The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
A to Z

Family records
selected surnames
count is number of people
Adams, Adames, Addams, Addames, Adam - 1530
Akehurst, Ackehurst, Akeherst, Ackarst, Ackerst, Ackherst, Akerst, Ackhurst, Achurst, Akhurst, Akherst, Jenner-Akehurst, Jenner Akehurst, Achurst \Acr - 1114
Alcorn, Achorn, Alcharne, Alchehorn, Alcheine, Alcheshorne, Alchin, Alchen, Alchine, Alchorn, Alchorne, Alchyn, Alchyne, Achone, Alcorne, Allcam, Allc - 1425
Allan, Allam, Alland, Allane, Alleann, Allen, Alleyne, Allin, Allitt, Allyn, Alwynne, Alyin - 865
Arnold, Arnall, Arnalle, Arneld, Arnell, Arnal, Arnoll - 586
Ashby, Ashbe, Ashbee, Ashbey, Ashbie, Asby, Ashbyes, Ashebe, Asheby, Ashebye, Ashey, Asbye, Ashbye, Ashebey, Asshebe, Asshebie, Assheby, Asshebye, Ash - 2216
Ashdown, Asdown, Ashdon, Ashdowne, Ashedown, Ashedowne, Asshedon, Asshesdowne - 1144
Atheral, Atharall, Atherall, Atherol, Atheroll, Attersol, Attersole, Attersoll, Attersall, Athroll, Athtrill, Athrill, Athrall, Attrell, Attrill, Hatt - 181
Attree, Atree - 117
Austin, Austine, Austen, Aust, Austen-Leigh, Austain, Auston, Austyn - 2148
Averey, Averie, Averl, Avery, Avary, Avery? - 453
Avis, Aves, Avice, Avies, Avaice - 896
Bailey, Baileye, Bailleux, Baily, Bailye, Baillie, Baillee, Baley, Balye, Bayle, Bayley, Baylie, Bayly, Baylye - 827
Baker, Bakere, Bakes - 4383
Baldwin, Baldwine, Baldwyn, Balwin, Balden, Baldin, Bauldwin - 1059
Barber, Barber alias Nynne, Nynne alias Barber - 398
Barfoot, Barefoot, Bearfoot, Burfoot - 446
Barham, Bareham, Barhum, Berham, Barram - 435
Barnes, Barns, Barne, Bernes - 486
Barrow, Barow, Barrowe, Barrows, Bara, Barra - 689
Barton, Barten, Bartin - 1466
Bassett, Baset, Basett, Basset, Bassott - 863
Bedwell, Bidwell, Bidewell - 136
Beeching, Beechinge, Beaching - 181
Bellingham, Belingham, Billingham - 840
Berry, Berrett, Berrey, Berrie, Berrye, Bury - 382
Berwick, Berek, Berick, Bericke, Berreck, Berrecke, Berreke, Berrick, Berricke, Barwick, Berwicke - 253
Best - 436
Bisch, Bish, Bishe, Bysh, Byshe, Bysshe - 489
Bishop, Bishopp, Bisshopp, Byshop, Bysshope, Bisp - 714
Boarer, Boar, Boore, Boorer, Borer, Boror, Borrer, Bourah, Borah, Bourer, Bowlah, Bowra, Bowrah - 607
Bones, Bone, Bons, Boans, Boanes, Bond, Bonds, Bones or Bone, Bones or Gray - 707
Boorman, Boreman, Borman, Bourman, Bourdman - 524
Bourner, Borne, Borner, Bourn, Bourne, Bournes, Bourne or Bowine - 435
Bowles, Bowls, Bowlls - 266
Box, Boxe - 400
Bridgeland, Bridgiland, Bridgland, Bridgling - 403
Bridger, Bridgen, Bridgers, Brydger - 891
Bristow, Bristowe, Bristoe, Bristo, Brystow - 268
Bromley, Bromly, Brumley, Brumly - 318
Brook, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks - 1089
Brooker - 2423
Brooman, Bronman, Broman, Browman, Bromeman, Bruman - 283
Brown, Broune, Broun, Browne, Browner - 2598
Bryant, Bryane, Briant, Bryand - 377
Budgen, Budgens, Budgeon, Budginne, Budge, Budgell, Budger, Budges, Budgin, Bugen, Bugden - 1097
Burges, Burge, Burgas, Burgess, Burgesse, Burgress, Burghes, Burgis, Burgiss, Burgs, Burgys, Bugess - 1476
Burr, Burre - 338
