The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Fairwarp Farm  Fair Warp  Ashdown Forest  Maresfield  
Historical records

after 1375Manor recordGrant Richard Quecheworthe.2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

before 1609Manor recordRobert Cornford in extremis surrendered to Robert Histed, heriot cow.2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1609 to 1611Manor recordRobert Histed admit. 1611 surrendered to Antony Russell.2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1611 to 1634Manor recordAntony Russell admit. 1634 deceased, heriot cow sold 33/4d.2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1634 to 1639Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Ralph Russell son admit. 1637 mortgage Robert Saxbie of Bassets in Hartfeild £21/10/-. 1638 mortgage Francis Seale £43.

1639 to 1664Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Francis Seale admit on 3rd proc, fine £3/6/8d. 1664 surrendered to Richard and Sara Seale.

1664Manor record4 ½ acres 12d annual rent2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1664 to 1685Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Richard Seale and wife Sara admit for 3 lives, fine £4. Richard Seale deceased, heriot cow 45/-.

1685 to 1692Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Phillip Seale son 17 admit on 2nd proc, John Stocker guardian, fine 5/-. 1686 surrendered self and wife Elizabeth by attorney Richard Leopard. 1692 recovery. 1692 surrendered to Edward and Joanne Hoadley.

1692 to 1700Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Edward Hoadly and wife Joanne admit, fine £6. 1700 surrendered to George Weeks.

1693Manor recordMap no.26--6.3.23 acres2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1700Manor recordTenement, barn, 6 acres.2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor

1700 to 1704Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
George Weeks admit, fine £6. 1704 deceased, heriot steer compo £3/5/-.

1700 to 1704Manor recordGrant George Weekes and surrendered to uses.1704 deceased.HopgardenDuddleswell Manor

1704 to 1707Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
George Weeks son admit, fine 1/-, William Humphrey guardian fine 2/6d. with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1707 deceased.

1704 to 1707Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
George Weeks son admit,William Humphrey guardian fine with M21.1707 deceased.

1707 to 1723Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
David Weeks brother 10 heir, mother Maria guardian, fine. 1722 licence to let 21 years to George ffeildweek, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1723 surrendered to Richard Gaynesford.

1707 to 1723Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
David Weeks brother 10 admit,mother Maria guardian,fine 2/6d.1722 licence to let 21 years to George ffeildweek,with M62.1723 surrendered RG.

1723 to 1757Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Richard Gaynesford of Cowden farmer admit, fine £6.with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1757 deceased, heriot old horse compo 20/-.

1723 to 1757Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Richard Gaynesford of Cowden farmer admit,fine £6,with M21.1757 deceased.

1758 to 1770Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Richard Gaynesford son admit on 3rd proc, mother Elizabeth guardian, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1770 surrendered to John Newnham.

1758 to 1770Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Richard Gaynesford son admit on 3rd proc,mother Elizabeth guardian,with M21.1770 surrendered JN.

1770 to 1810Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
John Newnham Esq of Maresfeild admit by attorney Francis Wheeler gent, fine £6, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1779 surrendered to uses. 1810 surrendered to William Star £280, herio £280, heriot compo £8.

1770 to 1810Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
John Newnham Esq of Maresfeild admit by attorney Francis Wheeler gent,fine £6,with M21. 1779 surrendered to uses.1810 surrendered WS £280

1810 to 1822Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
William Star of Maresfeild farmer admit, fine £10 and surrendered to will with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1817 mortgage Martin Hoath of Maresfeild yeoman £150, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1844 exors satis. 1822 deceased, heriot red cow compo £3.

1810 to 1822Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
William Star of Maresfeild farmer admit and surrendered to will with M21.1817 mortgage Martin Hoath of Maresfeild yeoman £150,with M21.1844 exors satis.1822 deceased.

1824 to 1837Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Stephen Starr of Wadhurst farmer son admit on 3rd proc, relief 1/- with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1837 surrendered to George Starr £265.

1824 to 1837Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Stephen Starr of Wadhurst farmer son admit on 3rd proc, with M21.1837 surrendered GS £265.

1837 to 1859Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
George Starr admit, fine £10, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1844 mortgage Anne Lee £200, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1854 satis. 1854 mo854 satis. 1854 mortgage Thomas Whitfield Esq of Hamsey and Henry Percival Esq of Bedingham £200 with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1860 satis. 1859 surrendered to John Combridge £300, heriot cow compo £6/13/4d.

