The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Somerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]    Primrose Hill [a.k.a. Pembury Road]  Tonbridge  

Books and other documents
PublishedTitle, author and references
1766The History of Tunbridge Wells by Thomas Benge Burr ⇒ p. 233
1830Guide of Tunbridge Wells ⇒ p. 153
1832Descriptive Sketches of Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley Estate by John Britton, F.S.A. ⇒ p. 120
1840New Guide for Tunbridge Wells by John Colbran and edited by James Phippen ⇒ p. 331
1874A History of The Weald of Kent with an outline of the History of the County to the present time, Volume II by Robert Furley, F.S.A.p. 19; p. 520; p. 521
1883Pelton's Illustrated Guide to Tunbridge Wells by J. Radford Thomson, M.A. ⇒ p. 173
1914Highways and Byways in Kent by Walter Jerrold with Illustrations by Hugh Thomson ⇒ p. 320
1933Country Houses of Kent by Arthur Oswald ⇒ p. 41

Historical records

1100 to 1558HistorySomerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

As there was a large district, comprehending a manor, forest, or chase, with a park inclosed with pales within it, at the northern part of the lowy [of Tonbridge], called North-frith; so there was a like district, though of much larger extent, called SOUTH-FRITH, at the opposite or southern side of it, with a park likewise inclosed with pale within the bounds of it.

This district was, no doubt, part of the demesnes of the family of Clare, earls of Gloucester and Hertford, possessors of the castle and manor of Tunbridge, with whom it continued till Gilbert de Clare, the only son and heir of Gilbert, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, dying without surviving issue, in the 8th year of king Edward II. his three sisters became his coheirs; and upon the division of their inheritance, though Hugh de Audley, in right of his wife Margaret, the second daughter and coheir, had the castle and manor of Tunbridge allotted to him, yet Elizabeth, the youngest of them, widow of John de Burgh, seems to have possessed this district of South-frith, and the honor of Clare, in Suffolk, as part of her share of it. She had by her husband, above-mentioned, a son, named William, who on his grandfather's death became earl of Ulster, bearing for his arms, Or, a cross gules, and on his mother's death inherited this estate. He left an only daughter and heir Elizabeth, who married Lionel, third son of king Edward III. and duke of Clarence, and was in her right created earl of Ulster, and lord of Conaught and Trime.

The duke died in the 43rd year of that reign, at Alba Pompeia, in Italy, being then possessed of this estate of South-frith, leaving an only daughter and heir Philippa, who, about the time of her father's death, by the king's command, was married to Edmund Mortimer, the third earl of March, and lord of Wigmore, who died in Ireland in the 5th year of king Richard II. anno 1381, possessed of this estate, which afterwards descended to his grandson Edmund, earl of March, who dying in the 3rd year of king Henry VI. without issue, his nephew Richard, duke of York, the only son of Richard, earl of Cambridge, by Anne Mortimer, his eldest sister, became by his uncle's will heir to his estates, and to this chase of South-frith among them, which he did not gain possession of till the countess's death, anno 10 Henry VI. He had became on the death of his father's elder brother without issue, anno 3 king Henry V. duke of York, and being both on his father's and mother's side, descended from king Edward III. he began to think of aspiring to the crown; and to crush the house of Lancaster. But in the 37th year of king Henry VI. being deserted by his army, he fled to Ireland, and was soon afterwards, in the parliament attainted, with his son the earl of March; upon which this estate became forfeited to the crown, where it did not remain long, for on the turn of fortune, which happened to him soon afterwards, the duke of York regained the possession of it, and died possessed of this chase with its appendages, in the 3rd year of king Edward IV. After which Cecillie, dutchess of York, his widow, mother of king Edward IV. continued in the possession of it till her death, which happened in the 10th year of king Henry VIII. when this estate reverted to the crown, after which king Henry VIII. granted to George, lord Cobham, the office of master, manager, and supervisor of all the beasts, of what fort soever, of his park of South-frith, and of keeper of all his ponds and waters within them ..... but the fee of it remained in the crown till king Edward VI. in his 4th year granted the manor of South-frith, with the forest or chase, and the park of it, to John Dudley, earl of Warwick, together with the manor and castle of Tunbridge, and other premises, as has been already noticed before, to hold in capite by knights service.

