The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Phoebe Relf [Baker], daughter of James Baker, farm labourer and Mary Baker [Neve]
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In the Parish of Withyham, Sussex
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
At Heave Lodge Gate in the Parish of Crowborough, Sussex; At home
1838 Census
Crowborough Warren and Lye Green, Sussex
4th August 1839
At St. John's Chapel in the Parish of Withyham, Sussex
IGI - Family Search
Batch C15206-1
6th June 1841
At Eve Gate in the Parish of Withyham, Sussex; Phoebe Baker, F, [Daughter], age 6, born Sussex
1841 Census
Withyham, Sussex
30th March 1851
At Highbroom Farm in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Servant; occupation: general servant
1851 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
22nd November 1852
William Relfe at St. Denys Church in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
IGI - Family Search
Batch M14835-3
Birth of a son
Henry at Slaugham Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
Birth of a son
William James in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Withyham Parish Registers
Birth of a daughter
Mary Anna in the Parish of Crowborough, Sussex
1891 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Albert in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Withyham Parish Registers
7th April 1861
At Slaffin Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Phebe Relph, F, Wife, married, age 37, born Rotherfield, Sussex
1861 Census
Rotherfield and Crowborough
Birth of a daughter
Emily in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Withyham Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Owen in the Parish of Withyham, Sussex
Withyham Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Jesse at Slaugham Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Amos in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Birth of a son
Obed Herbert in the Parish of Crowborough, Sussex
Withyham Parish Registers
Birth of a son
Job at Slaugham Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex
Rotherfield Parish Registers
2nd April 1871
At Sheeplain in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Phebe Relph, F, Wife, married, age 38, born Withyham, Sussex
1871 Census
Rotherfield and Crowborough
3rd April 1881
At Slaugham Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Phebe Ralf, F, Wife, married, age 48, born Withyham
1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
5th April 1891
At Slaugham Gill in the Parish of Rotherfield, Sussex; Febey Ralph, F, Wife, married, age 59, born Crowborough, Sussex
1891 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex

Ancestor's report
Descendent's report
Baker, Bakere, Bakes family records
Ralf, Ralff, Ralph, Ralphe, Ralfs, Realf, Realfe, Relf, Relfe, Rellf, Relff, Relfs, Relph, Relphe, Rolf, Rolfe, Rolff, Rolffe, Rolph, Rolphe family records
The ancestral pedigree of Phoebe Relf [Baker]
 James Baker
farm labourer
m: 25th Aug 1825 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, SussexMary Neve 
 b: 1802 Herstmonceux, Sussex  b: 1803 Withyham, Sussex 
David  Jane  James William Thomas Henry Emily Mercy
b: 1826 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 15th Jan 1826 St. Michael's Church
  b: 1830 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 3rd Jun 1832 St. Michael's Church
  b: 1837 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 4th Aug 1839 St. John's Chapel
 b: 1839 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 4th Aug 1839 St. John's Chapel
 b: 1841 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 24th Apr 1842 St. Michael's Church
 b: 1843 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 29th Oct 1843 St. Michael's Church
 b: 1845 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 29th Jun 1845 St. Michael's Church
 b: 1852 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 25th Jul 1852 St. Michael's Church
   Mary Anne Phoebe          
   b: 1828 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 3rd Jun 1832 St. Michael's Church
 b: 1832 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 4th Aug 1839 St. John's Chapel
 William Relfem: 22nd Nov 1852 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, SussexPhoebe Baker 
 b: 8th Feb 1822 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 17th Mar 1822 St. Denys Church
  b: 1832 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 4th Aug 1839 St. John's Chapel
Henry  Mary Anna  Emily Owen Jesse Amos Obed Herbert Job
b: 1853 Slaugham Gill, Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 28th Jul 1853 St. Denys Church
  b: 1859 Crowborough, Sussex  b: 1862 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 14th Dec 1862 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: 1864 Withyham, Sussex
ch: 31st Jul 1864 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1866 Slaugham Gill, Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 24th Mar 1866 St. Denys Church
d: Before 30th Mar 1866 Rotherfield, Sussex
bur: 30th Mar 1866 St. Denys Church, Rotherfield, Sussex
 b: 1867 Rotherfield, Sussex b: 1869 Crowborough, Sussex
ch: 12th Sep 1869 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: 1871 Slaugham Gill, Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 25th Mar 1871 St. Denys Church
 William James Albert        
 b: 1856 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 16th Nov 1856 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex
 b: 1861 Rotherfield, Sussex
ch: 3rd Mar 1861 St. Michael's Church, Withyham, Sussex

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