Callow, Callowe, Calow - 276
Cambridge, Combridge, Coombridge - 223
Card, Carde, Cardy - 1564
Catt, Cat, Catte - 921
Cheasman, Cheeseman, Cheesman, Cheseman, Cheesemore, Cheesemer, Cheesmer, Chisman - 459
Chesson, Chessin, Chessor, Cheston - 106
Chewtor, Cheuter, Chewter, Chautter, Chuter - 270
Children, Childrens - 169
Chillman, Chilman - 105
Clapson - 483
Clout, Cloute, Cloutt - 306
Cogger, Coger, Coggere, Coggar - 268
Cole, Coale, Coaler, Coal, Coles - 1304
Coleman, Coalman, Coldman, Collman, Colman, Coltman - 739
Cork, Corke, Corks - 1101
Cornford, Corneford, Corneforde, Cornefoord, Comford - 498
Cornwell, Comwell, Conwell, Cornwall, Cornwal, Corwal, Corwall - 746
Couchman, Cuchman, Cushman - 534
Coulstock, Coulstick, Coulslock, Cowlstock, Cowlstocke, Cowlstick - 208
Cox, Coxe - 655
Crittall, Crittal, Crittale, Crettall, Crittel, Crittell, Crittle, Crottol, Grittle - 311
Crouch, Crouche, Croch - 502
Croucher - 101
Crowhurst, Crohurst, Crouherst, Crouhull, Crowherst, Crowhorst, Crawhurst - 895
Curd, Curde, Curds - 506
Dadswell, Dadswall, Dodswell, Dodwell, Dodeswell, Doudswell, Doudeswell, Dadsell - 1186
Dann, Dan, Danne, Dannett, Danns - 1012
Daw, Dawe, Dawes, Daws - 581
Delves, Delve, Delvis - 550
Denman, Deneman - 231
Deval, Devale, Devall, Daval, Dival, Divall, Divell, Diwell, Dovell, Duval, Duvall, Duvell, Duvull, Divol - 1020
Dibley, Dibly - 190
Diplock, Dipleck, Deplocke, Daplock, Diplocke, Duplake, Dupleck, Duplecke, Duplock - 851
Doust - 192
Dumsday, Doomsday, Domsday, Dunsday - 65
Eade, Ead, Eads, Eades, Edde, Ede, Edes - 424
Eagle, Eagles, Eagels, Egles - 124
Eastwood - 583
Edwards, Edwardes, Edward - 1872
Eldridge, Eldredge - 1030
Ellis, Ellise, Elliss, Ellass - 1540
Everest, Everist, Everst, Evrest, Evarest - 1222
Fairway, Fareway - 63
Farmer, Farmor, Farmar, Fermor, Fermer, Fermour, Formor, Farmen - 1412
Farrant, Farrants, Farrent - 392
Fenner, Fenor - 744
Fever, Fevere, Feaver, Feaviour - 144
Field, Feilde, Feild, Field Buss, Field-Buss, Fielde, Fields, Fyld - 1232
Forward - 326
Fowle, Fowles, Fowl, Fowll - 240
Fowler - 207
Frost, Froast - 550
Fry, Fray, Fre, Frie, Frye, ffrie - 1628
Funnel, Funnell - 1148
Gabriel - 175
Gallard - 124
Gilbert, Gilbart, Gilberd, Gilbard, Gilberte, Gilburd, Gilburt, Gillbart, Gillbert, Guilbert, Guilbird, Gylbert - 840
Godley, Godlie, Godly, Godlye, Godlee, Godbey, Godby - 419
Golden, Goldam, Golding - 324
Goldsmith, Goldsmyth, Goldsmythe, Golsmyth, Gouldsmith, Gouldsmyth, Goulsmyth, Gowldsmythe - 1472
Gorham, Goreham - 113
Gravat, Gravatt, Gravett, Gravet, Gravitt - 105
Gray, Graye, Grey - 245
Groombridge, Gromebridge, Groombridg, Grombridge, Groomebridge, Groomsbridge, Grombreg, Grombrege, Grombredge, Grumbredge, Grumbridge, Gromrege - 1061
Grove, Groves - 570
Grover - 378
Gur, Gurr, Gurre - 547
Guy, Guys, Goy, Gye - 563
Haffenden - 660
Hailer, Haler, Halor, Haylar, Haylarr, Hayler, Haylor, Hayner, Heylar - 356
Haiselden, Haisleden, Haisselden, Haizelden, Haizleden, Haselden, Haseldine, Hasleden, Hassleden, Hasselden, Hayilden, Hayleden, Hayselden, Haysellden - 707
Hall, Halle, Halls - 1801