All which the earl, by the title of duke of Northumberland, he having been so created, re-conveyed in the 7th year of that reign, to the king, this estate in exchange. After which queen Mary granted them to cardinal Reginald Pole, archbishop of Canterbury, to hold during his life, and one year after as he should by his will determine. He died in 1558, without any particular devise of them; upon which they came to the crown

1572 to 1636HistoryFrances Bourke [Devereux] [Sydney] [Walsingham]Somerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

This forest or chase, manor, &c. were granted by queen Elizabeth, in her 14th year, to one of her chief favorites, Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, for a term of years, at the expiration of which she granted the fee of them to Frances, widow of Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, who was the sole daughter and heir of that great stateman, Sir Francis Walsingham, and had first married Sir Philip Sydney; the countess of Essex, afterwards re-married Richard Burgh, earl of Clanrickard, and it is no wonder this lady married him when Smollet says he was a very handsome gallant young nobleman, and very like the late earl of Essex; insomuch, that the queen, then far advanced in years, made some advances to him, which he declined. He became by this marriage possessed of this estate, and built a noble mansion at a very large expence, on a pleasant eminence on the northern part of it, which he did not finish till the latter end of king James I.'s reign, and gave it the name of SOMERHILL. In the 22d year of that reign he was created baron of Somerhill, viscount Tunbridge; and in the 4th year of king Charles I. earl of St. Albans, at which time he had likewise other Irish honors conferred on him, as baron of Imaudy, in Conaught, and viscount of Galloway, bearing for his arms, Or, a cross gules, in the dexter canton, a lion rampant sable. He resided much at Somerhill, and dying in 1636 was buried in Tunbridge church.

1636 to 1646HistorySomerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

Ulick, his son and heir, was long in arms for king Charles I. in Ireland, whence being obliged to fly, he took refuge in England, with the king, who in 1645 created him marquis of Clanrickard. His attachment to the king was a sufficient reason for the parliament to declare him a delinquent, and to sequester his estate, which they did, and by their ordinance of that year granted, among other premises, the manor, lands, &c. parcel of the estate of the earl of St. Albans, before seized and sequestered into the hands of the parliament, as being a papist, called Somerhill, alias Tunbridge, and all his goods there, to Robert, earl of Essex, in recompence of his heroic valour, prudent conduct, and unspotted fidelity in that high and important command of captain-general of their army, to hold during his life, in part of the yearly sum of £10,000 which they had voted to him. The earl of Essex died possessed of this estate, with the seat belonging to it, in 1646, not without suspicion of poison, and had a most magnifisicent funeral, at the charge of the parliament, with a grand procession of state to the place of his burial, in St. Paul's chapel, in Westminster abbey.

1646 to 1660HistoryLady Margaret Feilding [Villiers] [MacCarty] [Bourke]Somerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

Upon which it came again into the hands of the parliament, who, soon after the king's death, granted it to John Bradshaw, serjeant at law, president of their high court of justice, for his great service, as they termed it, to his country. He died possessed of it in 1659, and was buried with much solemnity in St. Peter's church, in Westminster; but next year his body was taken up again, and hanged on the gallows at Tyburn, under which it was afterwards buried, and the head being cut off was set on Westminster-hall. He was succeeded in it by a natural son, but the restoration of king Charles II. happening a few months afterwards, this estate of South-frith, with the seat and park of Somerhill, returned to its lawful owner in the person of Margaret, only daughter and heir of Ulick, marquis of Clanrickard, above mentioned, who had deceased in 1659, and was buried in the church of Tunbridge.

29th Apr 1658DeathUlrick Bourke, 1st Marquess of ClanricardeSomerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]

1660 to 1698HistoryLady Margaret Feilding [Villiers] [MacCarty] [Bourke]Somerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

The above lady [Margaret] was then the wife of Charles M'Carty, viscount Muskerry, eldest son of Donough, earl of Clancarty, who in her right became entitled to this seat and estate. He was killed in the great engagement with the Dutch in Solebay, in 1665, being then in the duke of York's ship, by a cannon ball, which at the same time killed the earl of Falmouth, and Richard Boyle, second son of the earl of Burlington. He died without issue, and she afterwards re-married John Villiers, viscount Purbeck, eldest son of Sir John Villiers, viscount Purbeck, the elder brother of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, the great favorite of king James and king Charles I.

John, viscount Purbeck, the son, possessed this estate in his wife's right, and on the death of his mother Mary, countess of Buckingham, claimed the title of earl of Buckingham before the house of lords in 1667; which was not allowed, notwithstanding which he continued to take the title, and always subscribed himself, Buckingham. He died, leaving by Margaret his wife, one son John, who on his death, assumed likewise the title of earl of Buckingham. Which Margaret, surviving her husband, again possessed this estate in her right, and afterwards remarried for her third husband, Mr. commonly called Beau, Fielding; having by her expensive way of life wasted her estate, she by piece-meals sold off a great part of the demesne lands, lying mostly on the southern side of South-frith to different persons, and dying in great distress, was buried accordingly, about the year 1698.

