The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Simon Lynche, son of William Lynche and Cycily Lynche [Morton]
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Simon Lynche was born circa 1495 the eldest son of William Lynche and, probably, Cicily Morton, the first of his three wives. The Lynches were wealthy members of the Cranbrook area having made their fortune as clothiers. William Lynch had been charged by John Blubery in his will of 1518 "to found a frescole howse for all the pour children of Cranbroke" and on William's death in 1539 Simon took on this responsibility. By 1564, after legal proceedings, Simon "for a certain consideration him thereunto moving" conveyed certain property to trustees for the perpetual maintenance of a grammar school at Cranbrook. This included a house called Blewberryes and a farm at Horsemonden. In 1573 Queen Elizabeth I visited Cranbrook when she granted a Charter to establish the Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Cranbrook.

Simon Lynche had moved circa 1550 to Staple near Sandwich, which he represented in parliament in Queen Mary's reign, and afterwards to his seat at Groves. Simon married first Mary Roberts and then Joan Courthope with whom he had four sons and established the family and their descendants at Staple

Simon died in March 1573/4 and was buried in the Lynch Chancel at Staple on 5th March 1573/4.

See also The Early History of Cranbrook School.
c 1495
c 1530
Mary Roberts
IGI - Family Search
c 1535
Joan Courthope
IGI - Family Search
c 1540
Birth of a son
1540 to 1560
Birth of a son
1540 to 1560
Birth of a son
1540 to 1560
Birth of a son
Mar 1573/74
At Staple in the County of Kent
5th Mar 1573/74
At Lynch Chancel, Staple in the County of Kent
those here mentioned, there
have been buried, of this Family
in this Chancel
Joan, ye Daughter of Simon Lynch, Gent
buried Aug 17 1570
Simon Lynch Gent (twice Member of
Parliament for ye Town and Port of
Sandwich) March 5 1573/4
The Wife of Thomas Lynch, Aug 16 1588
Thomas, Son of William Lynch, Gent. Nov 4 1589
Julius, Son of William Lynch Junr. June 9 1596
Theophilus, Son of William Lynch, Junr. Oct 9 1597
Judith, Daughter of Wm. Lynch, Junr. Aug 31 1606
Mrs Mary Lynch Widow Dec 4 1635
Robert Lynch, Gent. Oct 12 1653
Aylmer, Catherine, Francis, Gratian, & Francis
Sons and Daughter of John Lynch Esq. by Sarah his Wife, who all died young.

Ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Lynch, Lynche, Lynch-Blosse individual records
The ancestral pedigree of Simon Lynche
 William Lynchem: 15th centuryParnell Durham 
 b: 15th century
d: Before 24th Oct 1480
  b: 15th century 
 Simon Ralph Dorothy Godlief
 b: 15th century
d: Before 11th Mar 1501
 b: 15th century
d: Before 15th Oct 1504
 b: 15th century b: 15th century
 Simon Lynche
m: 15th centuryMercy Roberts 
 b: 15th century
d: Before 11th Mar 1501
  b: 15th century 
 William Catherine Clemence Dorothy
 b: c 1467
d: Before 3rd Dec 1539
 b: 15th century b: 15th century b: 15th century
1st marriageWilliam Lynchem: c 1492 St Dunstan's Church, Cranbrook, KentCycily Morton 
 b: c 1467
d: Before 3rd Dec 1539
  b: c 1470 
Simon  Gearves  William Elizabeth Kateryn Anne Rose Nicholas
b: c 1495
d: Mar 1573/74 Staple, Kent
bur: 5th Mar 1573/74 Lynch Chancel, Staple, Kent
  b: 1500 to 1525  b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525
   Nicholas Thomas          
   b: 1500 to 1525 b: 1500 to 1525          
1st marriageSimon Lynchem: c 1530Mary Roberts 
 b: c 1495
d: Mar 1573/74 Staple, Kent
bur: 5th Mar 1573/74 Lynch Chancel, Staple, Kent
  b: c 1500 
2nd marriageSimon Lynchem: c 1535Joan Courthope 
 b: c 1495
d: Mar 1573/74 Staple, Kent
bur: 5th Mar 1573/74 Lynch Chancel, Staple, Kent
  b: c 1500 
 William John Thomas Symon
 b: c 1540
d: 1619
 b: 1540 to 1560 b: 1540 to 1560 b: 1540 to 1560

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British Libarary  
High Weald  
Sussex Record Society  
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