The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Lordswell Lane      Crowborough  
Places in Lordswell Lane
Ashdown Lodge
Beaconhill Cottage
Fair View
Forest View
Heath Cottage
Ivy Cottage
Monkstown Cottage
Rock Cottage
Spring Cottage
The Garlands
The Lodge
Historical records

1563Historythe lordes well [Lordswell]Pullein's Rotherfield
Elizabethan Survey taken from the Duchy of Lancaster Miscellaneous Books (vol. 112) in the Public Record Office, the year being 6 Elizabeth (1563 and 1564)
"The Borroughe of Allchorne lying in the parishes of Retherfelde, Buxsted and Selmyston.
Surveyors. Robert Tye, Constable, Richard Vynall, John Burgeis, John Alchorne
They say upon their othes
The Boundaries of the said Borroughe
Beginneth in Retherfelde from the litell Hammerponde of Litell Boxted [Little Forge]. And from thence leading upp the Streame unto a long Ghyll from thence to Shotts [Shooters Cross now Burnt Oak] from thence Downe by a bridge to the Wysshe. And so from thence leading upp by a gyll to Allfreys, Kechyn [Ketches] and so from thence to Crowboroug ende from thence unto the lordes well [Lordswell] from the same well to Coker well and from thence to Toffethornes from thence to Blackpitt from thence to Stobbewell. And from thence leading to Hoodedyke. And so from thence leading down by Hoodes Gyll unto a hedge from thence to Kerye lane. And so from the said lane leading by a hedge to Pygred [Pickreed] lane. And so from thence to foresaid Hammerponde.
Memodm. That in the said Borroughe is a common lying in Retherfelde. The tenants whereof pay yerely unto Sir Richard Sackvyle Knight who is lord of the same - jd."

26th Feb 1839South View & Lords Well, South of Crowborough - 1839Ann Jarvis (occupier and owner)Ann Jarvis [Cripps]House and Garden, Buildings (0 acres 0 roods 36 perches) plot 2817Rotherfield Tithe Map

26th Feb 1839South View & Lords Well, South of Crowborough - 1839Solomon Smith (occupier and owner)Solomon Smith, farmerHomestead, House and Buildings ( acres 1 roods 6 perches) plot 2832Rotherfield Tithe Map

c 1875South View & Lords Well, South of Crowborough - c 1875Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1875 by Ordnance SurveyLordswell

3rd Apr 1881CensusThomas Jarvis, M, Head, single, age 30, born Rotherfield; occupation: carrierThomas Jarvis, carrierLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Benjamin Parker, M, Serv, single, age 23, born Buxted; occupation: servantBenjamin J. Parker

3rd Apr 1881CensusHenery Brooks, M, Head, married, age 34; occupation: farm labourerHenry Brooks, farm labourerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mary Ann Brooks, F, Wife, married, age 34, born RotherfieldMary Ann (Polly) Brooks [Jarvis]
Ernest H. Brooks, M, Son, age 11; occupation: scholarErnest Henry Brooks, house painter
Alfred Brooks, M, Son, age 10; occupation: scholarAlfred Brooks
Rose Agnes Brooks, F, Daughter, age 7, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarRose Agnes Brooks
George J. Brooks, M, Son, age 5, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarGeorge Joshua Brooks
Ann M. Brooks, F, Daughter, age 4, born RotherfieldAnna M. Brooks
Charles J. Brooks, M, Son, age 1, born RotherfieldCharles James Brooks

3rd Apr 1881CensusDavid Gammon, M, Head, widowed, age 58, born Rotherfield; occupation: farm labourerDavid Gammon, farm labourerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex

3rd Apr 1881CensusJohn Whatford, M, Head, married, age 53, born Buxted; occupation Baptist MinisterJohn Whatford, baptist ministerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mary Ann Whatford, F, Wife, married, age 45, born OreMary Ann Whatford
Samuel Whatford, M, Son, single, age 21, born Hastings; occupation Bricklayer JourneymanSamuel Whatford, bricklayer
Peter Whatford, M, Son, single, age 19, born Hastings; occupation Bricklayer's labourerPeter Whatford
Nathaniel Whatford, M, Son, age 13, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarNathanael Whatford
Benoni B. Whatford, M, Son, age 10, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarBenoni Benjamin Whatford, coachman
Ebenezer Whatford, M, Son, age 8, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarEbenezer Whatford, bricklayer's labourer
Ebenezer Whatford, M, Son, age 8, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarEbenezer Whatford, bricklayer's labourer
Mercy C. Whatford, F, Daughter, age 6, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarMercy C. Whatford
Mercy C. Whatford, F, Daughter, age 6, born Rotherfield; occupation ScholarMercy C. Whatford

3rd Apr 1881CensusCharles Arnold, M, Head, married, age 67, born Surrey; occupation: tin manCharles Arnold, umbrella manufacturerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Susan Arnold, F, Wife, married, age 54, born LewesSusannah Arnold [Roder]
Patience Arnold, F, Daughter, single, age 24, born RotherfieldPatience Arnold
Leighton Arnold, M, Son, single, age 18, born Rotherfield; occupation: miller's apprenticeLeighton Arnold
Susan Dadswell, F, Grand Daughter, age 4, born UckfieldSusan Dadswell