Hallet, Hallatt, Hallat, Hallett - 280
Harden, Hardin, Harding, Hardinge, Hurding - 669
Hardwick, Hardwicke, Hardwyck, Hardwidge - 77
Harman, Harmen, Harmon, Hermon - 1383
Harmer, Harmar, Harmir, Harmor, Harner, Hermer - 1429
Hartfield, Hartfeild, Hadfield, Harfield, Hatfield, Hathfeld - 503
Hawkins, Hawkin, Hawken, Hawking, Hawkings, Hogins, Hoggins, Hoggens, Hodgins - 484
Head, Hede - 615
Heasman, Hasmon, Heaseman, Hasman, Haseman, Heaysman, Heysman, Heayeman, Heseman, Hesman, Hesmane, Hesmon, Hesmond, Hosman - 1730
Heath, Heat, Hethe - 709
Heathfield, Heathfeild, Hethfield, Hethfeild, Hethfeld, Heithfeld, Heathfyld, Hethfyld, Heythfeld - 261
Hebden, Hebdon, Hepden, Hepten, Hepton, Hobbden, Hobday, Hobden, Hodben, Hobdin, Habden - 660
Helmesley, Helmsley, Helmsly, Hemslye, Hemesley, Hemsby, Hemseley, Hemsle, Hemslet, Hemsley, Hemsly, Hensley, Homsly - 737
Hendley, Hendly, Hendlye, Hendlie, Henley, Henly, Henney - 304
Hider, Hyder, Hyden - 692
Hilder, Hilden - 306
Hill, Hiles, Hilles, Hills, Hyles, Hylles, Hylls, Hilsley - 1356
Histed, Histead, Histid, Hysted, Highstead - 305
Hoadley, Hoadely, Hoadly, Hoadlye, Hoadby, Hodely, Hodelye, Hodeley, Hodley, Hodlye, Hodly, Hodeligh - 864
Hoath, Hoathe, Hoth, Hothe - 645
Hobbs, Hobbes, Hobbie, Hobb, Hobs - 1079
Hollamby, Hollarnby, Hollimby, Hollinby, Hollingby, Hollomby, Holamby, Holomby, Hallomby, Hollomley, Holmby - 865
Holland, Hollands, Hollandes, Hallands, Hollans, Hollards, Hollonds - 846
Holmewood, Holmswood, Holmwood, Homewode, Homewood, Homwod, Homwode, Homwood, Hoomwood - 1302
Hook, Hoocke, Hoock, Hooke, Hookey - 824
Hooker - 461
Hudson, Hutson - 612
Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphreyes, Humphries, Humphris, Humphry, Humprey, Humfrey, Humfry, Humphary, Humpheries, Humphery, Humphies, Humpries, Umfre, Um - 1594
Izzard, Issard, Iszard, Izard, Izared, Isard, Isward, Blake-Izzard - 610
Jarratt, Jarrat, Jarret, Jarrett, Jaratt, Jarett, Jarriett, Jarritt, Jarrott, Jerrat, Jerrett - 647
Jarvis, Jarris, Jarvice, Jarvies, Jervis, Garvis, Garvice, Gervase - 847
Jeffrey, Jefferey, Jefferye, Jefferay, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jefferys, Geffrey, Geffery, Geffrye, Jaffary, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jeffroy, Jeffray, Jeffry, - 2244
Jenner, Jennier, Jennor, Jener, Jannor, Jinner, Jonner, Genner - 3461
Jenner-Akehurst, Jenner Akehurst - 54
Kidd, Kidde, Kid, Kide, Kyd - 212
Kidder, Kiddar, Kider, Kydder, Kyddar, Kyder - 231
Killick, Kellicke, Kellick, Killicks - 1107
Langridge, Landridge, Langerege, Langndge, Langredge, Langrege, Langride, Langridg, Landgridge, Langrige - 2370
Latter, Latler - 1125
Lavender, Lavendar - 536
Le May, Lemay - 140
Leaves, Leavis, Leeve, Leeves, Leevs, Leoves, Leves - 346
Leonard, Lenard, Lennard, Lennoard, Leannard - 273
Letchford, Latchford, Litchford, Lutchford, Luetchford - 101
Leveson, Leveson-Gower - 95
Luck, Lucks, Lucke - 1137
Lulham, Lullham, Lullam, Lullum, Lulliam - 210
Mackellow, Machellow, Mackelow, Mancklow, Mancktelow, Manctellow, Manctelow, Manetellow, Mankellow, Mankelow, Mankilow, Manketelow, Manklelow, Manklet - 996
