The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Mary Ann Stevens [Allcorn] [Hemsley], daughter of Richard Helmsley, farm labourer and Avis Hemsley [Botten]
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25th February 1836
In the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
6th June 1841
At Crowborough Common [Church Road] in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Mary Helmsley, F, [Daughter], age 5, born Sussex
1841 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
2nd October 1846
At St. Denys Church in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
30th March 1851
At Stitches in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Daughter
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
30th July 1854
William Allcorn, labourer at St. Denys Church in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
IGI - Family Search
Batch M14835-3
c November 1854
Birth of a daughter
Ellen in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a son
William in the Parish of Pembury, Kent
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
Ann in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Eridge Parish Registers
Birth of a son
George in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
Minnie in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
7th April 1861
At Porter's Lodge, Shernfold Park in the Parish of Frant, Sussex; Mary A Allcorn, F, Wife, married, age 27, born Rotherfield, Sussex
1861 Census
Frant and Tunbridge Wells, Sussex
Birth of a son
Alfred Edward in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Thomas in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Frederick in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
Frant Parish Registers
2nd April 1871
At Frant Green in the Parish of Frant, Sussex; Mary F Allcorn, F, Head, widowed, age 37, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: formerly carter's wife
1871 Census
Frant and Tunbridge Wells, Sussex
Edward Stevens, farm labourer; registered at Ticehurst District, Sussex; ref: 1874 Q? Vol 2b Page 176
Don Smith's research
Birth of a daughter
Mary in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
1881 Census
Frant, Sussex
Birth of a daughter
Annie in the Parish of Frant, Sussex
1881 Census
Frant, Sussex
3rd April 1881
At Bells Yew Green Road in the Parish of Frant, Sussex; Mary Stevens, F, Wife, married, age 48, born Rotherfield
1881 Census
Frant, Sussex

Ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Alcorn, Achorn, Alcharne, Alchehorn, Alcheine, Alcheshorne, Alchin, Alchen, Alchine, Alchorn, Alchorne, Alchyn, Alchyne, Achone, Alcorne, Allcam, Allc family records
Helmesley, Helmsley, Helmsly, Hemslye, Hemesley, Hemsby, Hemseley, Hemsle, Hemslet, Hemsley, Hemsly, Hensley, Homsly family records
Stephens, Steavens, Steevens, Stephen, Stephan, Steaphens, Stevans, Steven, Stevenes, Stevens family records
The ancestral pedigree of Mary Ann Stevens [Allcorn] [Hemsley]
 Thomas Helmsley
farm labourer
m: 15th Apr 1793 St. Dunstan Church, Mayfield, SussexSarah Shoesmith 
 b: 1767
d: Aug 1842 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 25th Aug 1842 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
  b: 1766
d: Oct 1835 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 18th Oct 1835 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 Thomas James John Henry Richard Mary
 b: 1794 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 2nd Feb 1794 St. Denys Church
 b: 1797 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 23rd Jul 1797 St. Denys Church
 b: 1799 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 2nd Jun 1799 St. Denys Church
 b: 1803 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 23rd Oct 1803 St. Denys Church
 b: 1805 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 15th Dec 1805 St. Denys Church
d: Aug 1878 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 7th Aug 1878 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1808 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 8th May 1808 St. Denys Church
 Richard Helmsley
farm labourer
m: 25th Apr 1827 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, SussexAvis Botten 
 b: 1805 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 15th Dec 1805 St. Denys Church
d: Aug 1878 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 7th Aug 1878 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
  b: 1807 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 6th Sep 1807 St. Michael's Church
Henry  Mary Ann Jane Alfred Sarah Frederick George Thomas
b: 1828 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 10th May 1829 St. Michael's Church
  b: 25th Feb 1836 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 2nd Oct 1846 St. Denys Church
 b: 23rd Jan 1838 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 18th Mar 1838 St. Denys Church
 b: 23rd Feb 1840 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 28th Jan 1841 St. Denys Church
 b: 24th Apr 1842 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 4th Oct 1848 St. Denys Church
d: Nov 1864 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: Before 4th Nov 1864 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 3rd Oct 1844 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 3rd Nov 1844 St. Denys Church
 b: 7th Jan 1847 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 22nd Feb 1847 St. Denys Church
 b: 11th Sep 1849 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 7th Oct 1849 St. Denys Church
   b: 1829 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 10th May 1829 St. Michael's Church
 William Allcorn
m: 30th Jul 1854 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, SussexMary Ann Hemsley1st marriage
 b: 17th Jul 1828 Stitches, Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 11th Aug 1828 St. Denys Church
  b: 25th Feb 1836 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 2nd Oct 1846 St. Denys Church
Ellen William Ann George Minnie Alfred Edward Thomas Frederick
b: c Nov 1854 Frant, Sussex
ch: 26th Nov 1854 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1855 Pembury, Kent
ch: 20th May 1855 St. Alban's Church, Frant, Sussex
 b: 1857 Frant, Sussex
ch: 1st Mar 1857 Holy Trinity Church, Eridge Green, Sussex
d: Before 22nd Mar 1857 Frant, Sussex
bur: 22nd Mar 1857 St. Alban's Church, Frant, Sussex
 b: 1858 Frant, Sussex
ch: 26th Dec 1858 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1861 Frant, Sussex
ch: 29th Sep 1861 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1864 Frant, Sussex
ch: 24th Apr 1864 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1867 Frant, Sussex
ch: 15th Dec 1867 St. Alban's Church
 b: 1870 Frant, Sussex
ch: 27th Feb 1870 St. Alban's Church
2nd marriageEdward Stevens
farm labourer
m: 1874Mary Ann Allcorn2nd marriage
 b: 1805 Frant, Sussex
ch: 14th Jul 1805 St. Alban's Church
  b: 25th Feb 1836 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 2nd Oct 1846 St. Denys Church
 Mary Annie
 b: 1875 Frant, Sussex b: 1880 Frant, Sussex

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