The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Whitehouse Farm      Maresfield  
Historical records

before 1579Manor recordJohn ffoord surrendered to Robert Sackville.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

after 1579Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Robert Sackvile Esq admit. Robert Earl of Dorset deceased. Richard Earl of Dorset by Harbert Springett attorney admit, fine £5.

1658 to 1678Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Lady Margaret,Countess of Thanet eldest daughter admit, relief 12d.1678 deceased, heriot horse £10.

1660Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Lying from Horny gate to the Rivulet towards the north and from thence from the side of the river towards the fforest pale by the Brickhost gate towards the east and from thence to hornygate aforesaid towards the south.

1678Manor recordOr earlier no messuageWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1679 to 1680Manor recordEarl of Thanet deceased. Brother John heir. 1680 deceased.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1681 to 1684Manor recordRichard,Earl of Thanet admit by Thomas Medley gent attorney. 1684 deceased.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1684 to 1721Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Thomas, Earl of Thanet admit by attorney John Awcocke, fine £12. 1721 surrendered to Thomas Diplock by John Medhurst of Bolbroke yeoman attorney, heriot horse.

1693Manor recordMap no 37 –- 26.1.22 acres.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1721Manor recordThomas Diplock of Maresfeild brickmaker admit, fine £12.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1724 to 1734Manor recordRobert Diplock surrendered to uses. 1734 surrendered usesWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1761 to 1792Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
John Diplock mortgage Martin Hoath of Maresfeild yeoman £120. 1770 mortgage Robert Hoath of Maresfeild yeoman £164. satis 1782. 1782 mortgage Anthony Wheeler of Maresfeild yeoman £164. 1794 satis. 1792 deceased.

1792 to 1794Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Thomas Diplock only son admit on 2nd proc, relief 12d, with 10 acres, Clayfields, 10. 2. 00 acres assart within Forest, 1 rood so=DM.M46">1 rood south of Clayfields, 1/2 acre by Kenwards house. 1794 surrendered to Timothy Mills, heriot compo £2.

1794 to 1802Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Timothy Mills of Maresfeild yeoman admit fine £9 and surrendered to will and mortgage Thomas Diplock £600, with 10 acres, Clayfields, 10. 2. 00 acres ass0. 2. 00 acres assart within Forest, 1 rood south of Clayfields. 1802 satis. 1802 surrendered to Thomas Willis.

1801 to 1808Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
Grant Henry Milton of Maresfeild husbandman,fine £1/1/- .1807 deceased.

1802 to 1814Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Thomas Willis of Maresfeild yeoman admit, fine £10 and mortgage Timothy Mills £300, with 2 acres at Whitehouse Common 1824 satis. 1808 surrendered to will. 1814 deceased.

1808 to 1811Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
Mary wife of Christopher Chrippes of Maresfeild yeoman only child admit by probate.1811 surrendered JT £50.

1811 to 1859Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
John Tyler of Maresfeild shoemaker admit.1835 mortgage Samuel Attree of Maresfield gent £250,with M22.1837 mortgage SA £50, with M22.1870 exors satis.1859 deceased.

1814Manor recordWhitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor
Formed by partition of Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel land, 27 acres within the forest. Land west of stream.

1814Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Partition to form M22A.14 acres to east of stream which flows from spring below house to Maresfeild Forge pond. by apportionment 6d annual rent

1814 to 1822Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Thomas Willis of Maresfeild forgeman admit on 3rd proc subject to mortgage, fine £15 and surrendered to will. 1822 surrendered to John Tyler £322/10/-, heriot compo £5/5/- .

1814 to 1837Manor recordWhitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor
James Willis eldest son admit on 3rd proc. subject to mortgage, relief 6d. 1824 mortgage Francis Harding Gell £60. 1837 surrendered to John Hobden £200 and mortgage to Gell £100. 1838 satis.

1822 to 1859Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
John Tyler of Maresfeild yeoman admit subject to mortgage, fine £15 and surrendered to will. 1835 mortgage Samuel Attree of Maresfield gent £250, with 1 acre at Whitehouse Common. 1837 mCommon. 1837 mortgage Samuel Attree £50, with 1 acre at Whitehouse Common. 1870 exors satis. 1859 deceased.

1837 to 1870Manor recordWhitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor
John Hobden the elder of Lewes builder admit, fine £16. 1870 deceased.

1840Manor recordTithe map nos. 950/55 – 12.1.10 acres.Whitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor

1840Manor recordTithe map nos. 962/68, 974/75 — 13.3.04 acres.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1840Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
Tithe map pt nos.956/61 – 6.3.02 acres with 2 acres at Whitehouse Common.