3rd Apr 1881CensusMathew Arnold, M, Head, married, age 31, born Withyham; occupation: tin manMatthew ArnoldLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mary Ann Arnold, M, Wife, married, age 26, born RotherfieldMary Ann Arnold
Solomon Arnold, M, Son, age 3, born RotherfieldSolomon Arnold
Julia Arnold, F, Daughter, age 1, born RotherfieldJulia Arnold
Elizabeth Richardson, F, Boarder, widowed, age 54, born Mayfield; occupation Needle WomanElizabeth Richardson

3rd Apr 1881CensusHenery Taylor, M, Head, married, age 46, born Buxted; occupation: farm labourerHenry Edmund Taylor, farm labourerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Frances Taylor, F, Wife, married, age 43, born RotherfieldFrances Taylor [Pilbeam]
Alfred H. Taylor, M, Son, age 13, born Rotherfield; occupation: farm labourerAlfred Henry Taylor, gardener
Flora Jane Taylor, F, Daughter, age 12, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarFlora Jane Taylor
John Taylor, M, Son, age 9, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarJohn Taylor
George Taylor, M, Son, age 7, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarGeorge Taylor

3rd Apr 1881CensusRobert Jarvis, M, Head, married, age 57, born Rotherfield; occupation: farmerRobert Reed Jarvis, farm labourerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Elizabeth J. Jarvis, F, Wife, married, age 55, born RotherfieldElizabeth Jane Jarvis [Smith]
Elizabeth Jarvis, F, Grand Daughter, age 9, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarElizabeth Jarvis

3rd Apr 1881CensusWilliam Taylor, M, Head, married, age 49, born Rotherfield; occupation: charcoal burnerWilliam Taylor, charcoal burnerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Emily Taylor, F, Wife, married, age 37, born East GrinsteadEmily Taylor [Everest]
Bertha Taylor, F, Daughter, single, age 17, born RotherfieldBertha Barton [Taylor]
William Taylor, M, Son, age 6, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarWilliam Taylor, cartage contractor

3rd Apr 1881CensusReuben Taylor, M, Head, married, age 44, born Rotherfield; occupation: charcoal burnerReuben Taylor, charcoal burnerLordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mary Ann Taylor, F, Wife, married, age 41, born RotherfieldMary Ann Taylor [Parker]
Charles Taylor, M, Son, single, age 21, born Rotherfield; occupation: charcoal burnerCharles Parker Taylor, charcoal burner
Arthur Taylor, M, Son, single, age 17, born Rotherfield; occupation: charcoal burnerArthur Taylor, farmer
Eden Taylor, F, Daughter, single, age 15, born RotherfieldEden Taylor
Sarah Taylor, F, Daughter, age 12, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarSarah Taylor
Mary Ann Taylor, F, Daughter, age 10, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarMary Ann Martin
Edward Taylor, M, Son, age 8, born Rotherfield; occupation: scholarEdward Taylor
Reuben Taylor, M, Son, age 1, born RotherfieldReuben Taylor, farmer

3rd Apr 1881CensusEliza Berwick, F, Head, widowed, age 56, born RotherfieldEliza Berwick [Latter]Lordswell1881 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mercy Price, F, Visitor, single, age 17, born RotherfieldMercy Price
John Down, M, Lodger, single, age 54, born Tonbridge; occupation: farm labourerJohn Down

1890HistoryLord's WellFirmin's Guide

We will turn to the left for a short distance over the Common, and then, leaving it behind, wend our way to South View. A little way on this road we come to a bye-road on the right; let us go down this road to visit the finest spring in Crowborough, known as Lord's Well. There is no authentic account of the reason of the application of this name, though imagination has been busy in attaching a legend to it, viz., that after a battle between Britons and Saxons at Slaughterham Ghyll, on the Common just below, the chiefs assembled at this spring to settle the terms of an armistice. The name Slaughterham Ghyll may have suggested such a possibility. It appears to me to be more probable that it should derive its name from the lord of the manor.

Retracing our steps, we pass some cottages and a chapel, and get into the main road again, near the grocery stores of Mr. Deeprose, in the wall of which shop is a postal box. On the right and left, as we proceed, are several houses and cottages until we reach Trunches Corner, where four roads meet. The one on the left leads to the Cross; on the right is the way to White Hill, and the one in front of us, called Myrtle Road, leads to the village green, or, as it is generally called, Chapel Green. Here is situated the parish church, All Saints, and the vicarage. This church has no traditional history beyond that of the original building having been erected by Sir H. Fermor, Bart, The old chapel was too small for the accommodation of the increased number of parishioners; it had also by decay become unfit for use as a place of public worship. After it had been separated from the Charity and handed over to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, it was pulled down, and the present building erected by subscription in 1882. Unfortunately, from a sentimental desire to preserve the old tower, the opportunity was lost of erecting an imposing architectural building. The space not allowing room for a structure of fine proportions without the removal of the tower, we have now a church nearly as broad as it is long, with no decoration to compensate for the want of elegant symmetry. This will not, however, disturb the manes of Sir H. Fermor.