1684HistorySomerhillBurr's Tunbridge Wells

A subscription was opened in 1676, to raise a fund for building a chapel; which subscription was continued till 1684, when … this was judged sufficient … and a chapel dedicated to King Charles the Martyr was accordingly built on ground given for that purpose by Lady Purbeck of Somerhill … it was afterwards greatly enlarged and beautified

Adjoining to the chapel is a charity school, for fifty or more poor boys and girls, … supported by a contribution collected at the chapel doors, at two or three different times in the season.

Aug 1698DeathLady Margaret Feilding [Villiers] [MacCarty] [Bourke]Somerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]

1698 to 1712HistorySomerhill [a.k.a. South Frith, Yardley Court]Hasted's Kent

On her death, her son John Villiers, calling himself earl of Buckingham, became possessed of Somerhill house and park, which last had been let to a warrener, and those demesnes of South frith which remained unsold by his mother. Soon after which, he alienated the manor of South-frith, with the seat and park of Somerhill, and all the lands whatever inclosed within the pales of it to Dekins; and all the rest of the demesne lands whatsoever possessed by him here, which amounted to upwards of twelve hundred acres of land and wood ground, adjoining to the high road from Tunbridge to Rye, opposite to Somerhill parkpales, and extending from thence almost to Pembury church), to Abraham Hill, esq. of Sutton at Hone, in whose name and family they continued till William Hill, esq. of Carwithenick, in Cornwall, about the year 1768, alienated them to Mr. Edward Whatmore, of Salisbury, who quickly afterwards sold them to James Templer, esq. of the city of Westminster, since deceased, whose son the Rev. John Templer, is the present possessor of them. But THE MANOR OF SOUTH-FRITH, with the house and park of Somerhill, was devised by Dekins, who died without issue, to Cave, who about 1712 conveyed this estate to Mr. John Woodgate, of Chepsted, in Penshurst.

1809SomerhillSomerhill, Tonbridge by Paul Amsinck & engraved by Letitia ByrneLetitia ByrneAmsinck's Tunbridge Wells

1811Somerhill - as painted by Turner in 1811Somerhill - as painted by Turner in 1811, TonbridgeCountry Houses

1811SomerhillSomerhill, Tonbridge painted by J.M.W. TurnerPrivate collection

1826SomerhillSomerhill, Tonbridge by J. Clifford, Tunbridge WellsGuide of Tunbridge Wells

3rd Apr 1881CensusEphraim Wicks, M, Head, married, age 30, born Ickborough, Norfolk; occupation ServantEphraim WicksSomerhill, Lodge Oak Lane1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Ellen Wicks, F, Wife, married, age 25, born Sandford, DevonEllen Wicks
Harry Wicks, M, Son, age 6, born Langford, NorfolkHarry Wicks
Charles Wicks, M, Son, age 5, born Paddington, MiddlesexCharles Wicks
Sydney Wicks, M, Son, age 2, born Langford, NorfolkSydney Wicks
Edward Wicks, M, Son, age 1, born Tonbridge, KentEdward Wicks
Emma Wicks, F, Mother in law, married, age 59, born Bodney, NorfolkEmma Wicks
Anne Wright, F, Servant, single, age 49, born Poynton, Lincoln; occupation HousemaidAnne Wright
Matilda Carrington, F, Servant, single, age 28, born Eversden, Cambridge; occupation: housemaidMatilda Carrington

3rd Apr 1881CensusGeorge Wm. Buckwell, M, Head, married, age 24, born Ashford, Middlesex, occupation: coachmanGeorge William Buckwell, coachmanSomerhill Stable1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Mary Ann Buckwell, F, Wife, married, age 24, born Mundham, NorfolkMary Ann Buckwell
John Drewitt, M, Servant, single, age 24, born Longworth, Berkshire; occupation: stablemanJohn Drewitt