30th Mar 1851CensusHead; employs 1 person; occupation FARMErJacob TylerWhitehouse1851 Census
Maresfield, Sussex
WifeSarah Tyler [Awcock]
DaughterFrances Awcock
SonEnoch Tyler
Daughter; occupation SCHOLARSarah Tyler
Daughter; occupation SCHOLARAbigail Ann Ridley [Tyler]
DaughterJulia Tyler
DaughterEmma Tyler
SonJesse Tyler
Father; widowedJohn Tyler
Servant; occupation: farm labourerRichard Alfred Vinall, farm labourer

30th Mar 1851CensusHead; occupation: millerThomas Avery, millerWhitehouse1851 Census
Maresfield, Sussex
WifeMary Avery
Daughter; occupation: scholarOrpha Avery
Daughter; occupation: scholarEmma Avery
Son; occupation: scholarGeorge Avery
SonAllan Avery
SonThomas Avery

1860 to 1879Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
Jacob Tyler admit on 2nd proc, with 1 acre at Whitehouse Common. 1870 mortgage Charles Damper of Buxted farmer £300, with 1 acre at Whitehouse Common. 1880 Common. 1880 exors satis. 1879 deceased. exors surrendered JR £800.

1860 to 1879Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
Jacob Tyler admit on 2nd proc,with M22.1870 mortgage Charles Damper of Buxted farmer £300, with M22.1880 exors satis.1879 deceased,exors surrendered ET £800.

1867Directory entryPenfold Berrick, farmer, White House farm, DuddleswellWhite House farm, DuddleswellPost Office Directory

1873 to 1884Manor recordWhitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor
Frances Page widow of Fairwarp daughter admit by will on 3rd proc, Richard Wisdom gent attorney, fine £16, occupier John Best. 1884 deceased.

1874Directory entryPenfold Berrick, farmer, White House farm, DuddleswellWhite House farm, DuddleswellPost Office Directory

c 1875RecollectionsJacob TylerWhitehouse FarmAshdown Forest dispute

During The Ashdown Forest Dispute 1876-1882 commoners and land owners were interviewed by the solicitor William Raper. Their comments were recorded in a series of notebooks:

Tyler, Jacob. Aged 66. Owns Whitehouse Farm at Widehurst Common, Maresfield, about 20 acres which he inherited from his Father or Mother. It is held of Duddleswell Manor. He has been in possession for about 50 years.


c 1875Fairwarp, Hendall, Lampool and Whitehouse, North of Maresfield - c 1875Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1875 by Ordnance SurveyWhitehouse Farm

1879Manor record8.0.10 acres with M85.LandDuddleswell Manor

1879 to 1906Manor recordWhitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor
of Misbourne Farm carpenter admit, fine £50.1880 mortgage Harriatt Champion of 8 Gladstone Terrace Brighton widow, James Broad of Lewes tallow chandler and George Peter Broad of Lewes tallow chandler £700. 1893 satis. 1882. 1893 satis. 1882 licence to cut timber for repairs. 1893 mortgage Elias Turner of Danehill retired grocer £700. 1906 satis. 1906 enfranchised.

1879 to 1906Manor recordLandDuddleswell Manor
Enoch Tyler of Maresfeild farmer admit,with M85.1880 mortgage Thomas Weller of Fords Green beer retailer £600,with M85.1906 enfranchised.

1884Manor recordWhitehouse, barn and buildingsDuddleswell Manor
Lucy Rose wife of Frederick Lewis of Fairwarp grocer, nee Page, daughter of John Hobden admit by will, fine £30 and mortgage Alice Mary Cole spinster of Lewes £200. 1886 satis. 1886 mortgage William Harwood Cochrane Esq ofod Cochrane Esq of Thornton Houghchester, Rev Frederick Moor of Battle and Henry Elliot Currey Esq of Lewes £200. 1907 satis. 1900 Lucy Rose wife of Henry Jesse Ridley mortgage William Harmood Cochran Esq of 9 Cook St Liverpool, Rev Frederic Moor of Rossetta Horsham and Henry Elliot Curry Esq of Lewes £130, 1907 satis. subject to preceding.and same again £170. 1907 satis. 1909 mortgage Rev Frederick Moor of Horsham, Henry Ernest Cole of West Lynn I.O.W.and Edward Samuel Currey of 73 Castletown Rd West Kensington £500 paid to Cochran and Moor, with M34. 1921 mortgage Alice Mary Moor widow of 15 Eaton Gardens Hove £500, with M34.

1906Manor recordEnfranchised.Whitehouse, messuage, 1 parcel landDuddleswell Manor

1906Manor recordEnfranchised.LandDuddleswell Manor

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