
5 viiElizabeth who was born 1592 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 8th Oct 1592 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  viiiWilliam who was born 1594 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 15th Dec 1594 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Nov 1595 Burwash, Sussex, son of Thomas; buried 5th Nov 1595 Burwash, Sussex
  ixHerbert who was born 1596 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 31st Oct 1596 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Aug 1616 Burwash, Sussex; buried 13th Aug 1616 Burwash, Sussex
  xDennis who was born 1597 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 3rd Jul 1597 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  xiAnne who was born 1602 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 19th Sep 1602 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Feb 1603 Burwash, Sussex, daughter of Thomas; buried 16th Feb 1603 Burwash, Sussex
  xiiPelham who was born 1603 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 13th Nov 1603 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Jun 1605 Burwash, Sussex; buried 30th Jun 1605 Burwash, Sussex
6 xiiiJudith who was born c 1605 at Burwash, Sussex
  xivHumphrey who was born 1610 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 16th Dec 1610 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
Generation No. 2
  2. Thomas Hepden was the son of Thomas Hepden and Mary Hepden [Harmer]. He was born 1583 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 19th May 1583 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  He married Susan Cruttenden on 13th Dec 1627 at St. Anne, Lewes, Sussex. She was born c 1590. They had the following children:
  iUnnamed who was born c 1628; died Jun 1629 Burwash, Sussex, infant of Thomas; buried 19th Jun 1629 Burwash, Sussex
  iiThomas who was born 1630; christened 3rd Oct 1630 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  iiiJohn who was born 1636; christened 18th Sep 1636 St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  3. Martha Avery [Hepden] was the daughter of Thomas Hepden and Mary Hepden [Harmer]. She was born 1585/86 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 27th Feb 1585/86 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  She married John Avery on 4th Jan 1608/09 at , Archdeaconry of Lewes Marriage Licence. He was born c 1575
  4. Constance Langham [Brett] [Hepden] was the daughter of Thomas Hepden and Mary Hepden [Harmer]. She was born 1587 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 27th Mar 1587 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex; died Aug 1647 at Burwash, Sussex, wife of William; buried 30th Aug 1647 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  She married (1) John Brett on 19th Sep 1616 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex. He was born c 1580; died Jun 1618 at Ninfield, Sussex; buried 10th Jun 1618 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex
  She married (2) William Langham, esquire on 14th Dec 1619 at St. Mary, Battle, Sussex. He was born 1589 at Northamptonshire; died 1651
  5. Elizabeth Mansell [Hepden] was the daughter of Thomas Hepden and Mary Hepden [Harmer]. She was born 1592 at Burwash, Sussex; christened 8th Oct 1592 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex
  She married Nicholas Mansell on 21st Sep 1609 at Rye, Sussex. He was born c 1590
  6. Judith Barham [Hepden] was the daughter of Thomas Hepden and Mary Hepden [Harmer]. She was born c 1605 at Burwash, Sussex
  She married John Barham on 1st May 1624 at St. Bartholomew's Church, Burwash, Sussex. He was born c 1600

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