The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex

The Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882
by Professor Brian Short
published by Sussex Record Society in 1997
Excerpts from this work have been reproduced on this site with the kind permission of Professor Brian Short

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William Augustus Raper
Henry Pilbeam

Pilbeam, Henry. Cophall Farm, Maresfield. My wife Harriet Elizabeth inherited Cophall Farm, 19 1/2 acres, from her father Thomas Page and the Michaelmas after she came of age, namely at Michaelmas 1876, we took possession of the farm and have used it ever since. We have had litter off the Forest each year. I have turned out cows and young bullocks and I have had 1 load of heath from the Forest for re-thatching old buildings. I have never been interfered with nor paid anything.

Pilbeam pays quit rents for 3 copyhold tenements to Manor of Duddleswell amounting together to £1 2s. 8d. Probably: Barn and 6 acres called Cophall 2s. 2d; (Probably a part) 8 acres 0 rods 32 perches at Cophall 14s. 6d; grant 6s. 0d. Total £1 2s. 8d.

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High Weald  
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