The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Joseph Bridger, farmer
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In the County of Norfolk
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
c 1835
13th April 1838
Birth of a son
Joseph in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
26th February 1839
At House and Gardens (0 acres 3 roods 8 perches) plot 1324; Jane Knight, William Foster, Alfred Bridger and Joseph Bridger (occupiers) and Joseph Bridger (owner)
Rotherfield Tithe Map
24th April 1840
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
6th June 1841
At Woodside Cottages in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Joseph Bridger, M, Head, age 27, born Sussex; occupation Farmer
1841 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Harry in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a daughter
Rhoda in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Henry Edwin in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Herbert Lewis in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Alexander in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
At Rotherfield; Bridger, Joseph; occupation: farmer
Post Office Directory
30th March 1851
At Town Row Green in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Head, employs 4 people; occupation: farmer
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
William Humphrey in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
Margaret in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a daughter
Ellen Louisa in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
7th April 1861
At Town Row Green Farm in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Joseph Bridger, M, Head, married, age 47, born Hampshire; occupation: farmer of 90 acres employing 2 labourers
1861 Census
Rotherfield and Crowborough
2nd April 1871
At Townrow Green Farm in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Joseph Bridger, M, Head, married, age 57, born Norfolk; occupation: farmer of 88 acres employing 3 labourers and 1 boy
1871 Census
Rotherfield and Crowborough
3rd April 1881
At Court Lodge in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Joseph Bridger, M, Head, widowed, age 67, born Norfolk; occupation Retired Farmer
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex

No ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Bridger, Bridgen, Bridgers, Brydger family records
The ancestral pedigree of Joseph Bridger, farmer
 Joseph Bridger
m: c 1835Rhoda 
 b: 1814 Norfolk  b: 1813 Burwash, Sussex 
Joseph  Rhoda  Henry Edwin Herbert Lewis Alexander William Humphrey Margaret Ellen Louisa
b: 13th Apr 1838 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 20th May 1838 St. Denys Church
  b: 1842 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 4th Jan 1852 St. Denys Church
  b: 1844 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 23rd Oct 1849 St. Denys Church
 b: 1846 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 17th Apr 1854 St. Denys Church
 b: 1849 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 17th Apr 1854 St. Denys Church
 b: 1854 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 17th Apr 1854 St. Denys Church
 b: 1855 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 5th Jun 1859 St. Denys Church
 b: 1859 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 5th Jun 1859 St. Denys Church
 Mary Ann  Harry        
 b: 24th Apr 1840 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 31st May 1840 St. Denys Church
  b: 1842 Rotherfield, Sussex
d: 9th Aug 1882 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: After 9th Aug 1882 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex

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