The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Hindleap Warren Farm  Wych [a.k.a. Wytch] Cross  Ashdown Forest  Maresfield  

Books and other documents
PublishedTitle, author and references
1997The Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882 by Professor Brian Short ⇒ Notebook extract; Notebook extract

Historical records

c 1724Witch Cross, Sussex - c 1724Part of the 1 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1724 by Richard BudgenHindlip

c 1795Witch Cross, Sussex - c 1795Part of the 1 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1795 by William Gardner and Thomas GreamHindlip

6th Jun 1841CensusGeorge Tester, M, Head, age 45 to 49, born Sussex; occupation: farm labourerGeorge Tester, farm labourerHindleap, Warren House1841 Census
East Grinstead, Sussex
Jane Tester, F, [Wife], age 50 to 54, born SussexJane Tester [Winn]
George Tester, M, [Son], age 24, born Sussex; occupation: farm labourerGeorge Henry Tester, labourer
John Tester, M, [Son], age 20 to 24, born Sussex; occupation: farm labourerJohn Tester, gardener
Jane Tester, F, [Daughter], age 15 to 19, born SussexJane Tester
Ann Tester, F, [Grand-Daughter], age 6, born SussexAnn Tester
Mary Tester, F, [Grand-Daughter], age 4, born SussexMary Tester

1867Directory entryHead John, farmer, Hind Leap farmHind Leap farmPost Office Directory

1874Directory entryHead John, farmer, Hind Leap farmHind Leap farmPost Office Directory

c 1875Wych Cross, Sussex - c 1875Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1875 by Ordnance SurveyHindleap

25th Sep 1878RecollectionsEdward HeaverHindleap WarrenAshdown Forest dispute

During The Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882 commoners and land owners were interviewed by the solicitor William Raper. Their comments were recorded in a series of notebooks:

Heaver, Edward. First rate witness. Pretty robust. Aged 76. [Born] on 30 January, 1802 at the house in the Hindleap Warren. Baptised in East Grinstead.

When I was about 8 or 10 years old my father William Heaver was tenant at Plaw Hatch Farm, about 100 acres at that time. The owner was then Major Marsacks. He sold to Blunt, he to Allison, he to Harrison and he to Arbuthnot. I worked with slight intervals till 26 or 27 [years old]. Then I lodged a short time at Plaw Hatch at Quabrook and did odd work for about 10 years. Then worked at Hammerwood for Mr. Meggins for about 10 years, living during the greater part of the time at Forest Row before I left to work with a little farm of 16 acres near the turnpike at Forest Row belonging to Dr. Collins of East Grinstead which I farmed about 7 or 8 years and I then took Leggs Heath Farm which I have held for about 26 years. The first occupier of Leggs Heath I remember was old Payne who owned it. After him I think his son William had it for a year or two. He was succeeded by a Mr. Holford, then a Mr. Flint, then Gardner, then I.


3rd Apr 1881CensusAlfred Powell, M, Head, married, age 45, born West Hoathly; occupation FarmerAlfred PowellHindleap Warren Farm1881 Census
East Grinstead, Sussex
Martha Powell, F, Wife, married, age 59, born West HoathlyMartha Powell

c 1899Hindleap, Sussex - c 1899Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1899 by Ordnance SurveyHindleap

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British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

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