The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Descendant's report for Nancy Puxted [Forward], daughter of Francis (Frank) Forward and Nancy Forward [Tuppeny]
Generation No. 1
  1. Nancy Puxted [Forward] was the daughter of Francis (Frank) Forward and Nancy Forward [Tuppeny]. She was born 20th Feb 1790 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 10th Jun 1790 at Heathfield Chapel, Heathfield, Sussex, daughter of Francis Forward and Nancy Forward; died Oct 1854 at Flimwell, Sussex, aged 64 years; buried 24th Oct 1854 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex
  She married Peter Puxty, farm labourer on 25th Dec 1810 at St. Mary, Battle, Sussex. He was born 1791 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 29th Jun 1791 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Samuel Puxty & Betty Puxty; died Jun 1862 at Flimwell, Sussex, aged 71 years; buried 9th Jun 1862 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iMary who was born 1813 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 18th Jul 1813 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Ann Puxty
  iiEliza who was born 1819 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 23rd Apr 1819 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Ann Puxty
2 iiiJudy who was born 1819 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 23rd Apr 1819 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Ann Puxty
3 ivGeorge who was born 1820 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Apr 1820 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxtead (labourer) & Ann Puxtead; died Dec 1884 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 66 years; buried 6th Dec 1884 Ticehurst, Sussex
4 vMahala who was born 1820 to 1825 at Sussex
5 viJohn who was born 1821 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died July to Sep 1908, aged 87 years
6 viiPeter who was born 1823 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died Jan to Mar 1904, aged 81 years
  viiiMargaret who was born 1826 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  ixJames who was born 1829 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 8th Feb 1829 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puckstead (labourer) & Nancy Puckstead
Generation No. 2
  2. Judy Puxty [Puxty] was the daughter of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Nancy Puxted [Forward]. She was born 1819 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 23rd Apr 1819 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Ann Puxty
  iDeborah who was born 1838 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 9th Sep 1838 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of James Puxty (shoemaker) & Judith Puxty
  She married James Puxty, shoemaker on 8th Dec 1839 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, witnesses: George Puxty and Frances Lower. He was born 1817 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died Oct 1840 at Union Workhouse, Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 23 years; buried 23rd Oct 1840 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Burwash, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iHarriet who was born 1840 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 21st Jun 1840 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of James Puxty (shoemaker) & Julia Puxty; died Jul 1840 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 5 months; buried 28th Jul 1840 Ticehurst, Sussex
  3. George Puxtead, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Nancy Puxted [Forward]. He was born 1820 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Apr 1820 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxtead (labourer) & Ann Puxtead; died Dec 1884 at Ticehurst, Sussex, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1884 Q4 Vol 2b Page 67, aged 66 years; buried 6th Dec 1884 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex
  He married Emily Sellings on c 1842. She was born 1823 at Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iHarriet who was born 1843 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 2nd Jul 1843 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty; died Jan 1846 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 2 years 8 months; buried 30th Jan 1846 Ticehurst, Sussex
7 iiGeorge who was born 1846 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died 22nd Jul 1923 Ticehurst, Sussex
8 iiiMary who was born 1848 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 26th Nov 1848 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty
  ivEmily who was born 1851 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 8th Jun 1851 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty
9 vSamuel James who was born 1857 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Oct 1857 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of George Puxted[sic] (labourer) & Emily Puxted[sic]
  viLouisa who was born 1859 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 21st Jan 1859 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxted[sic] (labourer) & Emily Puxted[sic]
  viiEliza who was born 1860 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 29th Jul 1860 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty
  viiiElizabeth who was born 1863 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Oct 1863 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty; died Jul 1867 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 4 years; buried 28th Jul 1867 Ticehurst, Sussex
  ixArthur Leopold who was born 1866 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Dec 1866 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty; died Feb 1869 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 2 years; buried 14th Feb 1869 Ticehurst, Sussex
  4. Mahala Puxty was the daughter of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Nancy Puxted [Forward]. She was born 1820 to 1825 at Sussex
  iWilliam who was born 1844 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 24th Nov 1844 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Mahalah Puxty (spinster)
