5th September 1576
16th Jan 1625/26
Birth of a daughter
30th November 1628
Will of John Lockyer
In the name of God amen The thirtieth daie of November in the yeare of our lord god one thousand sixe hundred and eight and twentie, and in the fourth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland Frannce and Ireland king defender of the Faith &c I John Lockier sen of Retherfeild in the countie of Sussex yeoman beinge sick in bodie but of good and perfect memorie and remembrance, thankes be given to Allmightie god thereofore doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge, that is to saie, First & principally I give commend and bequeath my sowle into the handes of Allmightie god trustinge by the meritts pretious death and blood sheddinge of his deere and onelie sonne Jesus Christ, in whom onelie I put my trust and hope to be saved that the same shalbe presented without spott before the throne of his maiestie And my bodie to the earth to be buried in the Churchyard of Retherfeild aforesaid in sure and certaine hope of a ioyfull resurrection to eternall life Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parishe of Retherfeild xxs to be paid unto them at the daie of my buriall or within one quarter of a yeare next after my decease by my executrix hereafternamed Item I geve and bequeath unto John Hiland Anthony Hiland Thomas Hyland William Hyland and George Hiland the children of Thomas Hiland my brother in lawe fortie shillinges a peece to be paid unto them and either of them when as they shall accomplishe their severall ages of one and twenty yeares by my executrix hereafternamed Item I geve and bequeath unto Anne Ovenden the daughter of Susann Ovenden my sister tenn poundes of lawfull money of England when she shall come to her full age of one and twentie yeares by my executrix hereafternamed Item I geve and bequeath unto John Barber my Cosen xxs, Item I geve unto Anne Barber his sister xxs of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them by my executrix hereafternamed when as they shall accomplish their severall ages of xxjtie yeares And if either the said John Barber or Anne Barber doe die before they shall come to their severall ages of xxjtie yeares, That then my will and meaneinge is that the longest liver of them to be the others heire, Item I give and bequeath unto Joane Lockier my sister tenn poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within two yeares next after my decease by my executrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Lockier my brother fifteene poundes of Lawfull money of England To be paid unto him within twoe yeares next after my decease by my Executrix hereafter named Item I geve and bequeath unto Thomas Lockier my brother & Johne Lockier my sister all that my dwelling howse barne and orchyard commonly (called) Renley they keeping the reparacions of the said dwelling howse and barne, for and duringe their naturall lives and the longest liver of them, and also to have free libertie of ingresse egresse and regresse to goe and come carrie & recarrie from one parcell of land of the said Thomas Lockyer called Gregories feild through the landes of me the said John Lockier to the messuage aforesaid at all time and and time and times during the naturall life of the said Thomas Lockier and Johane Lockyer as aforesaid Item I geve and bequeath unto John Alchorne and Johane Alchorne the children of Thomas Alchorne my Sisters Sonne xxs a peece to be paid unto them when they shall come to their severall ages of xxjtie yeares And if either of them doe happen to die before they shall come to their severall ages of xxjtie yeares, then the Survivor of them to be the others heire Item I geve and bequeath unto John Downe xxs Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Downe xxs to be paid unto her by my Executrix Item I geve and bequeath unto Nicholas Turner xs, Item I geve and bequeath unto Mary Lockyer my daughter one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England, to be paid unto her when she shall come to the full age of one and twentie yeares by my Executrix hereafter named, All the rest of my goodes cattell chattells howshold stuffe and money not before by me given and bequeathed my debtes first paid my legacies discharged and my funerall expences performed I geve and bequeath unto Elizabeth my lovinge wife whom I make my full and whole Executrix of this my last will And I doe ordaine and appointe Thomas Hiland my brother in lawe and John Hosmer to be my overseers of this my last will And I doe geve unto either of them xs a peece and their charges to be borne in seeinge this my will performed, And for the better confirmation of this my will being written in three sheetes of paper I have hereonto sett my hand and seale Dated the daie and yere aforesaid : - John Lockier These beinge witnesses Isaack Alchorne John Downe John Hosmer
Probate: London, 14th January 1628 (English style) by the oath of Elizabeth Lockier relict of the deceased and executrix named in the will, to whom was committed etc.
(Transcribed by Claire Wickens, 2nd April 2022 for Geoffrey Barber.)
December 1628
3rd December 1628