The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Robert Sackville, 2nd Earl of Dorset, son of Sir Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset and Cicely Sackville [Baker], 1st Countess of Dorset
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Sackville College was founded by Robert, second Earl of Dorset, a man of great ability and who spoke, which was rare in those days, several languages with much fluency. His father was the famous Thomas Sackville, Queen Elizabeth's High Treasurer and one of the Judges who sent the Duke of Norfolk to the headsman's block for his complicity in the alleged attempt to get Mary Queen of Scots placed on the English Throne. Through the founder of Sackville College these two families became closely united, for this eldest son of the High Treasurer married Margaret, the only daughter of the beheaded Duke. He held the title but a short time, dying on February 27th, 1609

See also The History of East Grinstead published in 1906, Horsfield's History of Sussex and
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
4th February 1579
Lady Margaret Howard at Saffron Walden in the County of Essex
IGI - Family Search
c 1580
Birth of a son
c 1580
Birth of a daughter
c 1583
Birth of a daughter
c 1585
Birth of a daughter
24th March 1588
Birth of a son
Richard at Charterhouse without the Bars, West Smithfield, in London
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
Birth of a son
Sir Edward at Great Dorset House, Fleet Street, in London
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
c 1591
Birth of a daughter
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
4th December 1592
Ann Spencer
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
Leasehold (at will)
At Castle Fields
Buckhurst Terrier
Robert Sackvill, esquire, holds at will, Castle Fields, 29 acres of meadow, rent £10
Leasehold (at will)
At Bolebrooke
Buckhurst Terrier
Robert Sackvill Esq. holds at will the manor house and demeanes of Bolebrooke, the tenement late Richard Saxbies, and a parcel of meadow called Joskins mead, 4 acres, viz. the house and park, Conieborough feild and Croft, Paines feilds, Shacketts feilds, Buttercroft, The Ridgey Croft, the Rye feild, Homegrove Wood and feild, Homegrove crofts, and Mead, Horsemead, Joskins feild, Bornemead, Mill meadow, waste ground, Wetland feild and meadow, Watsons Mead, Northland and Smaleland, Joskins mead, Watermilne, millpond and ground about the same; in all 475 acres, viz, meadow 87 acres, pasture 266 acres, arable 90 acres, wood 31 acres
Rent £99
At Mares Croft
Buckhurst Terrier
Robert Sackville Esquire holds by deed land called Mares Croft, late Walter Sherwood's, 10 acres, bounds:Rent 3s.
At Couchmans
Buckhurst Terrier
Robert Sackville Esquire holds by deed land called Couchmans land, 7 acres, bounds:Rent 2s.
At Clayland
Buckhurst Terrier
Robert Sackville Esquire holds by deed lands called Clayland, 8 acres, bounds:Rent 4d.
13th Mar 1603/4
Lord Buckhurst
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
19th April 1608
2nd Earl of Dorset
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
1608 to 1616
Horsfield's Sussex
Sackville College.- Robert, the 2nd Earl of Dorset, by his will, dated the 10th of February, 1608, left £1,000 to build a college for a certain number of the poorer sort of men and women, and endowed the same with £330 per annum for their maintenance, and the necessary expenses connected therewith. .... This college was not built in the life time of Robert, Earl of Dorset, but afterwards by his son and heir, Earl Richard, and the executors and trustees named in Earl Robert's will, and was completed in or about the year 1616.
27th February 1609
In the Parish of Withyham, Sussex
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
27th February 1609
The History of East Grinstead
Extract from Robert Sackville's will:
Whereas I have been long and still am purposed to build and erect an Hospital or College in the said Town or Parish of East Grinstead, in the County of Sussex, and to bestow on the building thereof the sum of one thousand pounds, or such a sum as shall be necessary, and to endow the same with a rent charge of £330 by the year, to be issuing out of all and singular my lands and tenements in the said County of Sussex, or elsewhere within the Realm of England, for ever, towards the relief of one and thirty single and unmarried persons, thereof one and twenty to be men and the other ten to be women, there to live, to pray, serve, honour, and praise Almighty God : I therefore will and devise that mine executors, if I shall not live to perform the same in my life-time, shall bestow a sufficient sum of money in the purchase of a fit place in the said Town or Parish of East Grinstead, to thereupon erect and build a convenient house, of brick and stone, with rooms of habitation for the said one and thirty persons, employing and bestowing thereupon such reasonable sums of money as they shall think fit in their discretions, and that they shall incorporate the same, according to the laws and statutes of this Realm, by the name of Sackville College for the poor.
After 27th February 1609
At St. Michael's Church in the Parish of Withyham, Sussex
Charles J. Phillips'
History of the Sackville Family
1637 to 1684
Horsfield's Sussex
The said Earl Richard, soon after his father's death, is understood to have sold and incumbered several of the estates, manors, &c., till at length, considerable sums in arrears being due to the college which could not be obtained, a bill, was in consequence filed in Chancery, and a decree of that court issued in 1637, charging all the estates, manors, &c., originally possessed by the said Earl Robert at the time of his death with the payment of a proportionate part from each to make up the sum of £330; as is set forth in a written particular, prepared and made by one of the then masters of the said Court. From 1637 to about 1684 many suits at law were instituted between the purchasers of such estates, manors, &c. (which had been sold by the said Earl Richard) and the pensioners of the college ; such purchasers contending that no understanding, covenant, or provision was given or made in their respective conveyances to render them liable to any proportionate part to be paid by them to the college, either under the will, decree, or otherwise ; so that on the bearing of these cases they were decided against the claims of the college, and the sums of £113 7s. 3d. thereby extinguished, leaving only £216 12s. 9d. for its future support, namely, from the year 1684, or thereabouts, to the present time.

Ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Sackville, Sackville-West family records
The ancestral pedigree of Robert Sackville, 2nd Earl of Dorset
 Sir Andrew Sackvillem: c 1280Ermyntrude Malyns 
 b: 1254 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex
d: 1296
  b: c 1255 
 b: 1288 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex 
 Andrew Sackvillem: c 1300Joan Mortimer 
 b: 1288 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex  b: c 1285 
 Sir Andrew 
 b: 28th Sep 1306 Oxfordshire
d: 22nd Sep 1370 London
2nd marriageSir Andrew Sackvillem: 1354 OxfordshireJoan Burgess 
 b: 28th Sep 1306 Oxfordshire
d: 22nd Sep 1370 London
  b: 1310 Sussex 
 Sir Thomas Alice
 b: 1342 Oxfordshire
d: 1st Dec 1432
 b: 1355 Oxfordshire
 Sir Thomas Sackvillem: 1371 SussexMargaret Dalingridge (Dalingruge) 
 b: 1342 Oxfordshire
d: 1st Dec 1432
  b: 1347 Sussex 
 Andrew Richard William Sir Edward John
 b: 1372 Sussex b: 1374 Sussex b: 1376 Sussex b: 1378 Sussex
d: 1451 Withyham, Sussex
bur: 1451 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: 1380 Sussex
 Sir Edward Sackvillem: c 1410Margaret Wakehurst 
 b: 1378 Sussex
d: 1451 Withyham, Sussex
bur: 1451 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: 1383 
 b: 1436
d: 24th Jan 1488 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 24th Jan 1488 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 Humphrey Sackvillem: 1471Catherine Browne 
 b: 1436
d: 24th Jan 1488 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 24th Jan 1488 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: 1432 
 Sir Richard William Elisabeth John Katherine Edward
 b: 1460
d: 18th Jul 1524 Withyham, Sussex
bur: 28th Jul 1524 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1474
d: 1508
 b: c 1476 b: c 1478 b: c 1482 b: c 1483
 Sir Richard Sackville
Lord of Bergholt, Sackville and Buckhurst
m: 1492Isabel Diggs (Dyggs) 
 b: 1460
d: 18th Jul 1524 Withyham, Sussex
bur: 28th Jul 1524 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: 1471 
Sir John  Joanne Mildred Maria Catherine Edward Margaret Isabella
b: 17th Mar 1484
d: 5th Oct 1557 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 5th Oct 1557 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: c 1489 b: c 1490 b: c 1493 b: c 1494
d: Jan to Mar 1524
 b: c 1495 b: c 1497 b: c 1498
d: 21st Oct 1570
   b: c 1487                 
1st marriageSir John Sackvillem: 1512 SussexMargaret Boleyn 
 b: 17th Mar 1484
d: 5th Oct 1557 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 5th Oct 1557 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: c 1489 Blickling, Norfolk 
 Sir Richard Christopher Isabella John Ann Maria
 b: c 1513 Chiddingly, Sussex
d: 21st Apr 1566 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 21st Apr 1566 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1514 Chiddingly, Sussex
d: Feb 1558/59
 b: c 1518 Chiddingly, Sussex b: c 1520 b: c 1521 Chiddingly, Sussex b: c 1524 Chiddingly, Sussex
d: 30th Jun 1571
 Sir Richard Sackvillem: c 1535Winifred Sackville1st maariage
 b: c 1513 Chiddingly, Sussex
d: 21st Apr 1566 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 21st Apr 1566 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: 1510 Dymocke, Gloucestershire
d: 16th Jun 1586 Chelsea, London
bur: After 16th Jun 1586 Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London
 Sir Thomas Ann
 b: 1536 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex
d: 19th Apr 1608 London
bur: After 19th Apr 1608 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1542
d: 14th May 1595
 Sir Thomas Sackville
1st Earl of Dorset
m: 1554Cicely Baker
1st Countess of Dorset
 b: 1536 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex
d: 19th Apr 1608 London
bur: After 19th Apr 1608 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: 1535
d: 1st Oct 1615
bur: After 1st Oct 1615 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 Robert Henry Sir William Thomas Jane Lady Anne Mary
 b: 1561
d: 27th Feb 1609 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 27th Feb 1609 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1565 b: 1570
d: 1591
 b: 25th May 1571
d: 28th Aug 1646 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 28th Aug 1646 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1572 b: c 1575 b: 1584 Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex
1st marriageRobert Sackville
2nd Earl of Dorset
m: 4th Feb 1579 Saffron Walden, EssexLady Howard 
 b: 1561
d: 27th Feb 1609 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 27th Feb 1609 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: c 1557
d: 19th Aug 1591 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 19th Aug 1591 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 Thomas Winifred Cecily Anne Richard Sir Edward Margaret
 b: c 1580
d: 1587
 b: c 1580
d: 1587
 b: c 1583 b: c 1585 b: 24th Mar 1588 Charterhouse without the Bars, West Smithfield, London
ch: 5th Apr 1588 St Sepulchres without Newgate
d: 28th Mar 1624 London
bur: 7th Apr 1624 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: 1590 Great Dorset House, Fleet Street, London
d: 18th Jul 1652 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 18th Jul 1652 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: c 1591
d: 19th Aug 1591
2nd marriageRobert Sackville
2nd Earl of Dorset
m: 4th Dec 1592Ann Spencer3rd marriage
 b: 1561
d: 27th Feb 1609 Withyham, Sussex
bur: After 27th Feb 1609 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
  b: c 1557
d: 22nd Sep 1618

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