The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Descendant's report for John Hollands, son of Stephen Hollands and Charity Hollands [Gilham]
Generation No. 1
  1. John Hollands was the son of Stephen Hollands and Charity Hollands [Gilham]. He was born 1760 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 8th Jun 1760 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Stephen Holland & Charity Holland; died Aug 1849 at Ninfield, Sussex, aged 90 years; buried 18th Aug 1849 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex
  He married Mary Quaife on 10th Oct 1785 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex. She was born 1766; died Apr 1853 at St Lawrence, aged 87 years; buried 17th Apr 1853 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iWilliam who was born 1787 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 14th Aug 1787 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  iiMary who was born 1789 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 28th May 1789 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  iiiWalter who was born 1791 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 13th Mar 1791 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
2 ivStephen who was born 1793 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Mar 1793 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Jan 1814 Catsfield, Sussex; buried 27th Jan 1814 Catsfield, Sussex
  vEdward who was born 1795 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 19th Jun 1795 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  viHenry who was born 1797 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 19th Apr 1797 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  viiHannah who was born 1799 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 10th Jul 1799 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
3 viiiWilliam who was born 1801 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 5th Apr 1801 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
4 ixReuben who was born 1802 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 29th Oct 1802 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
5 xSamuel who was born 1806 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 14th Sep 1806 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Mar 1844 Battle, Sussex, aged 40 years; buried 30th Mar 1844 Catsfield, Sussex
  xiSarah who was born 1808 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 20th Nov 1808 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
6 xiiAnn who was born 1812 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 16th Feb 1812 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Sep 1848 Battle, Sussex, aged 37 years; buried 24th Sep 1848 Catsfield, Sussex
Generation No. 2
  2. Stephen Hollands, labourer was the son of John Hollands and Mary Holland [Quaife]. He was born 1793 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Mar 1793 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Jan 1814 at Catsfield, Sussex; buried 27th Jan 1814 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex
  He married Mary Russell on 8th Oct 1813 at St. Mary, Battle, Sussex. She was born c 1795. They had the following children:
  iStephen who was born 1814 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Sep 1814 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of Stephen Hollands & Marie Hollands
  3. William Hollands, labourer was the son of John Hollands and Mary Holland [Quaife]. He was born 1801 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 5th Apr 1801 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  He married Mary Ransom on 19th Apr 1829 at St. Mary, Battle, Sussex. She was born 1811 at Catsfield, Sussex; died Jan 1892 at St Lawrence, aged 81 years; buried 29th Jan 1892 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iJane who was born 1830; died Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex, aged 5 years 8 months, daughter of William and Mary; buried 7th Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex
  iiHenry who was born 1831 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 15th Apr 1831 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands; died Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex, aged 4 years, son of William and Mary; buried 22nd Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex
  iiiAnn who was born 1833 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 29th Sep 1833 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands; died Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of William and Mary; buried 10th Mar 1835 Catsfield, Sussex
  ivMaria who was born 1835 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Nov 1835 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  vEliza who was born 1837 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 8th Oct 1837 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
7 viWilliam who was born 1841 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Aug 1841 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  viiJames who was born 1843 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 7th Sep 1843 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  viiiCaroline who was born 1846 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 15th Nov 1846 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  ixThomas Henry who was born 1851 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 6th Apr 1851 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  4. Reuben Hollands, farmer and butcher was the son of John Hollands and Mary Holland [Quaife]. He was born 1802 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 29th Oct 1802 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands
  iMary Delves who was born 1831 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 25th Nov 1832 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of Reuben Hollands (butcher) & Mary Ann Hollands
  He married Mary Squire Maddock on 13th Nov 1831 at St Laurence Church, Hawkhurst, Kent. She was born 1803 at Pevensey, Sussex. They had the following children:
8 iWilliam Reuben who was born 1835 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 19th Jul 1835 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Anne Holland
  iiCharles who was born 1838 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 14th Jan 1838 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Squires; died Jan 1846 Ninfield, Sussex, aged 8 years; buried 17th Jan 1846 Ninfield, Sussex
  iiiElizabeth Sarah who was born 1840 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 1st Feb 1840 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Squires
9 ivSamuel who was born 1842 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 15th May 1842 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Squires
10 vEldred who was born 1844 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 1st Sep 1844 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Holland
  viEliza who was born 1846 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 9th Nov 1846 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Maryanne Holland; died before 14th Nov 1846 Ninfield, Sussex, infant; buried 14th Nov 1846 Ninfield, Sussex