  iiPeter who was born 1847 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 28th Nov 1847 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Mahalah Puxty (spinster)
  5. John Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Nancy Puxted [Forward]. He was born 1821 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died July to Sep 1908, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1908 Q3 Vol 2b Page 56, aged 87 years
  He married Sarah Balcombe on Apr to June 1846, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1846 Q2 Vol 7 Page 733. She was born 1827 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died Jun 1881 at Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 55 years; buried 6th Jun 1881 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iMary who was born 1847 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 29th Aug 1847 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of John Puxty (sawyer) & Sarah Puxty; died Dec 1872 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 26 years; buried 7th Dec 1872 Ticehurst, Sussex
10 iiJoseph who was born 1849 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Mar 1849 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Puxty
11 iiiJohn who was born 1851 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 9th Feb 1851 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxty (sawyer) & Sarah Puxty; died Apr to June 1912, aged 63 years
12 ivThomas who was born 1853 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 27th Mar 1853 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxtey (sawyer) & Sarah Puxtey
13 vWilliam Jason who was born 1858 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 28th Feb 1858 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxtey (labourer) & Sarah Puxtey
  6. Peter Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Nancy Puxted [Forward]. He was born 1823 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died Jan to Mar 1904, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1904 Q1 Vol 2b Page 73, aged 81 years
  He married Jane Weddle on Apr to June 1848, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1848 Q2 Vol 7 Page 737. She was born 1826 at Hawkhurst, Kent; died Oct 1888 at Flimwell, Sussex, aged 63 years; buried 16th Oct 1888 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex. They had the following children:
14 iGeorge who was born Jul 1848 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 30th Jul 1848 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
15 iiRobert who was born 1855 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Dec 1855 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty; died Oct to Dec 1903, aged 49 years
16 iiiThomas who was born 1855 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 31st Dec 1855 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
17 ivHarriet who was born 1861 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 27th Oct 1861 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
  vAlbert who was born 1865 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 29th Oct 1865 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty; died Oct 1867 Flimwell, Sussex, aged 2 years; buried 20th Oct 1867 Flimwell, Sussex
18 viCharles who was born 1868 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 31st May 1868 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Peter Puxted[sic] (labourer) & Jane Puxted[sic]
Generation No. 3
  7. George Puxty, farm bailiff was the son of George Puxtead, farm labourer and Emily Puxty [Sellings]. He was born 1846 at Ticehurst, Sussex; died 22nd Jul 1923 at 38 Berners Hill, Flimwell, Ticehurst, Sussex
  He married Ellen Ellis on 10th Apr 1869 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex. She was born 1848 at Goudhurst, Kent. They had the following children:
  iJames who was born 1872 at Goudhurst, Kent
  8. Mary Pope [Puxty] was the daughter of George Puxtead, farm labourer and Emily Puxty [Sellings]. She was born 1848 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 26th Nov 1848 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty
  She married George Pope on Apr to June 1871 at Ticehurst, Sussex, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1871 Q2 Vol 2B Page 179. He was born 1843 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 26th Jun 1843 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iCaroline who was born 1872 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  iiKate who was born 1874 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  iiiArthur who was born 1876 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  ivCharles who was born 1877 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  vGeorge who was born 1880 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  viWalter who was born 1884 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  viiEmily who was born 1888 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  9. Samuel James Puxty, groom and gardener was the son of George Puxtead, farm labourer and Emily Puxty [Sellings]. He was born 1857 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Oct 1857 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of George Puxted[sic] (labourer) & Emily Puxted[sic]
  He married Emma Simpson on Oct to Dec 1888, registered at Kensington District, London, ref: 1888 Q4 Vol 1a Page 309. She was born 1861 at Great Horksley, Essex. They had the following children:
  iJames W who was born 1890 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  10. Joseph Puxty, labourer was the son of John Puxty, farm labourer and Sarah Puxty [Balcombe]. He was born 1849 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Mar 1849 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Puxty
  He married (1) Alice Butler on Oct to Dec 1874, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1874 Q4 Vol 2b Page 204. She was born 1856; died Dec 1875 at Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 19 years; buried 29th Dec 1875 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAlice Mary who was born 1875 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Jul 1875 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Alice Puxty; died Feb 1876 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 7 months; buried 2nd Feb 1876 Ticehurst, Sussex