Mancer, Manncer, Manser, Mansser, Mannser, Mansor, Maunser - 580
Mann - 165
Marchant, Marchante, Marchaunt, Marchand, Merchant - 1324
Markwick, Markwicke, Markwich, Markweeke, Marwick, Markewicke, Markewick, Merkwek, Merkweke, Merkeweke, Merkwicke, Merkewicke, Merkwike, Markwic, Marc - 654
Marten, Martin, Martyn, Martyne, Martins, Martine, Marton, Martten - 3699
Mascall, Mascal, Maschol, Maskal, Maskall, Maskeall, Maskel, Maskell, Maskill, Maskoll - 297
Meopham, Meapham, Meophane, Mepham, Mephan, Mepam, Meppam, Mepon, Meppen, Meppham, Mepum, Mapham - 1250
Mercer, Murcer - 1357
Michelborne, Michiburne - 100
Miles, Mile, Milles, Myles, Mylles, Mylls, Mill, Mils, Mills, Millls, Millas, Millis, Miall, Myall, Myalls, Miels, Mighall, Mighalls, Mighell, Mighell - 2258
Molineux, Molineaux, Mollineaux, Molinew, Mollineux, Molyineux, Molyneux, Molyneuxe, Moulineux - 114
Moon, Mone, Moone, Moun - 1778
Morphew, Morphewe, Morfew, Morfee, Morfey, Morphey, Morphy, Morfield - 271
Morris, Moris, Morrice, Morrise, Morriss, Morrish, Maris - 896
Mudd, Muddel, Muddell, Muddet, Muddle, Muddler, Muddles, Mudel, Mudell, Mudle - 547
Napp, Knapp, Napper - 166
Nash, Nashe, Naish, Nairsh - 319
Nevell, Nevile, Nevill, Nevil, Neville, Nevilles - 260
Newington, Newenton - 423
Noakes, Noaks, Nokes, Noke, Nocke, Nockes, Neakes - 815
Novis, Novise, Novice, Novies, Novia, Nevis - 526
Obard, Obband, Obbard - 122
Packham, Packam, Packame, Packhan, Pacham, Paccham, Pacyham, Packum, Peckam, Pekham, Peckham, Peckhams, Pickam - 1710
Page, Page Mitchell, Pages, Paige, Peige - 2174
Pain, Paine, Painre, Pane, Payn, Payne - 1847
Paris, Parish, Parrish, Pariss, Parres, Parris, Parriss, Parise, Parrise, Parrisse, Pares, Parrys, Parys, Parrice - 801
Parker, Parcker, Parkar, Parkare, Parcar, Parkere - 1481
Patenden, Pattenden, Pattendon, Patttenden - 604
Peacock, Peacocke, Pecock - 311
Pearless, Pearles, Peerlass, Peerless, Perrless, Purless - 501
Penfold, Pendfold, Penyfold, Pennifold - 621
Pett, Pette - 137
Piddlesden, Piddenden, Piddleden, Peddlesden - 238
Pilbeam, Pilbeame, Pilbem, Pilbean, Pilbiar, Pilbim, Pilbin, Pilben, Pilmbeem - 854
Piper, Pipper, Pyper - 2260
Plain, Plaine, Plane, Playne - 70
Pocknall, Pocknell, Pocknal, Pocknel, Packnell, Picknall, Picknell, Picknel, Puknell, Pucknall, Pucknell, Pockney - 298
Pollington, Pollincton, Pollinton - 314
Pratt, Pratts - 557
Price, Pryce - 478
Puxty, Puxtey, Pucksty, Puckstey, Puckstee, Puxstie, Puxsty, Puxstey, Puxstye, Puxtye, Puxtie, Puxtee, Puckstead, Puxstead, Puxtead, Puxsted, Puxted - 336
Quickenden, Quitenden, Quittenden, Quittenton - 298
Ralf, Ralff, Ralph, Ralphe, Ralfs, Realf, Realfe, Relf, Relfe, Rellf, Relff, Relfs, Relph, Relphe, Rolf, Rolfe, Rolff, Rolffe, Rolph, Rolphe - 2420
Ranger - 226
Reave, Reaves, Reeve, Reeves, Revely - 549
Rebbeck, Rebeck, Reback, Rayback - 73
Ridley, Ridly, Rydley - 390
Rivers, Ryvers - 141
Rodger, Rodgers, Roger, Rogers, Roggers - 1359
Rumens, Rummens, Rummen, Rumings, Rumins, Rummins, Rumming, Rumons - 345
Sackville, Sackville-West - 213
