The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Nos 11 to 20    High Brooms    
Historical records

3rd Apr 1881CensusWilliam Seymour, M, Head, married, age 44, born Hailsham, Kent; occupation LabourerWilliam Seymour15 High Brooms1881 Census
Southborough, Kent
Addalaid Seymour, F, Wife, married, age 46, born Maresfield, SussexAddalaid Seymour
William H. Seymour, M, Son, single, age 23, born Rusthall, KentWilliam H. Seymour
Jane Seymour, F, Daughter, single, age 20, born Rusthall, KentJane Seymour
Addelaide Seymour, F, Daughter, single, age 18, born Rusthall, KentAddelaide Seymour
Jessie Seymour, M, Son, single, age 15, born Rusthall, Kent; occupation LabourerJessie Seymour
Barbara Seymour, F, Daughter, age 12, born Rusthall, Kent; occupation ScholarBarbara Seymour
Eliza A. Seymour, F, Daughter, age 8, born Rusthall, Kent; occupation ScholarEliza A. Seymour
Albert Seymour, M, Son, age 5, born Rusthall, KentAlbert Seymour

3rd Apr 1881CensusJames Scott, M, Head, married, age 36, born Bath; occupation: labourerJames Scott, labourer16 High Brooms1881 Census
Southborough, Kent
Susannah Scott, F, Wife, married, age 31, born BathSusannah Scott
Mary A. Scott, F, Daughter, age 6, born Bath; occupation: scholarMary A. Scott
Alfred W. Scott, M, Son, age 2, born Tun Wells, KentAlfred W. Scott
Emily J. Scott, F, Daughter, age 9 m, born Tun Wells, KentEmily J. Scott

3rd Apr 1881CensusHenry Goodsell, M, Head, married, age 33, born Ewerst, Sussex; occupation: labourerHenry Goodsell, labourer18 High Brooms1881 Census
Southborough, Kent
Mary J. Goodsell, F, Wife, married, age 23, born Tun Wells, KentMary J. Goodsell
Charlotte N. Goodsell, F, Daughter, age 1, born Southboro, KentCharlotte N. Goodsell

The Weald is at  Database version 14.05 which has ongoing updates to the 395,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books loaded in the previous version

British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

of the