The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Mary Ann Young [Hoath], daughter of William Hoath and Elizabeth Hoath
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In the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent
Sevenoaks Parish Registers
12th March 1854
At St. Nicholas Parish Church in the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent; parents William & Elizabeth Hoath
Sevenoaks Parish Registers
unknown father
Birth of a son
John George in the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent
Sevenoaks Parish Registers
16th October 1875
Edward Young at St. Mary's Church in the Parish of Leigh, Kent
Leigh Marriage Registers
c November 1875
Birth of a daughter
Alice Jane in the Parish of Sevenoaks Weald, Kent
Sevenoaks Weald Parish Registers
3rd October 1878
Birth of a son
Harry Edward in the Parish of Leigh, Kent; registered at Sevenoaks District, Kent; ref: 1878 Q4 Vol 2A Page 579
1881 Census
Sevenoaks, Kent

1939 register
November 1880
Birth of a daughter
Kate Louisa in the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent
1881 Census
Sevenoaks, Kent
Oct to Dec 1882
Birth of a son
William Tom in the Parish of Sevenoaks Weald, Kent; registered at Sevenoaks District, Kent; ref: 1882 Q4 Vol 2A Page 631
Sevenoaks District Birth Registers
Jul to Sep 1887
Birth of a son
Percy Francis in the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent
Sevenoaks Weald 1901 Census
9th July 1888
Birth of a daughter
Agnes Bessie in the Parish of Sevenoaks Weald, Kent
Sevenoaks Weald 1891 Census
1939 register

Ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Hoath, Hoathe, Hoth, Hothe family records
Young, Younge, Youngs, Younger individual records
The ancestral pedigree of Mary Ann Young [Hoath]
 William Hoathm: 14th Sep 1845 St. Johns Parish Church, Hildenborough, KentElizabeth 
 b: c 1820  b: c 1820 
 Fred Mary Ann
 b: 1845 Sevenoaks, Kent
ch: 23rd Nov 1845 St. Nicholas Parish Church
 b: 1854 Sevenoaks, Kent
ch: 12th Mar 1854 St. Nicholas Parish Church
 unknown fatherNot marriedMary Hoath 
   b: 1854 Sevenoaks, Kent
ch: 12th Mar 1854 St. Nicholas Parish Church
 John George 
 b: 1873 Sevenoaks, Kent
ch: 11th May 1873 St. Nicholas Parish Church
2nd marriageEdward Youngm: 16th Oct 1875 St. Mary's Church, Leigh, KentMary Hoath 
 b: 1827 Sevenoaks Weald, Kent
ch: 25th Mar 1827 St. Nicholas Parish Church, Sevenoaks, Kent
  b: 1854 Sevenoaks, Kent
ch: 12th Mar 1854 St. Nicholas Parish Church
 Alice Jane Harry Edward Kate Louisa William Tom Percy Francis Agnes Bessie
 b: c Nov 1875 Sevenoaks Weald, Kent
ch: 26th Dec 1875 St George's Church
 b: 3rd Oct 1878 Leigh, Kent b: Nov 1880 Sevenoaks, Kent b: Oct to Dec 1882 Sevenoaks Weald, Kent b: Jul to Sep 1887 Sevenoaks, Kent b: 9th Jul 1888 Sevenoaks Weald, Kent

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British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
Sussex Archaeological Society  
Kent Archaeological Society  
Mid Kent Marriages  
Genes Reunited  
International Genealogical Index  
National Archives  

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