3rd Apr 1881CensusThomas Hopgood, M, Head, married, age 58, born Kilkhampton, Cornwall; occupation: head gardenerThomas Hopgood, head gardenerGardeners House, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Angelina Hopgood, F, Wife, married, age 51, born Bibury, GloucesterAngelina Hopgood
Minnie Hopgood, F, Daughter, single, age 20, born Llandynidd, Carmarthen, WalesMinnie Hopgood
William Butcher, M, Servant, single, age 23, born Capel, Kent, occupation: under gardenerWilliam Butcher
Joseph Giles, M, Servant, single, age 21, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: under gardenerJoseph Giles
Alice M. Lipscomb, F, Daughter, single, age 16, born Tunbridge, KentAlice M. Lipscomb
Rhoda Lipscomb, F, Daughter, single, age 13, born Tunbridge, KentRhoda Lipscomb
William Towner, M, Boarder, single, age 36, born Tudely, Kent; occupation: farm labourerWilliam Towner

3rd Apr 1881CensusGeorge Lipscomb, M, Head, married, age 27, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: assistant farm bailiffGeorge Lipscomb, assistant farm bailiffPark Farm, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Ann Lipscomb, F, Wife, married, age 35, born Tudely, KentAnn Lipscomb

3rd Apr 1881CensusReuben Towner, M, Head, widowed, age 44, born Tudely, Kent; occupation: shepherdReuben Towner, shepherdShepherds Lodge, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Alice Moore, F, House Keeper, widowed, age 65, born Tudely, Kent; occupation: housekeeperAlice Moore
George D. Bridges, M, Boader, single, age 13, born Tudely, Kent, occupation: under gardenerGeorge D. Bridges
Edwin Geo. Wheeler, M, Lodger, single, age 19, born Amesbury, Wiltshire; occupation Under gardenerEdwin George Wheeler

3rd Apr 1881CensusHenry S. Walter, M, Head, married, age 53, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation LabourerHenry S. Walter1 Park Farm Cottages, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Hester Walter, F, Wife, married, age 51, born West Peckham, KentHester Walter

3rd Apr 1881CensusWilliam Dadson, M, Head, married, age 59, born Cranbrook, Kent; occupation: carterWilliam Dadson2 Park Farm Cottages, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Sarah Dadson, F, Wife, married, age 50, born Tunbridge, KentSarah Dadson [Carter]
Edward Prall, M, Boader, single, age 19, born Tudely, Kent; occupation Carter's mateEdward Prall

3rd Apr 1881CensusSpencer Maddox, M, Head, married, age 26, born East Grinstead, Sussex; occupation: under gamekeeperSpencer Maddox, under gamekeeperUpper Lodge, Somerhill, Hastings Road1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Jane A. Maddox, F, Wife, married, age 25, born South Borough, KentJane A. Maddox
Spencer Maddox, M, Son, age 3, born Tunbridge, KentSpencer Maddox
John Wm. Maddox, M, Son, age 1, born Tunbridge, KentJohn William Maddox

3rd Apr 1881CensusGriffin Fletcher, M, Head, married, age 37, born Oxford, Oxford; occupation: head gamekeeperGriffin Fletcher, head gamekeeperFish Lodge, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Ellen Fletcher, F, Wife, married, age 34, born Marylebone, MiddlesexEllen Fletcher
Maud M. Fletcher, F, Daughter, age 11, born Maple Durham, Oxford; occupation: scholarMaud M. Fletcher
Ethel V. E. Fletcher, F, Daughter, age 9, born Aldermaston, Berkshire; occupation: scholarEthel V. E. Fletcher
Griffin Fletcher, M, Son, age 7, born Tollesbury, Essex; occupation: scholarGriffin Fletcher
Ella F. J. Fletcher, F, Daughter, age 5, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: scholarElla F. J. Fletcher
Robert J. Fletcher, M, Son, age 2, born Tunbridge, KentRobert J. Fletcher
Reginald Fletcher, M, Son, age 1, born Tunbridge, KentReginald Fletcher
Louisa C. Blanchard, F, Servant, single, age 17, born Hampton, Middlesex, occupation: domestic servantLouisa C. Blanchard

3rd Apr 1881CensusEdward Cooke, M, Head, single, age 26, born Little Hereford, Hereford; occupation: gamekeeperEdward Cooke, gamekeeperFish Lodge Cottage, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Occupation GamekeeperThomas Bicker

3rd Apr 1881CensusWilliam Lawrence, M, Head, widowed, age 39, born Tudely, Kent; occupation: under gardenerWilliam Lawrence, under gardenerMiddle Lodge House, Somerhill1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Dorcas Lawrence, F, Daughter, age 13, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: scholarDorcas Lawrence
Louisa Lawrence, F, Daughter, age 11, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: scholarLouisa Lawrence
Alice Lawrence, F, Daughter, age 8, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: scholarAlice Lawrence