Sales, Sale, Sales\Sale, Sales\Selles, Selves, Sayle, Sayles - 986
Sandal, Sandall, Sandalls, Sandals, Sandale, Sandel, Sandell, Sandells, Sandels, Sandles, Sendal, Sendall, Sendalls, Sendals - 161
Sands, Sandes, Sans - 860
Saunder, Saunders, Sander, Sanders, Sandors, Saundes, Saunere - 1432
Sawyer, Sawyers - 618
Sellens, Sellen, Sellon, Sellin, Seling, Selling, Sellings, Sellins, Sillens - 223
Shaw, Shawe - 376
Shelley, Shelly - 142
Sherley, Shirley, Shurley - 96
Shoebridge, Shoebridg, Shobridge, Shobridg, Shoelridge, Shoobridge, Shoubridg, Shoubridge, Showbridge, Shubridge, Shewbridge, Shewbrydge - 590
Spence, Spencer, Spenser, Spencer-Churchill - 328
Spice, Spyce - 354
Spittal, Spittall, Spittals, Spittel, Spittle, Spittles - 193
Stapley, Stapely, Staple, Stapeley, Staply, Staplye - 1090
Stephens, Steavens, Steevens, Stephen, Stephan, Steaphens, Stevans, Steven, Stevenes, Stevens - 1984
Stevenson, Stephenson, Steevenson - 846
Streater, Streeter, Streter, Stretter - 796
Streatfeild, Streatfieild, Streatfield, Streathfield, Streetfield, Stretfield, Stretfeild, Stretfeld, Streafield, Stratfield - 846
Tanner, Taner - 233
Tasker, Tesker - 327
Taylor, Tailer, Tailor, Taliur, Taillour, Tayllur, Tayler, Taylour, Taylor Wickens - 3449
Tester, Testor, Teaster, Testa - 1802
Tribe - 58
Turk, Turke, Turck, Turcke, Turks - 510
Turner, Turnar, Torner, Turnor, Turnour - 3167
Twiner, Twyner, Twine, Twinar - 123
Underwood - 197
Upfield - 102
Verall, Verral, Verrall, Verrel, Verrell, Verroll, Verrells - 429
Vidler, Vidlar, Viddler, Vitler, Vitlar - 542
Vigor, Vigour, Viger, Vigo, Vigar, Viggars, Vegar - 220
Vinall, Vinnall, Vinal, Vinell, Vinoll, Venal, Venall, Venel, Vennel, Venele, Vennell, Vennal, Vennall, Vineall, Vinehall, Vineill, Vinel, Vynall - 410
Vine, Vines, Vyne - 402
Waite, Waites, Waight, Wate, Wayte - 179
Walfare, Welfair, Welfare, Welfear, Welfore, Wellfare, Wealfaire - 454
Wallis, Walles, Walleys, Walliss, Wallich, Wallace - 1035
Walter, Walters - 1227
Watson, Whatson, Watson-Smyth - 707
Weakes, Week, Weekes, Weeks - 717
Weeding, Weedding, Weeden, Weedon, Weedin, Weden, Wesding - 151
Weler, Weller, Wellor, Wellar - 1793
Wenham, Wenam, Weinam, Wennam, Werham, Whenham - 389
Weston, Western, Wesson - 1823
Whapham, Wapom, Whaphame, Whappam, Whappum - 69
Wheatley, Whetley, Weatly, Wheatly, Wheetley, Whetly - 1149
Wickenden, Wickeden, Wikenden - 1342
Wickens, Wicken, Wecken, Wickan, Wickin, Wicking, Wickinge, Wickings, Wickins, Wickkin, Wykyn, Taylor Wickens - 1921
Wicker, Wickers, Wickher - 257
Wickerson, Wickersham, Wickison - 50
Wigmore, Wigmere, Wignor - 57
Wilmshurst, Whilmshurst, Wilmesherst, Wilmhurst, Welmshurst, Wilshurst, Wimshurst, Winishurst - 678
Woodam, Woodham, Woodams, Woodhams, Woodomes - 982
Wren, Ren, Wrenn, Wrenne - 605
Individual records
beginning with H
count > 5 - to see all H
Habert - 7
Habgood - 8
Habicht - 8
Hack, Hackman - 7
Hacket, Hackett - 10
Hackney - 9
Hadaway - 19
Haddeleghe, Hadden, Haddon, Hadley - 60
Haddock - 9
Hade, Haden - 8
Hadler - 17
Hadlow, Hadlowe, Hadloe - 22
Haffenden - 660
Hague - 9
Haig, Haigh - 53
Hailand - 6