There is a charm in the situation of the church, and the distant views seen from it must call forth the admiration of anyone having the slightest appreciation of beauty in nature.

Going up Church Road, in the direction of the Beacon, we take the first turning to the right, and so wend our way back to the Cross.

5th Apr 1891CensusHenery J Neve, M, Head, married, age 39, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: general labourerHenery Neve, farm labourerLords Well1891 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Mary Ann Neve, F, Wife, married, age 34, born Fletching, SussexMary Ann Neve
Henry T Neve, M, Son, single, age 13, born Rotherfield, SussexHenery J. Neve
Louisa K Neve, F, Daughter, age 10, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: scholarLouisa Kate Tester [Neve]
Alice E Neve, F, Daughter, age 7, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: scholarAlice E Neve
Rose E Neve, F, Daughter, age 5, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: scholarRose E Neve
Nellie S Neve, F, Daughter, age 3, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: scholarNellie S Neve
Lizzie T Neve, F, Daughter, age 5 months, born Rotherfield, SussexLizzie T Neve

5th Apr 1891CensusJohn Bishop, M, Head, married, age 29, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: general labourerJohn Bishop, general labourerLords Well1891 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Eden Bishop, F, Wife, married, age 25, born Rotherfield, SussexEden Bishop
Albert Bishop, M, Son, age 4, born Rotherfield, SussexAlbert Bishop
Alice Bishop, F, Daughter, age 2, born Rotherfield, SussexAlice Bishop
Annie Bishop, F, Daughter, age 7 months, born Rotherfield, SussexAnnie Bishop
George Bishop, M, Brother, single, age 20, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: general labourerGeorge Bishop
Fanny Bishop, F, Sister, single, age 22, born Rotherfield, SussexFanny Drusilla Ann Bishop

5th Apr 1891CensusJesse Hemsley, M, Head, married, age 58, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: farm labourerJesse Hemsley, farm labourerLords Well1891 Census
Rotherfield, Sussex
Frances Marie Hemsley, F, Wife, married, age 58, born Rotherfield, SussexMaria Frances Helmsley [Fermor]
Mercy Hemsley, F, Daughter, single, age 22, born Rotherfield, SussexMercy Hemsley
Peter Warnett, M, Son-in-law, widowed, age 42, born Danehill, Sussex; occupation Farm LabourerPeter Warnett
Kate Phebe Warnett, F, Granddaughter, single, age 11, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: scholarKate Phoebe Bedwell [Hemsley]
Herbert G Warnett, M, Grandson, age 7, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation ScholarHerbert G Warnett
Ernest Tom Warnett, M, Grandson, age 5, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation ScholarErnest Tom Warnett
Charlotte Warnett, F, Granddaughter, age 4, born Rotherfield, SussexCharlotte Warnett
Frances May Warnett, F, Granddaughter, age 2, born Rotherfield, SussexFrances May Warnett

c 1899South View & Lords Well, South of Crowborough - c 1899Part of the 6 inch to 1 mile map of Sussex produced in 1899 by Ordnance SurveyLordswell

1910Lords Well LaneLords Well Lane, Crowborough photographed by A.H. Homewood, Burgess HillPrivate collection

2nd Apr 1911CensusWilliam James Pilbeam, M, Head, married, age 51, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: market gardenerWilliam James Pilbeam, market gardenerLords Well Lane, South View1911 Census
Crowborough, Sussex
Margaret Pilbeam, F, Wife, married 32 years, age 48, born Crowborough, SussexMargaret Pilbeam
Arthur Pilbeam, M, Son, single, age 21, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: cab driver for fatherArthur Pilbeam
Ernest George Pilbeam, M, Son, single, age 16, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: gardenerErnest George Pilbeam
Nelson William Pilbeam, M, Son, age 14, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: noneNelson William Pilbeam
May Pilbeam, F, Daughter, age 12, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: schoolMay Pilbeam
Frank Pilbeam, M, Son, age 9, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: schoolFrank Pilbeam
Harold Pilbeam, M, Son, age 8, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: schoolHarold Pilbeam
Edward Pilbeam, M, Son, age 6, born Crowborough, Sussex; occupation: schoolEdward Pilbeam

2nd Apr 1911CensusFlora Jane Taylor, F, Head, single, age 41, born Rotherfield, SussexFlora Jane TaylorLords Well Lane, South View1911 Census
Crowborough, Sussex
Percy Henry Taylor, M, Son, single, age 20, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: gardenerPercy Henry Taylor
George Taylor, M, Brother, single, age 36, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: general labourerGeorge Taylor
James Gilbert, M, Boarder, widow, age 72, born Rotherfield, Sussex; occupation: retired labourerJames Gilbert

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