  He married (2) Emma Caroline Kidney on July to Sep 1877, registered at Medway District, Kent, ref: 1877 Q3 Vol 2a Page 765. She was born 1850 at Westgate H. Broughton, Kent; died Oct to Dec 1904, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1904 Q4 Vol 2b Page 64. They had the following children:
  iEmily Caroline who was born 1878 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 12th May 1878 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Puxty
  iiWilliam Joseph who was born 1879 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 29th Jun 1879 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Caroline Puxty
  iiiEliza who was born 1881 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 25th Sep 1881 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Puxty
  ivMary who was born 1885 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Aug 1885 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Puxty
  vDorothy who was born 1889 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 28th Jul 1889 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, daughter of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Caroline Puxty; died May 1891 Ticehurst, Sussex, aged 14 months; buried 24th May 1891 Ticehurst, Sussex
  viSidney James who was born 1892 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 15th May 1892 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Joseph Puxty (labourer) & Emma Puxty
  11. John Puxty, farm labourer was the son of John Puxty, farm labourer and Sarah Puxty [Balcombe]. He was born 1851 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 9th Feb 1851 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxty (sawyer) & Sarah Puxty; died Apr to June 1912, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1912 Q2 Vol2b Page 138, aged 63 years
  He married Ellen Kidney on Oct to Dec 1873, registered at Milton District, Kent, ref: 1873 Q4 Vol 2a Page 1412. She was born 1853 at Rainham, Kent. They had the following children:
  iJohn who was born 1877 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  iiAustin William who was born 1880 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 31st Oct 1880 St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxty (labourer) & Ellen Puxty
  iiiWilliam who was born Aug 1880 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  ivSteadman who was born 1885 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  vLaura who was born 1887 at Salehurst, Sussex
  12. Thomas Puxtey, labourer was the son of John Puxty, farm labourer and Sarah Puxty [Balcombe]. He was born 1853 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 27th Mar 1853 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxtey (sawyer) & Sarah Puxtey
  He married Sarah Ann Groombridge on July to Sep 1873, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1873 Q3 Vol 2b Page 143. She was born 1855 at Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iMary A. E. who was born 1875 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  iiEmma Bertha who was born 1877 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 28th Oct 1877 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Puxty
  iiiHenry Thomas who was born 1881 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 28th Aug 1881 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  ivRosa Emma who was born 1884 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 27th Jul 1884 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  vEllen Elizabeth who was born 1887 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 31st Jan 1887 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  viWilliam Charles who was born 1889 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 31st Mar 1889 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  viiAlbert Frank who was born 1891 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 15th Nov 1891 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  viiiDaisy May who was born 1894 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 25th Mar 1894 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Thomas Puxty (labourer) & Sarah Ann Puxty
  13. William Jason Puxtey, labourer was the son of John Puxty, farm labourer and Sarah Puxty [Balcombe]. He was born 1858 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 28th Feb 1858 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of John Puxtey (labourer) & Sarah Puxtey
  He married Emily Ann Goodsell on July to Sep 1879, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1879 Q3 Vol 2b Page 147. She was born 1860 at Ewhurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAlice Annie who was born Oct 1879 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Oct 1879 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  iiWilliam Henry who was born 1881 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Jun 1881 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  iiiAlfred Edmund who was born 1883 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 16th Apr 1883 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  ivCharlotte who was born 1885 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th May 1885 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  vNelly who was born 1887 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 30th Oct 1887 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  viFrank Charles who was born 1890 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Oct 1890 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
19 viiAgnes who was born 21st Dec 1892 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Feb 1893 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty; died Jan to Mar 1978, aged 85 years; buried Jan to Mar 1978 Kilndown, Kent
  viiiAlbert Edward who was born 1895 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 31st Mar 1895 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty
  ixErnest James who was born 1899 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Mar 1899 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Ann Puxty; died Mar 1900 Flimwell, Sussex, aged 14 months; buried 22nd Mar 1900 Flimwell, Sussex