Hailer, Haler, Halor, Haylar, Haylarr, Hayler, Haylor, Hayner, Heylar - 356
Haily, Haley, Hayley - 18
Haines, Hains, Haynes - 105
Haiselden, Haisleden, Haisselden, Haizelden, Haizleden, Haselden, Haseldine, Hasleden, Hassleden, Hasselden, Hayilden, Hayleden, Hayselden, Haysellden - 707
Haken, Hankin - 12
Hale, Hales - 116
Halford - 15
Haliburton - 13
Hall, Halle, Halls - 1801
Hallam, Hallan - 28
Hallaway, Halloway, Holloway, Hollaway, Holway - 67
Hallet, Hallatt, Hallat, Hallett - 280
Halliday, Holliday - 21
Hallier - 6
Haly - 6
Ham - 8
Hamblin, Hamlin - 22
Hambrook - 6
Hame, Hames, Hamme, Hammes, Hamms, Hams - 34
Hamilton - 56
Hammon, Hammond, Hammons, Hammann, Hamon, Hamond, Hamund, Hanmon - 391
Hamper - 36
Hampson, Hampton - 42
Hanbury, Hanby - 10
Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Handcock - 56
Hand, Handen, Handing, Hands, Handy - 27
Handford, Hansford - 6
Handley - 15
Hankey, Hanks - 10
Hanmer, Hanmore - 23
Hanner - 6
Hansom, Hanson, Hantom - 10
Harber, Harbor, Harbord, Harboro, Harborow, Harborough, Harbour, Harbroe, Harbrow - 120
Harbet, Harbert, Harburt, Harblet - 7
Harbridge - 10
Hard, Hards - 82
Hardcastle - 11
Harden, Hardin, Harding, Hardinge, Hurding - 669
Hardgeaves, Hardgraves, Hardgroves, Hardgrove, Hargrave, Hargraves, Hargreaves, Hargroves - 33
Hardwick, Hardwicke, Hardwyck, Hardwidge - 77
Hardy, Harday, Hardey, Hardery, Hardanay - 70
Hare, Harewell - 27
Harelinge, Harland, Harling - 83
Harffey - 6
Harington, Harrington - 37
Harkaway - 8
Harker - 11
Harman, Harmen, Harmon, Hermon - 1383
Harmer, Harmar, Harmir, Harmor, Harner, Hermer - 1429
Harms, Harmes - 9
Harnden, Harneden - 7
Harper - 26
Harries, Harris, Harrisett, Harrison, Harriss - 580
Harriott, Harriyott - 21
Harrod, Harold, Harrold, Harrild - 13
Harrow - 6
Harry, Harrys, Harryman - 14
Hart, Harte, Hartup - 159
Hartfield, Hartfeild, Hadfield, Harfield, Hatfield, Hathfeld - 503
Hartican - 13
Hartley - 44
Hartnap, Hartnapp, Hartnep, Hartnup, Hartnupp - 15
Hartnell - 7
Hartridge, Hartredge - 51
Harvey, Harvy - 236
Harwood, Harward - 74
Haselgrove, Haiselgrove, Hazelgrove, Hazlegrove - 20
Hasemore, Hasemer - 10
Haskell, Haskel, Haskoll - 22
Haskins, Haskings - 24
Haslop, Haslot - 7
Hasmer, Haismer, Hasmore, Hesmer, Hesmore, Hosmar, Hosmer - 76
Hassall, Hassal, Hassell, Hasell - 43
Haste, Hastie - 11
Hasted - 24
Hasting, Hastings - 72
Haswell - 7
Hatch, Hatcher, Hatchen - 94
Hater, Hatter - 8
Hatherell - 47
Hatherway, Hathway, Hatiway - 6
Hattam, Hattin, Hatton - 23
Hatto - 36
Haugh, Haughey, Haughton - 8
Haviland - 10
Hawes, Hawse - 156
Hawke, Hawkes, Hawks, Hawker - 23
Hawkins, Hawkin, Hawken, Hawking, Hawkings, Hogins, Hoggins, Hoggens, Hodgins - 484
Hay, Hayes, Hays - 123
Hayden, Haydon - 17
Hayman, Heyman - 30
Hayne, Heynes - 12
Haysaman, Haysman - 20
Hayter, Hayton - 33
Hayward, Haywards, Haywood, Heyward, Heywood - 517
Hayworth - 8
Hazel, Hazell - 29
Hazelman - 8
Head, Hede - 615
Headlam, Headland, Headlann - 9
Headley, Hedley - 13
Heald - 6
Heale, Hearl - 6
Healey, Healy - 17
Heard, Heardon - 23
Hearn, Hearne - 24
Hearnden, Hernden - 9
Hearsey - 17
