Maresfield | Newlond | 4 acres new assart | Copyhold |
M10A | 1/4d annual rent |
before 1615 | Before 1615 John Norman surrendered to William Norman. |
before 1615 | |
1615 to 1636 | |
1636 to 1654 | |
1654 | Barn 4 acres. |
1654 to 1658 | 1654 John Jarret and Richard Gorringe admit, fine 30/- . 1658 John Jarrett surrendered to Richard Gorringe. |
1658 to 1662 | 1658 Richard Gorringe admit and surrendered to will. 1662 deceased. |
1662 | Tenement/cottage, barn, 4 acres |
1662 to 1679 | 1662 John Gorringe admit, fine £4. 1679 deceased. |
1679 to 1684 | 1679 Richard Gorringe of Fletching brother admit. 1684 mortgage Alice Clarke of Maresfield widow £60. 1684 surrendered to Alice Clarke. |
1684 to 1688 | 1684 Alice Clarke admit on 2nd proc, fine 45/-. 1685 Thomas Nutt and Martin Hoath trustees of will admit. 1688 surrendered to Richard Devonish. |
1688 to 1741 | 1688 Richard Devonish of Maresfeild yeoman admit on 2nd proc, fine £3. 1726 mortgage Edward Bland £31/10/-. 1740 mortgage Martin Hoath of Maresfeild, occupier John Richardson. 1750 satis. 1741 deceased,r />1741 deceased, heriot little lame horse compo 7/6d. |
1741 to 1752 | 1741 John Devonish eldest son admit on 3rd proc, relief 16d. 1752 surrendered to John Peckham. |
1752 to 1800 | 1752 John Peckham of Maresfeild carpenter admit, fine £4/4/- and mortgage Martin Hoath yeoman of Maresfeild £50. 1769 mortgage Robert Hoath of Maresfeild £65. 1800 deceased. 1801 heriot cow compo &pounot cow compo £6. |
1801 to 1809 | 1801 William Peckham carpenter only son admit on 3rd proc, relief 16d. 1804 Robert Hoath surrendered to William Peckham. 1804 mortgage William Kenward of Uckfield yeoman £100. 1808 satis. 1809 surrendered to 09 surrendered to William Kenward. |
1809 | at least 1/6d annual rent |
1810 to 1812 | 1810 William Kenward of Uckfield yeoman admit, fine £8 and surrendered to will. 1812 surrendered to George Grantham £400. |
1812 to 1827 | 1812 George Grantham of St Michaels Lewes gent admit and surrendered to will, fine £10. 1827 surrendered to Sir John Shelley £740. |
1827 to 1852 | |
1840 | |
1854 | 1854 Sir John Villiers Shelley Bart of Maresfeild admit and surrendered to Henry Thomas Earl of Chichester and Henry Hall Viscount Gage. |
1854 to 1875 | |
1875 | Enfranchised. |