  14. George Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Jane Puxty [Weddle]. He was born Jul 1848 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 30th Jul 1848 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
  He married Esther Martin on Apr to June 1868, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1868 Q2 Vol 2b Page 158. She was born 1849 at Cranbrook, Kent. They had the following children:
  iElizabeth Ellen who was born 1870 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 30th Oct 1870 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of George Puxty (labourer) & Esther Puxty
  iiGeorge James who was born 1873 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 25th May 1873 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of George Puxty (labourer) & Esther Puxty
  15. Robert Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Jane Puxty [Weddle]. He was born 1855 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 30th Dec 1855 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty; died Oct to Dec 1903, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1903 Q4 Vol 2b Page 68, aged 49 years
  He married Eliza Groombridge on Jan to Mar 1877, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1877 Q1 Vol 2b Page 149. She was born 1860 at Kingsdown, Kent. They had the following children:
  iAlbert Robert who was born 1878 at Kilndown, Goudhurst, Kent; christened 26th May 1878 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Robert Puxty (labourer) & Eliza Puxty; died Jul 1893 Flimwell, Sussex, aged 15 years; buried 14th Jul 1893 Flimwell, Sussex
  iiMary Naomi who was born 1880 at Kilndown, Goudhurst, Kent; christened 25th Jul 1880 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Robert Puxty (labourer) & Eliza Puxty
  16. Thomas Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Jane Puxty [Weddle]. He was born 1855 at Ticehurst, Sussex; christened 31st Dec 1855 at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ticehurst, Sussex, son of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
  iCharles E. who was born 1875 at Hawkhurst, Kent
  He married Mary Ann Weddle on July to Sep 1876, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1876 Q3 Vol 2b Page 159. She was born 1852 at Ticehurst, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iAlice M. who was born 1879 at Ticehurst, Sussex
  17. Harriet Bishop [Puxty] was the daughter of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Jane Puxty [Weddle]. She was born 1861 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 27th Oct 1861 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Peter Puxty (labourer) & Jane Puxty
  She married George Bishop, labourer on Apr to June 1879, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1879 Q2 Vol 2b Page 155. He was born 1856 at Silverhill, Sussex. They had the following children:
  iGeorge who was born 1880 at Flimwell, Sussex
  18. Charles Puxty, farm labourer was the son of Peter Puxty, farm labourer and Jane Puxty [Weddle]. He was born 1868 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 31st May 1868 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, son of Peter Puxted[sic] (labourer) & Jane Puxted[sic]
  He married Mary Ann Oyler on July to Sep 1891, registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex, ref: 1891 Q3 Vol 2b Page 187. She was born 1872 at Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex. They had the following children:
  iElizabeth Jane who was born 1892 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 29th May 1892 St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of Charles Puxty (labourer) & Mary Puxty
Generation No. 4
  19. Agnes Barrow [Puxty] was the daughter of William Jason Puxtey, labourer and Emily Ann Puxty [Goodsell]. She was born 21st Dec 1892 at Flimwell, Sussex; christened 26th Feb 1893 at St. Augustine's Church, Flimwell, Sussex, daughter of William Puxty (labourer) & Emily Puxty; died Jan to Mar 1978, registered at Crawley District, Sussex, ref: 1978 Q1 Vol 18 Page 2064, aged 85 years; buried Jan to Mar 1978 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent
  She married Charles Barrow on 16th Apr 1921 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent, registered at Cranbrook District, Kent, ref: 1921 Q2 Vol 2a Page 1971. He was born 24th Jun 1892 at Kilndown, Kent, registered at Cranbrook District, Kent, ref: 1892 Q3 Vol 2a Page 777; christened 31st Jul 1892 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent; died Jan 1991, registered at Tunbridge Wells District, Kent, ref: 1991 Jan Vol 16 Page 2330, aged 98 years; buried Jan 1991 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent. They had the following children:
20 iHazel Agnes who was born 5th Mar 1922 at Kilndown, Kent; died 22nd Apr 2002 Tunbridge Wells, Kent; buried after 22nd Apr 2002 Kilndown, Kent
21 iiDennis Charles who was born 16th Jul 1924 at Kilndown, Kent; died 1st Aug 1999; buried after 1st Aug 1999 Kilndown, Kent
Generation No. 5
  20. Hazel Agnes Smith [Barrow] was the daughter of Charles Barrow and Agnes Barrow [Puxty]. She was born 5th Mar 1922 at Kilndown, Kent; died 22nd Apr 2002 at Tunbridge Wells, Kent; buried after 22nd Apr 2002 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent
  She married Robert Smith on 27th Sep 1941 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent. He was born 1st Aug 1913 at Great Yarmouth, Norfolk; died 9th Oct 1967 at Pembury Hospital; buried after 9th Oct 1967 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent
  21. Dennis Charles Barrow was the son of Charles Barrow and Agnes Barrow [Puxty]. He was born 16th Jul 1924 at Kilndown, Kent; died 1st Aug 1999; buried after 1st Aug 1999 at Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent
  He married Daphne Jean Smith on 23rd Feb 1952 at St. John the Baptist Church, Tidebrook, Sussex. She was born 29th Jan 1931 at Tidebrook, Sussex; died 14th Feb 2004 at Tidebrook, Sussex; buried after 14th Feb 2004 at St. John the Baptist Church, Tidebrook, Sussex

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