3rd Apr 1881CensusJames Sonced, M, Head, married, age 50, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: farm labourerJames Sonced, farm labourerTown Lodge House, Somerhill, Hastings Road1881 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Anne Sonced, F, Wife, married, age 49, born Tudely, KentAnne Sonced
Anne Sonced, F, Daughter, single, age 15, born Tudely, KentAnne Sonced

5th Apr 1891CensusEphraim Wicks, M, Head, married, age 40, born Igborough, Norfolk; occupation: messengerEphraim Wicks, messengerLodge House, Somerhill, Tudely Road1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Harry Wicks, M, Son, single, age 16, born Langford, Norfolk; occupation: carpenterHarry Wicks
Charles Wicks, M, Son, age 15, born Paddington, London; occupation: plumberCharles Wicks
Sidney Wicks, M, Son, age 12, born Langford, NorfolkSidney Wicks
Edward Wicks, M, Son, age 11, born Tunbridge, KentEdward Wicks
Katherine Wicks, F, Daughter, age 8, born Tunbridge, KentKatherine Wicks
Ellen Wicks, F, Daughter, age 7, born Tunbridge, KentEllen Wicks
Frederick Wicks, M, Son, age 5, born Tunbridge, KentFrederick Wicks

5th Apr 1891CensusEdward Leach, M, Head, single, age 24, born Hinton Admiral, Hampshire; occupation: under gardener and domestic servantEdward Leach, under gardener and domestic servantGardeners Rooms, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Henry Towner, M, single, age 17, born Tonbridge, Kent; occupation: under gardener and domestic servantHenry Towner
Edward Towner, M, single, age 19, born Tonbridge, Kent; occupation: under gardener and domestic servantEdward Towner

5th Apr 1891CensusCharles Earl, M, Head, married, age 30, born Tonbridge, Kent; occupation: head gardener and domestic servantCharles Earl, head gardener and domestic servantGardeners Cottage, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Mary Ann Earl, F, Wife, married, age 30, born Llanfynydd, WalesMary Ann Earl
Ethel Mary Earl, F, Daughter, age 3, born Capel, KentEthel Mary Earl

5th Apr 1891CensusBarnard Pierson, M, Head, married, age 36, born British Subject, France; occupation: coachman and domestic servantBarnard Pierson, coachman and domestic servantSomerhill Stables1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Annie G Pierson, F, Wife, married, age 30, born Southwark, LondonAnnie G Pierson
Theresa M Pierson, F, Daughter, age 2, born Marylebone, LondonTheresa M Pierson

5th Apr 1891CensusJesse Franklin, M, Head, single, age 36, born Shalstone, Buckinghamshire; occupation: coachman and domestic servantJesse Franklin, coachman and domestic servantSomerhill Stables1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Henry Brown, M, single, age 31, born Godstone, Surrey; occupation: groom and domestic servantHenry Brown
Arthur Balls, M, single, age 24, born Ingham, Suffolk; occupation: groom and domestic servantArthur Balls
Maud Goldsmid, F, Daughter, age 16, born St Georges, Hanover Square, LondonMaud Goldsmid
Theresa Goldsmid, F, Daughter, age 16, born St Georges, Hanover Square, LondonTheresa Goldsmid
Grace Goldsmid, F, Daughter, age 13, born St Georges, Hanover Square, LondonGrace Goldsmid
Hera Goldsmid, F, Daughter, age 11, born St Georges, Hanover Square, LondonHera Goldsmid
Paulina Del Bianco, F, Governess, single, age 44, born British Subject, Italy; occupation: governessPaulina Del Bianco
Laure Guinet, F, Governess, single, age 31, born British Subject, France; occupation: governessLaure Guinet
Mary Taylor, F, Servant, single, age 56, born Scotland; occupation: housekeeperMary Taylor
Kate Larney, F, Servant, single, age 40, born Louth, Ireland; occupation: housemaidKate Larney
Alice Moran, F, Servant, single, age 24, born St Clements Danes, London; occupation: housemaidAlice Moran
Jessie Jack, F, Servant, single, age 21, born Scotland; occupation: kitchenmaidJessie Jack
Bertha Page, F, Servant, single, age 20, born Harrow On The Hill, Middlesex; occupation: scullerymaidBertha Page
Mabel Smith, F, Servant, single, age 14, born Royston, Northamptonshire; occupation: housemaidMabel Smith
Sarah Simpson, F, Servant, widowed, age 55, born Stroud, Gloucestershire; occupation: housemaidSarah Simpson
Elise Teuscher, F, Servant, single, age 21, born British Subject, Germany; occupation: ladies maidElise Teuscher
Frank W Powell, M, Servant, married, age 28, born Chelsea, London; occupation: under butlerFrank W Powell
George Bynoth, M, Servant, single, age 22, born Standon, Hertfordshire; occupation: footmanGeorge Bynoth