Heasman, Hasmon, Heaseman, Hasman, Haseman, Heaysman, Heysman, Heayeman, Heseman, Hesman, Hesmane, Hesmon, Hesmond, Hosman - 1730
Heath, Heat, Hethe - 709
Heather, Heathier - 30
Heathfield, Heathfeild, Hethfield, Hethfeild, Hethfeld, Heithfeld, Heathfyld, Hethfyld, Heythfeld - 261
Heaver, Hever - 163
Heaves - 8
Hebbet, Hebbert - 6
Hebden, Hebdon, Hepden, Hepten, Hepton, Hobbden, Hobday, Hobden, Hodben, Hobdin, Habden - 660
Hebert, Herbert - 37
Hedgcock, Hedgecock, Hedgecott, Hedge, Hedges - 65
Hedger - 9
Hellier, Hellyer, Helyer - 8
Helmesley, Helmsley, Helmsly, Hemslye, Hemesley, Hemsby, Hemseley, Hemsle, Hemslet, Hemsley, Hemsly, Hensley, Homsly - 737
Heming, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemman - 12
Hemp, Hemper, Hempel, Hempton - 11
Henckell, Henderson - 52
Hendall - 8
Hendley, Hendly, Hendlye, Hendlie, Henley, Henly, Henney - 304
Hendry - 6
Heneker, Heniker, Henniker - 13
Henham - 6
Henman - 6
Hennen, Henning - 15
Henry - 21
Henshaw - 40
Henson - 9
Henty - 66
Henwood - 9
Herd, Herdis, Herds - 7
Herdis, Hurd, Hurdis - 17
Heritage - 31
Hermitage - 9
Hern, Herne - 8
Herrington - 8
Herriot, Heriot, Herriott, Herritt, Herryt, Herrity - 36
Hersey - 12
Hervey - 10
Hesketch, Hesketh, Heskett - 14
Hester - 7
Hetherington - 10
Heward, Hewarth - 10
Hewes, Hewet, Hewett, Hewit, Hewitt, Hewatt - 268
Hewlett, Hewlitt - 25
Hibbard, Hibberd, Hibbert - 19
Hick, Hicks, Hickes - 219
Hickemot, Hickman, Hickmer, Hickmor, Hickmore, Hickmet, Hickmot, Hickmote, Hickmott, Hickmur, Hikmer - 318
Hickey, Hickley - 6
Hickford - 11
Hickson, Hixson - 6
Hide - 88
Hider, Hyder, Hyden - 692
Higgins, Higgens, Higginson - 57
Higgs - 8
Higham, Hiam - 6
Highfield, Hyfield - 11
Highland, Highlands, Hiland, Hyland, Hylands, Hylans, Hylond - 327
Hilary - 16
Hilbert - 13
Hilder, Hilden - 306
Hill, Hiles, Hilles, Hills, Hyles, Hylles, Hylls, Hilsley - 1356
Hillier, Hilliar, Hillyar, Hillyard, Hillyer - 29
Hillman, Hilman - 54
Hilton, Hylton - 30
Hind, Hinde, Hinder, Hinden - 21
Hindle - 15
Hindley, Hindly, Henckley, Hinkley, Hinkly - 115
Hinds, Hine, Hines, Hiney - 43
Hingley - 10
Hint, Hinton, Hinxman - 78
Hiscock, Hiscox, Hitchcock - 163
Histed, Histead, Histid, Hysted, Highstead - 305
Hitchings, Hutchence, Hutchens, Hutchenson, Hutchason, Hutcheson, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutchison - 192
Hitchman - 10
Hoad, Hoade, Hode - 286
Hoadley, Hoadely, Hoadly, Hoadlye, Hoadby, Hodely, Hodelye, Hodeley, Hodley, Hodlye, Hodly, Hodeligh - 864
Hoar, Hoare, Horam - 103
Hoath, Hoathe, Hoth, Hothe - 645
Hoather - 14
Hobbs, Hobbes, Hobbie, Hobb, Hobs - 1079
Hobson, Hobbsen - 24
Hock, Hockham, Hockley, Hocter - 47
Hockin, Hocking, Hockins - 12
Hodd, Hoddicott, Hodding, Hoddinott - 24
Hodge, Hodges - 411
Hodgeskin, Hodgekin, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodgskin, Hodgsking - 131
Hodgman - 12
Hodgson, Hodson, Hodgeson, Hodgson-Cadogan - 52
Hog, Hoges, Hogg, Hogge - 17
Hogben, Hogbin - 22
Hogdon - 7
Holborne, Holebone - 7
Holbrook, Holbroke - 14
Holcombe - 7
Holden, Holdens, Holder, Holdin, Holding - 304
Holdstock - 21
Holdsworth - 6
Hole - 6
