The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Plain, Plaine, Plane, Playne individual records sorted by date of birth 268 parish records
by type and year
Individuals by first name ►   A to F G to L M to Z    
Individuals by date of birth ►   Pre 1800 1800 to 1850 Post 1850 Date N/K  
Families by marriage date ►   Pre 1800 1800 to 1850 Post 1850 Date NK  
Date & Parish/Area
b: c 1540
Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith's research
Wyat Plane
b: c 1540
d: Oct 1597
Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith's research
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
b: c 1542
Jasper Iden
Mrs Iden
Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith's research
Joyce Kypps [Goodding] [Plane]
b: c 1565
Wyat Plane
Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith's research
An (Agnes) Pawlye [Plane]
b: c 1571
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Henry Plane
b: 1572 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Dec 1572
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Henry Plane
b: c 1573 County of Kent
d: Oct 1619
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Thomas Plane
b: 1574 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: May 1634
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Wyat Plane
b: 1575 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Apr 1638
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Elizabeth Plane
b: c 1575
Don Lloyd and team's research
Francis Plane
b: 1577 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Jul 1619
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Rebecka Children [Plane]
b: 1579 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary (Marie) Stubberffielde [Plane]
b: 1580 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Jul 1619
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Judith Plane [Benden]
b: c 1580
d: Jun 1613 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Don Lloyd and team's research
Michael (Myhell) Plane
b: 1582 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: May 1599
Wyat Plane
Rebecca Plane [Jones] [Iden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Margaret Plane [Children]
b: c 1582
d: after 1630
John Children
Margaret Children
Don Lloyd and Kathryn Smith's research
Elizabeth Newman [Plane] [Cavill]
b: 1595 Parish of Canterbury, Kent
John (Kevell) Cavill
Mrs Cavill
Don Lloyd and team's research
Rebecca Willard [Plane]
b: 1608 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Feb 1675/76 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Iden Plane
b: 1610 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Aug 1679 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Wiat Plane
b: 1612 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Rebecca Plane
b: 1611/12 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Francis Plane
Judith Plane [Benden]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Thomas Plane
b: 1614 County of Kent
d: May 1668 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Margaret Plane
b: 1616 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Apr 1617 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Michaell Plane
b: 1618 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Feb 1620/21 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Wyat Plane
b: 1618 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Francis Plane
Elizabeth Newman [Plane] [Cavill]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Francis Plane
b: 1620 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: Dec 1678 Parish of Hunton, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Ann Plane [Stone]
b: c 1620
d: Nov 1658 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
East Peckham Marriage Registers
Margaret Simons [Plane]
b: after 1623 County of Kent
d: Apr 1676 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Michael Plane
b: 1622/23 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
d: 1667 County of Kent
Thomas Plane
Margaret Plane [Children]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Huggin Plane
b: 1633 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Feb 1664/65 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
John Huggin
Rebecca Willard [Plane]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Anne Plane [Woodsale]
b: c 1640
Don Lloyd and team's research
Thomas Plane
b: 1645 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Oct 1675 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Francis Plane
Ann Plane [Stone]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary Brooker [Plane]
b: c 1645
Brenchley Marriage Registers
Francis Plane
b: 1647 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: before 1679 County of Kent
Francis Plane
Ann Plane [Stone]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Thomas Plane
b: 1647 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Mar 1647/48 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Iden Plane
Alice Plane
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary Henham [Plane]
b: 1648 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Apr 1703 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Iden Plane
Alice Plane
Don Lloyd and team's research
Elizabeth Plane [Hatch]
b: c 1650
Don Lloyd and team's research
George Plane
b: 1650/51 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Apr 1712 Parish of Marden, Kent
Francis Plane
Ann Plane [Stone]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Iden Plane
b: 1654 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Dec 1715 Parish of Hunton, Kent
Francis Plane
Ann Plane [Stone]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Anne Plane [Beeston]
b: c 1655
d: 1739 Parish of Marden, Kent
Don Lloyd and team's research
Elizabeth Plane
b: c 1655
d: Jun 1730 Parish of Hadlow, Kent
Don Lloyd and team's research
Martha Plane [Smith]
b: c 1655
d: Jan 1680/81 Parish of Yalding, Kent
Don Lloyd and team's research
Edward Plane
b: 1662 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Jan 1662/63 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
Huggin Plane
Anne Plane [Woodsale]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Anthony Plane
b: 1679 Parish of Hunton, Kent
d: Jan 1714/15 Parish of Hunton, Kent
Iden Plane
Elizabeth Plane
Don Lloyd and team's research
Martha Gardner [Plane]
b: 1680/81 Parish of Yalding, Kent
d: May 1706 Parish of Linton, Kent
George Plane
Martha Plane [Smith]
Don Lloyd and team's research
John Plane
b: 1685 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: 4th Nov 1745 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
George Plane
Anne Plane [Beeston]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Anne Plane [Chapman]
b: 1687 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: 1st Jun 1741 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
Richard Chapman
Elizabeth Chapman
Don Lloyd and team's research
Iden Plane
b: 1686/87 Parish of East Peckham, Kent
d: Feb 1773 Parish of Newenden, Kent
George Plane
Anne Plane [Beeston]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Anne Ossen [Plane]
b: 1688 Parish of Marden, Kent
George Plane
Anne Plane [Beeston]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
b: c 1690
d: Aug 1758 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
Don Lloyd and team's research
John Plane
b: 1714 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: May 1792 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Ann Gray [Plane]
b: 1715/16 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Mar 1761 Parish of Hawkhurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Iden Plane
b: 1718 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: 24th Apr 1744 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Richard Plane
b: 1719 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Sarah Bayley [Plane]
b: 1720/21 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Dec 1778 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary Bishop [Plane]
b: 1721 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: May 1800 Parish of Newenden, Kent
Iden Plane
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Robert Plane
b: 1722/23 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Oct 1723 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Iden Plane
b: 1723 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: Aug 1723 Parish of Marden, Kent
Iden Plane
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Elizabeth Plane
b: 1724 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Oct 1731 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
John Plane
b: 1724 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: May 1725 Parish of Marden, Kent
Iden Plane
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Thomas Plane
b: 1726 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Jul 1726 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Ann Plane
b: 1727 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: Apr 1729 Parish of Marden, Kent
Iden Plane
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Mary Plane
b: 1727 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: Oct 1730 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
George Plane
b: 1729 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
d: 25th Oct 1781 Parish of Queenborough, Kent
John Plane
Anne Plane [Chapman]
Don Lloyd and team's research
John Plane
b: 1730 Parish of Marden, Kent
d: Aug 1733 Parish of Marden, Kent
Iden Plane
Mary Plane [Gilbert]
Don Lloyd and team's research
Elizabeth Plane [Elliot]
b: c 1730
Don Lloyd and team's research
Sarah Gray Plane
b: 1737 Parish of Staplehurst, Kent
Arthur Gray
Ann Gray [Plane]
Don Lloyd and team's research

The Weald is at  Database version 14.05 which has ongoing updates to the 395,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books loaded in the previous version

British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

of the