  viiFrederick who was born 1849 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 25th Feb 1849 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Squires Holland
11 viiiLouisa who was born 1853 at Ninfield, Sussex
  5. Samuel Hollands, labourer was the son of John Hollands and Mary Holland [Quaife]. He was born 1806 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 14th Sep 1806 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Mar 1844 at Battle Union House, Battle, Sussex, aged 40 years; buried 30th Mar 1844 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex
  He married Lydia Sharpe on 16th Feb 1835 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex. She was born c 1815. They had the following children:
  iJohn who was born Jun 1835 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 28th Jun 1835 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of Samuel Hollands (labourer) & Lydia Hollands
  6. Ann Hollands was the daughter of John Hollands and Mary Holland [Quaife]. She was born 1812 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 16th Feb 1812 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of John Hollands & Mary Hollands; died Sep 1848 at Battle, Sussex, aged 37 years; buried 24th Sep 1848 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex
  She married unknown father on 1830. They had the following children:
  iStephen who was born 1830 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 7th Nov 1830 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of Ann Hollands (single woman)
  iiMary Ann who was born 1832 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 23rd Dec 1832 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, illegitimate daughter of Ann Hollands
  iiiElizabeth who was born 1835 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Nov 1835 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of Ann Hollands (single woman); died Feb 1837 Catsfield, Sussex, aged 17 months; buried 5th Feb 1837 Catsfield, Sussex
  ivHenrietta who was born 1837 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 21st May 1837 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of Ann Hollands (single woman)
  vHarriett who was born 1842 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 12th Jun 1842 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, daughter of Ann Hollands (single woman); died Jul 1843 Catsfield, Sussex, aged 10 months; buried 23rd Jul 1843 Catsfield, Sussex
Generation No. 3
  7. William Hollands, labourer was the son of William Hollands, labourer and Mary Holland [Ransom]. He was born 1841 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Aug 1841 at Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Hollands (labourer) & Mary Hollands
  He married Ann Parrish on July to Sep 1863, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1863 Q3 Vol 2b Page 112. She was born 1846 at Ninfield, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAnnie who was born 1864 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 29th May 1864 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of William Holland (gardener) & Ann Holland
  iiJames who was born 1866 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 27th May 1866 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of William Holland (turnpike keeper) & Ann Holland
  iiiMary Jane who was born 1868 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 27th Sep 1868 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of William Holland (labourer) & Ann Holland; died Oct 1871, aged 3 years; buried 9th Oct 1871 Ninfield, Sussex
  ivClara who was born 1870 at Ninfield, Sussex; died Sep 1871, aged 11 months; buried 29th Sep 1871 Ninfield, Sussex
  8. William Reuben Holland, police constable was the son of Reuben Hollands, farmer and butcher and Mary Squire Hollands [Maddock]. He was born 1835 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 19th Jul 1835 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Anne Holland
  He married Emily on c 1855. She was born 1835 at Cambridgeshire. They had the following children:
  iWilliam P. who was born 1857 at Battle, Sussex
  iiCharles Major who was born 1859 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 1st Aug 1858 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of William Reuben Holland (butcher) & Emily Holland
  iiiJohn P. who was born 1860 at Stockwell, Lambeth, London
  9. Samuel Holland, carpenter was the son of Reuben Hollands, farmer and butcher and Mary Squire Hollands [Maddock]. He was born 1842 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 15th May 1842 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Squires
  He married Jane Alice Sims on Jan to Mar 1866, registered at Camberwell District, London, ref: 1866 Q1 Vol 1d Page 718. She was born 1844 at Camberwell, Surrey. They had the following children:
  iAlice J. who was born 1867 at Camberwell, Surrey
  iiCharles Samuel who was born 1869 at Catsfield, Sussex; christened 3rd Oct 1869 Catsfield.Church, Catsfield, Sussex, son of Samuel Hollands (carpenter) & Jane Alice Hollands
  iiiSidney M. who was born 1870 at Camberwell, Surrey
  10. Eldred Holland, butcher was the son of Reuben Hollands, farmer and butcher and Mary Squire Hollands [Maddock]. He was born 1844 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 1st Sep 1844 at St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Reuben Holland (butcher) & Mary Holland
  He married Emma Smith on Apr to June 1866, registered at Hailsham District, Sussex, ref: 1866 Q2 Vol 2b Page 127. She was born 1838 at St Andrews, Suffolk. They had the following children:
  iAlice who was born Sep 1866 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 30th Sep 1866 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of Eldred Holland (butcher) & Emma Holland
  iiEldred who was born 1868 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 27th Sep 1868 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Eldred Holland (butcher) & Emma Holland; died Dec 1869 Ninfield, Sussex, aged 1 year 5 months; buried 28th Dec 1869 Ninfield, Sussex
  iiiWalter who was born 1871 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 26th Feb 1871 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Eldred Holland (butcher) & Emma Holland
  ivEdgar who was born 1873 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 29th Jun 1873 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, son of Eldred Holland (butcher) & Emma Holland
  vAnne Elizabeth who was born 1875 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 25th May 1875 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, daughter of Eldred Holland (butcher) & Emma Holland
  11. Louisa Hollands was the daughter of Reuben Hollands, farmer and butcher and Mary Squire Hollands [Maddock]. She was born 1853 at Ninfield, Sussex
  iMay Louisa who was born 1880 at Ninfield, Sussex; christened 31st Oct 1880 St. Mary's Church, Ninfield, Sussex, illegitimate daughter of Louisa Holland

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