1837 to 1859Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
George Starr admit,with M21.1844 mortgage Anne Lee £200,with M21.1854 satis. 1854 mortgage Thomas Whitfield Esq of Hamsey and Henry Percival Esq of Bedingham £200 with M21.1860 satis.1859 surrendered JC £300.

1840Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Tithe map pt.nos.1203/6, 1233/4 -- 8.3.12 acres with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands.

1840Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Tithe pt.nos.1203/6,1233/4—8.3.12 acres with 2 tenements, messuage, cottage, 4 acres near Oldlands.

6th Jun 1841CensusGeorge Starr, M, Head, age 52, born Sussex; occupation FarmerGeorge StarrFair Wharp1841 Census
Maresfield, Sussex
John Starr, M, [Son], age 25 to 29, born SussexJohn Hobbs Starr
Caroline Starr, F, [Daughter], age 22, born SussexCaroline Starr
Samuel Starr, M, [Son], age 20, born SussexSamuel Starr
Thomas Starr, M, [Son], age 18, born SussexSpencer Starr
Lydia Starr, F, [Daughter], age 16, born SussexLydia Starr
Phillip Starr, M, [Son], age 14, born SussexPhilip Starr
Isaac Hobbs, M, age 75 to 79, born Sussex; occupation: independentIsaac Hobbs, independent

30th Mar 1851CensusHead; widowed; employs 3 people; occupation FARMERGeorge StarrFair Warp1851 Census
Maresfield, Sussex
DaughterCaroline Starr
Son; occupation EMPLOYED ON FARMSamuel Starr
Son; occupation EMPLOYED ON FARMSpencer Starr
Son; occupation EMPLOYED ON FARMPhilip Starr
Servant; occupation Farm servantDavid Scott
Servant; occupation: house servantMary Cox
Visitor; occupation: visitorCharles Cox

1859 to 1864Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
John Combridge of Maresfeild farmer admit, fine £20, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1864 surrendered to George and Pamela Cook £400, heriot sheep compo 16/8d.

1859 to 1864Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
John Combridge of Maresfeild farmer admit,with M21.1864 surrendered G and PC £400,heriot sheep compo 16/8d.

1864 to 1879Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
George Cook farmer and wife Pamela admit, fine £30, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1879 surrendered to Henry Norman £400.

1864 to 1879Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
George and Pamela Cook farmer admit,with M21.1879 surrendered HN £400.

1874Directory entryPage Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Fairwarp farmFairwarp farmPost Office Directory

c 1875Fairwarp, Hendall, Lampool and Whitehouse, North of Maresfield - c 1875Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1875 by Ordnance SurveyFairwarp Farm

1876RecollectionsThomas OsbornFairwarp Farm in MaresfieldAshdown Forest dispute

During The Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882 commoners and land owners were interviewed by the solicitor William Raper. Their comments were recorded in a series of notebooks:

Thomas Osborn aged 53 farms Fairwarp Farm in Maresfield containing about 30 acres for 11 years. Before that farmed Whitehouse about 33 acres under Lady Shelley for 9 years. Owns house and 4 acres at Duddleswell, copyhold of Duddleswell Manor, quarterly rent 6d., and bought it about 18 months ago. Never had any stone off the Forest. Always understood that the Lord of the manor was entitled to charge 6d. a load for stone etc., off the Forest. Has had turf and litter for all 3 places without paying anything. Has never had any gravel, marl or wood.


1879 to 1906Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Henry Norman of Maresfeild grocer admit, fine £23, with Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands. 1890 mortgage Margaret wife of Major General Robert William Bland Hunt of 19 St Johns Park Blackheath &poark Blackheath £600, with Marlelands, cottage and tenement, 5 acres assart within Forest, 5. 2. 48 acres adj Marlelands, Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands, 4 acres south of Marles. 1906 deceased, heriot horse compo £13/6/8d.

1879 to 1906Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Henry Norman of Maresfeild grocer admit,with M21.1890 mortgage Margaret wife of Major General Robert William Bland Hunt of 19 St Johns Park Blackheath £600,with M21,38,59A,81. 1906 deceased.

1906Manor record2 tenements, messuage, cottageDuddleswell Manor
Frances Norman widow admit by will, Edward Norman attorney, with Marlelands, cottage and tenement, 5 acres assart within Forest, 5. 2. 48 acres adj Marlelands, < Marlelands, Hopgarden, 1 acre by Oldlands, 4 acres south of Marles, fine £25.

1906Manor recordHopgardenDuddleswell Manor
Frances Norman widow admit by will,Edward Norman attorney,with M21,38,59A,81.

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