Holeman, Hollman - 24
Holford, Houlford - 111
Hollamby, Hollarnby, Hollimby, Hollinby, Hollingby, Hollomby, Holamby, Holomby, Hallomby, Hollomley, Holmby - 865
Holland, Hollands, Hollandes, Hallands, Hollans, Hollards, Hollonds - 846
Hollebone, Hollibone, Hollobone - 21
Holles, Hollis, Hollist - 12
Hollet, Holley, Hollitt, Holly, Hollyer, Hollier, Hollyman, Holyer - 28
Hollge, Hollings, Hollingsbee, Hollins - 11
Hollingdale - 26
Hollingsworth - 8
Holm, Holmer, Holmes, Holms, Holne, Home, Homes, Homs - 396
Holman - 374
Holmden - 49
Holme-Sumner - 7
Holmewood, Holmswood, Holmwood, Homewode, Homewood, Homwod, Homwode, Homwood, Hoomwood - 1302
Holroyd, Holroyde, Holerode, Holroide, Houlroyd - 68
Holt, Holte - 31
Holten, Holton, Holtum - 6
Honess, Honiss, Honis - 66
Honour - 7
Hoo - 11
Hood, Hoode - 79
Hook, Hoocke, Hoock, Hooke, Hookey - 824
Hooker - 461
Hooper, Hoper, Hopper, Hopperton - 188
Hope - 359
Hopgood, Hopwood - 7
Hopkins, Hopkyns, Hopkinson - 105
Hopson - 6
Hoptroff - 10
Horn, Horne, Horner - 83
Hornby, Hornsby - 10
Horscraft, Hirsecraft, Horscroft, Horsecraft, Horsecroft, Horstcraft, Hoscroft - 153
Horsell, Horsey - 29
Horseman - 10
Horsfield - 8
Horsley - 27
Horswell - 7
Hort, Horton - 58
Hosken, Hoskin, Hosking, Hoskings, Hoskins - 23
Hotham, Hother, Hotherell, Hothersall, Hothlegh - 10
Hough, Houghton - 8
Houlson, Houlston - 9
Hoult, Houlton, Houlton? - 6
Hounsane, Hounsome - 13
Hounstead, Hounsted, Houndstead, Ounstead, Ounsted - 12
Housden - 6
House - 11
Housego - 7
Household - 7
Houseman, Howeseman - 7
How, Howe, Howse, Howis, Howes - 101
Howard - 195
Howell, Howel, Howells, Howl - 228
Howet, Howett, Howlet, Howlett - 35
Howick - 34
Howland - 43
Hubard, Hubbard, Hubberd, Hubbart, Hubbert - 119
Hubble - 100
Huberston - 6
Huck, Hucks - 7
Hudson, Hutson - 612
Huget, Huggate, Huggatt, Hugget, Huggett, Huggit - 662
Huggins, Huggines, Huggens, Huggin - 77
Hughs, Hughes, Hughesdon, Hughesman, Hughsman - 147
Hukins - 6
Hulbert, Hulburt - 6
Hulcoop, Hulcup - 7
Hull, Hulls - 7
Hume - 14
Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphreyes, Humphries, Humphris, Humphry, Humprey, Humfrey, Humfry, Humphary, Humpheries, Humphery, Humphies, Humpries, Umfre, Um - 1594
Hunnesett, Hunnisett, Hunisett, Hunnissett, Hunneysett, Honeyset, Honeysett, Honysett, Honisett, Honnisett, Honiset, Honeysell, Henosit, Heneset, Hani - 415
Hunt, Hunte - 355
Hunter - 64
Huntley, Huntly - 242
Hursell, Hursil, Hurssell, Hussell, Hussel - 21
Hurst, Herst, Hurt - 25
Hurstwick - 6
Hurton - 9
Husher - 23
Hussey, Hurssey - 27
Huth - 9
Hutton - 12
Huxley - 6
Huxtable - 8
Hyde - 35
Hynes, Hynds - 11

The Weald is at  Database version 14.05 which has ongoing updates to the 395,000 people; 9,000 places; 613 maps; 3,308 pictures, engravings and photographs; and 248 books loaded in the previous version

British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
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Mid Kent Marriages  
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International Genealogical Index  
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