5th Apr 1891CensusJeremiah Reader, M, Head, married, age 55, born Yalding, Kent; occupation: shepherdJeremiah Reader, shepherdShepherds Cottage, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Amy Reader, F, Wife, married, age 51, born Otford, KentAmy Reader
Isaac Day, M, Lodger, single, age 42, born Otford, Kent; occupation: farm labourerIsaac Day
Albert Trill, M, Lodger, single, age 15, born Wateringbury, Kent; occupation: shepherd boyAlbert Trill
Bertha Connell, F, Visitor, single, age 13, born Tunbridge, KentBertha Connell
Ernest Reader, M, Grandson, age 3, born Tunbridge, KentErnest Reader

5th Apr 1891CensusJohn Chapman, M, Head, married, age 31, born Deptford, Kent; occupation: laundry managerJohn Chapman, laundry managerThe Laundry, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Agnes J Chapman, F, Wife, married, age 30, born Romford, Essex; occupation: laundressAgnes J Chapman
Edith M Stokes, F, Servant, single, age 21, born Hertford, Hertfordshire; occupation: laundressEdith M Stokes
Emma Botwood, F, Servant, single, age 21, born Liverpool, Lancashire; occupation: laundressEmma Botwood

5th Apr 1891CensusCharles Sales, M, Head, married, age 51, born Yalding, Kent; occupation: farm bailiff and domestic servantCharles Sales, farm bailiff and domestic servantThe Farm, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Annie E Sales, F, Wife, married, age 46, born Winchelsea, Sussex; occupation: dairy womanAnnie E Sales
Kate G Sales, F, Daughter, age 20, born West Malling, KentKate G Sales

5th Apr 1891CensusHenry S Walter, M, Head, married, age 63, born Leigh, Kent; occupation: cowmanHenry S Walter, cowmanThe Farm Cottages, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Hester Walter, F, Wife, married, age 61, born West Peckham, KentHester Walter

5th Apr 1891CensusJames Dadson, M, Head, married, age 38, born Tunbridge, Kent; occupation: farm labourerJames Dadson, farm labourerThe Farm Cottages, Somerhill1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Eleanor A Dadson, F, Wife, married, age 35, born Tunbridge, KentEleanor A Dadson
Edith M Dadson, F, Daughter, age 3, born Tunbridge, KentEdith M Dadson

5th Apr 1891CensusHenry Bynoth, M, Head, married, age 49, born Bayford, Hertfordshire; occupation: headkeeper and domestic servantHenry Bynoth, headkeeper and domestic servantFish Lodge, Somerhill Park1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Harriett Bynoth, F, Wife, married, age 46, born Saycombe, HertfordshireHarriett Bynoth
Arthur Bynoth, M, Son, single, age 12, born Standon, Hertfordshire; occupation: scholarArthur Bynoth
Elizabeth Bynoth, F, Mother, widowed, age 80, born Market Roothing, EssexElizabeth Bynoth

5th Apr 1891CensusWilliam Carter, M, Head, single, age 26, born Little Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire; occupation: underkeeper and domestic servantWilliam Carter, underkeeper and domestic servantKeepers Rooms, Somerhill Park1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
William D Martin, M, Lodger, single, age 18, born Norwich, Norfolk; occupation: underkeeper and domestic servantWilliam D Martin

5th Apr 1891CensusWilliam Lawrence, M, Head, widowed, age 59, born Capel, Kent; occupation: gardener and domestic servantWilliam Lawrence, gardener and domestic servantLodge House, Somerhill Park1891 Census
Tonbridge, Kent
Alice Lawrence, F, Daughter, single, age 18, born Tunbridge, KentAlice Lawrence
Agnes Lawrence, F, Daughter, single, age 16, born Tunbridge, KentAgnes Lawrence

1914SomerhillSomerhill, Tonbridge photographed by E. North, TonbridgePrivate collection

c 1930Somerhill - the stable courtSomerhill - the stable court, TonbridgeCountry Houses

c 1930Somerhill - draft planSomerhill - draft planCountry Houses

c 1930Somerhill - the west frontSomerhill - the west front, TonbridgeCountry Houses

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